Steve,you use to be generously proportioned,looking good bud,are you sure it's you I'm looking at lol.
Congrats Steve,have yourself a good Holiday season bud,with your Famliy.
Roy nice looking eye bud,useing your feet to hold him down too WTG, larry has fast flowing water as we know,
Keeping going out my friend,now is the time for them.Take care will talk to you soon.
Yes I,m still kicking LOL.
....What doe's that mean TJ,my old one is out dated Depends what you want to change,what you thinking about changeing ,with the old style?Make it into a3in1 style orwhat?
...Joey nice fish,but Paul catching something,that's odd at least his back is well enough to go LOL.
Now send him back to work,holidays are over now.
Wayne I'm doing fine bud,I remember that picture pretIty well.Had a great day,like Fishfarmer mentioned came in 2cd place for adults,and with some fish too.I think Monique still has that prize LOL.
Chris,way to go bud,that is one awesome buck,still trying to get mine with a compound bud,seen a 12 pointer,thats been roamining around my stand,hopefullybefore the season ends,I Will get him.They sure do taste good.You enjoy.ttyl.
Chris,way to go bud,that is one awesome buck,still trying to get mine with a compound bud,seen a 12 pointer,thats been roamining around my stand,hopefullybefore the season ends,I Will get him.They sure do taste good.Yopu enjoy.ttyl.