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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Habs fans are just as annoying don't kid yourself.
  2. No one is planning parade routes. They're within 4 points of the playoffs which a month ago seemed unfathomable. Great game by Bozak, that was nice to see. Really nice to stick it to the Habs in their building in a game they wanted just as much.
  3. As has been mentioned by more than one, it's worth it for the steaks alone. I'm bbq'ing a juicy costco sirloin as I type this. 17 bucks for four gigantic thick sirloins can't be beat.
  4. I don't need another reel, I have too many as it is.
  5. Thanks for posting this Jennifer, it's great to hear. All the best to you and yours.
  6. Agreed Ben. I'll definitely be putting it through it's paces this year so time will tell. Yeah well, I figured I'd take the high road on this one. I'm getting tired of the bickering and locked threads. That's exactly what I said to the ABU rep Art, totally agree.
  7. For those that may be interested, I was contacted by Pure Fishing in Brantford today and they are replacing my defective Revo Toro free of charge. Was it good karma? The power of the internet? Who knows? I'm not going to speculate as to why this offer was extended out of the blue. I am however very happy and thankful. A big thumbs up to ABU!
  8. Billions of them come spring time in the south shore Erie trib's.
  9. I tend to agree, but when you're talking about an almost $300 reel that breaks the 2nd day you use it I want it replaced or fixed at no charge. My scenario is a lot different than, say for example, someone who busts the plastic lip off a $6 lure bouncing it off rocks then whines about not getting any satisfaction from the company. In that case I'd probably tell that person to suck it up, quit your whining, and buy another lure. Just saying...
  10. Thanks for the offer bud. I'll shoot you a pm if it comes to that. Now that's a great idea! Should have thought of it myself. At the moment I have a friend badgering an ABU rep he knows to help me out. If this doesn't pan out I'll start following these other leads. Pretty dissapointed to hear so many others are having problems with this reel though. I thought maybe it was just me.
  11. What broke on yours? It was the line guide on mine. Didn't bother me in the slightest Art. If you can dish it out you can take it too.
  12. Yeah I talked to them directly in Brantford. They referred me to the place in Orillia.
  13. Fantastic, nice to see you're bringing the kids, they'll love the adventure!
  14. That's called payin' your dues. Next time you'll crush them!
  15. Congrat's to you and everyone else in your family John. That's big news!
  16. What's ultimately going to happen because I have no other options, I'll bring the reel to Aikmens and pay to have them fix it. (They won't fix it for free I asked). Huge pain for me 'cause A.I don't have the time and B. I despise dealing with Aikmens Oh well, live and learn.
  17. Last July I made a post asking if anyone knew of any rep's I could deal with directly. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=45609&st=0&p=487690&hl=ABU%20Garcia&fromsearch=1entry487690 The line guide on my Revo Toro stopped functioning the second day of its use on a fly in trip no less. Anyhow I just started inquiring about it a month ago since I'd been busy 'till then and have the time now. I contacted a couple of different people that were recommended to me on my thread, plus ABU directly. The only response I received was from ABU. They're not going to do anything for me. They expressed their concern that I have a problem with my reel, but they won't do anything directly to help, and suggested I take the reel to some place in Orillia. Fantastic service, gotta love it.
  18. That's the way she goes buddy. You'll get 'em next time.
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