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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I planned on heading back there later tonight (Since its been raining pretty good since last night), and I was thinking of trying a some marshmellows, but I don't want to come here and get flamed if I catch something lol... Nor do I want to be pushed in the creek, or who knows what else....
  2. One other thing that I meant to ask. Is using Marshmallows taboo? I asked a few relatives and they said thats what they used to use back in the day to catch trout and salmon in the creeks. Then I read threads on here where people are getting flamed to holy hell for using them...
  3. Thanks for the tips so far guys.
  4. I wanted to post this last night but the site was having a stroke. I've never been salmon fishing before, and I've never seen anything quite like what I saw on Bronte Creek yesterday. There had to of been like 50 people fishing in the span of 30 feet. It was crazy. As we were walking up and down the creek, it was sad to see a bunch of dead salmon on the creek bottom with their bellies slit up Very sad. I didn't have the proper salmon baits, but I read sometimes they strike Mepps spinners, so I tossed one for a bit and didn't get any hits, but man oh man, it was sooooo cool to see a big one come up pretty much to shore and haul butt up the creek, causing huge wake. It was really cool experiencing that as I have never seen it in person. I think I have salmon fever now. After that we headed out to the pier by the skyway and talked to a bunch of people there. They were definitely jumping, however I couldn't get any of them to hit my spoons. Then, I heard of carp under the lift bridge, so I started using corn, and we started catching these... There were alot of seagulls around, and they got fed pretty well with all the gobys I was catching. It started to get pretty late, so we threw all the corn + worms into the water off the pier, and I casted my worm out one more time. This little guy put up quite the run, I was surprised lol. Awesome coloring on this guy. The picture doesn't do it justice. After that we packed it up and ate some fish+chips down the street at Hutches!
  5. I took it out down to the Pier under the Skyway yesterday, and I'm glad I tried it out before heading up to Rice!. I got a few pretty large backlashes that I eventually decided to just cut the line. After awhile though, I think I am starting to get the hang of it. I very much prefer it over my spinning rods now
  6. I agree I'm still using my spinning setups for jigging and stuffs
  7. Hey I've got 2 of those Rapala Husky Rods. They are great. (Although I hit one off the ground in a fit of rage and the tip snapped off.. lol)
  8. Yeah I've started to read some more about all the gadgets. Flipping switch is pretty cool and I think I've got the brakes figured out. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can get out and field test it in the Grand
  9. lol! Its not that I try to catch those I'm going up to Rice Lake with an OFC'r next Sunday, and thought it would be a great place to start with it Monster Walleye and Bass and possibly a musky!
  10. Welcome
  11. So I finally made it down to Angling Outfitters in Woodstock, and it was worth the drive. I got a Quantum Code CD871CX Baitcasting Reel, paired with a Quantum Tour HSX54 6'10 1 Piece Rod. I am already in love with it. Theres alot of buttons and gadgets on it that I really don't have any idea how to use yet. The guy there showed me the brake adjusting switch on the side, but I don't really know how to use it. Does anyone here have this reel?
  12. Hey Everyone. I've made plans to make the trek up to Rice Lake next Sunday to do some fishing with a fellow OFC'r. It should be a blast. I'm looking forward to meeting up with people from this board. I have a question about Boat Rentals. I am coming from Brantford, so it is a fairly long drive. Can anyone recommend a good place to rent a 14ft tinner for the day. Let me know, and if anyone else wants to come, the more the merrier! Thanks!
  13. You have to go through that special link, otherwise it is the full amount.
  14. http://www.theoperatorcard.ca/event.php $24.95. Not sure if its still Valid though.
  15. Crap, Angling Outfitters closes at 6 I wonder if theres another big store that sells it thats open later.
  16. Actually, from what I understand it is the complete opposite. Red is the first colour that will start to disappear in the water, due to the dissipation of the light under the water, which would make it the least visible. ROY G BIV
  17. I am going to head out to Angling Outfitters in Woodstock tonight, and I've been reading a lot lately about Red line. I am probably going to be buying a baitcasting setup tonight, and was thinking about pairing it with some Red Powerpro. Anyone have any experience/comments? Good? Bad? Thanks!
  18. I did mine for like $27 CAD. There was a link on this forum to do it, and I followed it
  19. What is that? I'm confused lol
  20. I go to Wilkes Dam all the time, but there's normally like 10 people down on that ledge so there's no room. What were you using to catch the carp?
  21. For Pickerel, use Jigs with Stinger hooks on a spinning setup. Definitely use a leader of sorts. For Musky, I don't think 17lb test will cut it. They are beasts. My dad uses 80lb test when fishing for musky
  22. Ahhh Very cool. Thanks for the lesson GCD I learned something new today!
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