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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. With the cost of cork these days it's cheaper for the manufacturer. That's about all I can come up with. (Don't say it's a weight saver. Lord knows 4" of cork weighs an absolute ton LOL!) What was that? Are you drinking Billy?
  2. Or the cowboy from the Village People. There's just something about a stache that's groovy.
  3. It's the German in me. "Vee haff ways of making you bite!!"
  4. That's a matter of opinion. Seems a little extreme to me.
  5. What an unbelievable fish, congrat's to everyone involved. I'm all for releasing big fish, but a potential world record? No way would I have put it back. (Am I the only one willing to admit that? )
  6. WTG Brady, gotta love it when you hit it just right.
  7. Right on dude. I'm not ready for ice myself, but if it's brookies like that I'd make an exception.
  8. Man you must be bored. Borat goes steelheading.
  9. No, but 90% of the guys on the river are one trick ponies. Floatfishing is deadly as well as fun but being versatile separates you from the pack.
  10. HAHA! That's awesome. I've been fishing hardware for steelhead my whole life but this fall I dedicated myself to getting really good at it. So far it's been a revelation. Deadly technique in your arsenal and so much more than just chucking out a spinner and reeling it in. There are little subtleties involved that make a world of difference.
  11. I have a better chance of simultaneously winning the lottery and getting struck by lightning.
  12. Maybe so, maybe so.....BUT all of my coworkers are Muslim. If I tried to throw a staff Christmas party some of them would probably charge me with religious discrimination.
  13. My office is open 24/7 and when we're here we work alone. Head office is in Ottawa, so too far away. I have a handful of coworkers all of whom are weird. No Christmas party stress here.
  14. Outstanding bud, nice to see you took advantage of the mini holliday. I considered crossing the border to fish, then thought better of it. Border delays were horrendous this past long weekend.
  15. Looks like a blast Will. Probably a teeny bit too early yet eh? Back when I fished out there a ton in the fall I always had my best success jigging spoons...clean with no bait....in deep water off the points. Fun way to fish when things are slow, although moreso for numbers.
  16. Really nice clean fish dude. Enjoy the weather while you can, it's looking above seasonal for the next little while. I know I will.
  17. Thanks lads, glad you enjoyed! Just a dad, nothing special. He really does, kind of boggles my mind actually. You should see him cast too. For a kid who just turned 5 he's doing pretty well. Yeah I know, a longer net would've helped for sure! It's uncle Horst btw. He's mistakenly been called a lot of things over the years, from Horace, to Horse. Nice to see you chime in, havn't seen you on the board in a while! Oh man, I'm not even close to being ready for snow yet. Enjoy yourself up there bud, it must really be an adventure! Thanks, but most dads would do the same. I'm no different than a million others... Wish I could get my daughter out, that's currently the big challenge for me.
  18. I recently brought my son and uncle out for a day of steelheading. It was kind of neat for me as my uncle, now pushing 80 was my angling mentor as a young child. It did my heart good to have all 3 of us in the boat together. My sons enthusiasm is contagious. The Agony Of Defeat <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MXwWjSyTXBY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Sweet, Sweet Success! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qTm44zYAAEw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Probably my fault for my earlier reply. In retrospect it was a mistake and not needed. In any case kudos to Emil once again. You've got nowhere to go but down now buddy.
  20. Really great story Cliff, thank you for explaining what it means to be a fan for so many of us. I could ramble on with similar tales, but the bottom line as you so eloquently related, they're not just a team, they're a part of the fabric of who I am. Have been since I was a very young child. What I'd like to know from Ottawa fans, exactly who did you cheer for prior to 1992? Unless you're a teen who's never known anything different it was likely the Canadiens or (gasp) the Leafs. How does one switch allegience so easily? I can tell you right now if my hometown Hamilton ever did get an NHL team, I'd never cheer for them. I'm a Leaf fan through and through. For those of you who once cheered for the Blue and White, but chose to be fans of another team because of geographical location, well you're not a true fan. A true fan would never abandon their team.
  21. Each to their own Bruce. Sorry for my earlier reply.
  22. Emil, I'm equally blown away by your instant success and very very happy for you!! Truly outstanding. And yeah, it appears as though one of your fish was a coho.
  23. Visions of Cujo. I would have started the car and ran it over.
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