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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Heading out to Hamilton Harbour now to try my luck.. If anyone wants to hook up give my cell a call 519-209-3095. I'll be the guy with a green fishing vest on + Steelhead hat
  2. Thanks for the tips/info so far guys... I greatly appreciate it
  3. I switched my allegiance to the Hamilton Coyotes.
  4. Hey Everyone. I had a few questions about fishing for steel and browns... Are spoons effective at catching them? Also what about J13's, I seem to hear alot about that lure. I caught a female chinny this year and harvested the roe. I've never tied roe bags before but I've seen a few videos on how to do it. Do you absolutely have to use roe bags? can you not just put a few eggs on a hook? (yes I'm a noob) Going to hit up a few tribs today, and probably my fav spot at the harbour... Thanks for the help everyone.. I apppreciate it...
  5. There won't be cause its a lie. Read the story. 4 rods? Did it break one, cast out the line and hook it again, Break one... repeat.. lol
  6. How does 1 fish break 4 rods.... lololol...
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...-CROCODILE.html
  8. I love when people delete my posts!
  9. Fall fishing = myth. Not a single bite @ waterford in 5 hours... I tried everything in my tackle box...
  10. Yeah. These guys had no aim at all. Like 5 hours worth of shooting and they didnt get a single bird
  11. lol. Yeah it seems the most action is in the middle of the night/morning.
  12. Wow. I hope waterford is good tomorrow!
  13. Yep. Got it from fishing world for 49.99 It held up awesome. 12lb mono.
  14. After all the spoons and tricks I've tried, the very first spoon I bought turned out to be the winner! Raptorfan is mad he left lol
  15. We stopped by Petro Park to see who was there last night. There was a hen on the ground with a stick in its mouth, and all her roe spread over the grass. It was very sad. People make me upset...
  16. Good Morning everyone! Raptorfan and I have been going to Hamilton Harbour and Bronte Pier almost everyday since last Saturday, and have been getting skunked every single time. We went last night to the Harbour and casted for about an hour and I lost my favorite spoon, so we decided to move to Bronte. There was maybe 3-4 people fishing there. That should have been a sign. The water was murky as crap and couldn't see anything. So anyways we headed back to Hamilton after about an hour at Bronte, and Raptorfan decided he didn't want to wash lures anymore so he headed home. I figured since I was there I might as well cast a few. Soon as I got to the regular spot, I looked in the water and saw at least 5 rainbows darting around. They were nice size too. I casted for about an hour and had one hit but nothing exciting. So I decided to pack it in. As I was walking back along the pier, I was looking in the water with my headlight and I saw 2 rainbows just chillin on the edge of the rocks. I figured,.. what the hell.. lol. unpacked...... and then it unfolded.. Here is the charging of the spoon with my Blackberry Camera Flash Cast it about 25 yards past the 2 rainbows, it hits the water, they bolt away, possibly towards it... I like to let the spoon sink a little before reeling, so it was sinking for maybe 2-3 seconds.. tap... TAP.. SCREEEEEEEEEEECH. I fought it for about 10 minutes before I saw its face. I would have bet a million dollars it was a rainbow. Nope! I had to jump down off the pier onto the rocks below to land it, as my net didn't quite reach. I hauled her up to the pier and climbed back up. I got the hook out and weighed her quickly. 21.8lbs. I put her back in the net and jumped back down the rocks, then I tried to revive her in the water but she went belly up. I was sad because I am normally a catch and release guy., So I had to take it home. I woke my girlfriend up at 3am to take these pictures lol. She wasn't too happy edit: heres a vid of the measuring. http://www.screenshotoritdidnthappen.net/1...lmonMeasure.wmv Also my rapala measuring tape was 36 inches, and it went right from the edge of her mouth to the tip of her tail. 21.8lbs, 36 inches... my personal best any fish.. lol.. Finally got to sleep at 7am after cleaning it and putting it in the freezer. I am so tired right now. I think I need a nap before we go back tonight!
  17. Blown? lol. We might make the trip up that way. I haven't seen pike there. Which part of the harbour? The pier? or like, back the other way past the lift bridge bridge in that bay.
  18. White/White all the way.
  19. Havent heard anything about Dalhousie yet. We were thinking of going up there tonight to check it out.
  20. Fishing for Salmon tomorrow night.. Going to try a bunch of places, Hamilton Harbour, Bronte Pier, Port Dalhousie.. The usuals
  21. We haven't got anything in Hamilton in about a week. Nice fish though
  22. Quantum Code CD871CX! I love it!
  23. lol.. Pretty soon its gonna look like this,.. "I went fishing on Rice Lake at the western part of Sugar Island, GPS coordinates 2761, 2771." "I went fishing on Rice Lake." "I went fishing in water." "I went fishing." "I went out." Then there will be no text, just pictures with everything photoshopped out except the fish.
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