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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Congrats! I hope to get my first tomorrow!
  2. Skinnama-Rick-ee-dinky-dink?
  3. We fish the grand in Caledonia and its been producing. (Not for us, but for others) Not sure about bass but the steel feed is on.
  4. Did you snag it with Marshmellows?
  5. Went last night again and got skunked tossing spinners. Raptorfan lost his headlamp in the river and I lost my glow spinner... It was funny seeing his light twirling around in a whirlpool down river lol. We should have an OFC Steelhead derby Lets all get together on a weekend!
  6. Hey Guys. I'm really starting to get into the steelheading and I think I want to pick up a starter centerpin (nothing extravagant) so that I can start to get a hang of it in time for the spring (and of course catch some fish along the way). I know its all trial and error while learning how to cast and drift, but I was just wondering what the standard setup is for spooling line. For example when using braid on a spinning/baitcaster its good practice to cover the spool with mono first before putting the braid on. Is there a similar technique when spooling a centerpin? I appreciate the help as always guys... I'll be heading to my favorite steel place tonight, if you want to join me send me a message!
  7. I'm going tonight to my new favorite spot... Most likely going to pick up a new rod too
  8. Someone should draw up some sample rigs in MSPAINT or photoshop I'm having trouble following the correct way to put the float/sinkers on.
  9. I've been to one of the most popular places for steelhead 3 days in a row and hooked into one. Yesterday i was floating a drift and one came up and slammed my bobber. Snapped it in half lol. Aggressive fish for the lose..... I saw some other guy hook into one, then he got a phone call and decided to answer it instead of fighting the fish. And he lost it Other than that, I haven't had any action. I've lost alot of spinners.
  10. Can't catch fish if you don't go fishing! lol.. *cough* *nudge*
  11. I know noone is bashing, it just sucks that we have to worry about posting here for fear of being called a poacher.... Also if you noticed up until my last 2 threads I've always posted the body of water I was fishing.. but after reading the last few where the OP's are getting absolutely bashed for mentioning where they were fishing, I've decided not to put myself through the flames... I got a little glance at it when it jumped... lol
  12. I wondered how long it would take for the snagging replies to come.. sigh.... I didn't know you could snag a fish while the lure is pretty much midcast.... *shrug*... sigh..
  13. We went last night and I hooked into a monster Sadly it wrapped around some rocks and got free. You really need to fight fast to bring it somewhat close to shore and out of the 5000mph current thats there.
  14. Argh! See the report! lol...
  15. Hey Everyone. Raptorfan and I headed out to a new place tonight to do some Steelhead fishing. We geared up at H&H Tackle in Brantford then headed out. We were a little worried about wading into the water as it was unknown territory, but we took our time and got a hang of the FAST current. Raptorfan started out drifting Roe with his new 10'6 Quantum float rod (its awesome.) and while he was doing that I casted my Little Glow Cleo out. First cast, stuck on a rock, line snappage. BOOOOO. Went to shore and tied up a new rig with a snap swivel on the end for easier changing. I decided to go with a Black Mepps Spinner with Orange dots on it. I waded out to Raptorfan and casted up stream, which is against what you are supposed to do with spinners.. (I think). As soon as it hit the water, all those nights at hamilton harbour fishing for Salmon came flashing back as my line SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEECHED off the reel. I knew this was the big one. A few minutes into the fight it was still up stream and did a massive tail jump. It was huge. It was fighting stronger than my 21lb salmon that I caught a month ago. About 10 minutes in and it was now down stream and pretty much across the river. I noticed that it wasnt really fighting anymore, but the line was still coming off. I thought to myself... awesome.. its tired... time to walk downstream and land it. We got almost parallel to it, after almost going for a swim several times, and I felt that feeling in my stomach like something had happened. There was still tension on the line but nothing was happening. So we waded out to where the line was, to find out that it was wrapped around about 3 very large rocks, and the fish..... was gone...... Very reminiscent of the night where I caught a salmon but it got away as we tried to land it. I cried. I don't know how much a 'big' steelhead weighs around here, but I will say without a doubt that it was at the higher end of the TROPHY FISH tier. Even though I didn't land it, it was so exhilarating to fight such a powerful fish. I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to go back to Bass and Walleye again... they just don't fight 1/4 as hard as a Steelhead or Salmon. Then on the way back in I had a Peter Griffin moment and slipped on a rock into a bigger rock right into my shin. (Which is now 5 times the normal size and purple.) lol. Are there any specific Spinners that work better? We kind of wondered why a fish hit a black lure in the pitch black. Do they all work the same at night or are some colors better? Amazing night, can't wait to go back!
  16. +10 to Jocelyn. I bought my Baitcaster from him. He showed me how to use it and how to set it up properly. He also gave me mega tips on salmon fishing Gave me some good deals on stuff too. Its worth the drive from Brantford.
  17. I had a blast today. We saw the one bow fighting against the current up a REALLY shallow stream. We could have probably netted it, but wheres the fun in that And we only saw 1 other fish, that was just hanging out in clear water. I need to get better waders and some more comfortable gear, and I'll be happy to stay out there all day!
  18. I took my 8 foot Berkley Lightning Rod out today and I liked it I might get a Float Rod/Reel.. depending how addicted I get... If only we landed a fish
  19. Welcome to the site OFC is a goldmine of information... I <3 OFC. Unfortunately I don't know anything about ice fishing (Thats my next addiction)
  20. Beautiful fish.... thats what I need to catch.. lol
  21. Raptorfan and I decided to hit up ______ ________ to do some steelhead fishing, as we hear its the most fun of any types of fishing. Got out there around 10:30 and started in one spot and about 5 minutes in, Raptorfan went for a swim... I had a good laugh but Karma came back to me as I went head over heels over a log and almost down a steep embankment.. good times.. lol. We saw 2 in the water, one was fighting his way upstream through a shallow stream trib and the other was just hanging out. We drifted a couple different baits in front of him but he looked in very rough shape and he spooked and took off. Raptorfan did catch a tiny rainbow smaller than the hook he was using, beautiful coloring on these guys. All and all, it was a learning experience and we need to read up on proper techniques as what we were doing didnt seem to work Creek fishing is alot of work. Walking through bush and trying to maintain balance in the fast rapids. Time to do some reading....
  22. Yup!. BTW I'm leaving now.... Be there in a bit lol...
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