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Everything posted by bottombouncer

  1. Totally agreed! Was this just a 1 time publishing? Or could some of us get our hands on it?
  2. where are you located?? trailer doesnt have lights,i used the magnetic crappy tire ones all summer..trailer also has a pin lock dump load/unload capability...theres is a 12ft aluminum that is being sold with it but i will separate if no offers are made for the pair.
  3. i dont think your right to keep fish should grant you just that in every body of water or just because one fish species is smaller then another.theres alot to take into consideration depending on what body of water your on,big or small.some of them big bass,pike,musky or walleye,got that big because of an abundant food source or the lack of competition because of catch what you keep fishing.if perch is the main forage and everyone decides to keep their limits day in to day out,that plays a negative role on everything as well.years of keep what you catch fishing does play a huge role in a fishery,big or small.think about all them perch you ice throughout the winter,they are full of eggs and will never drop them to reproduce.granted big water does have bigger numbers but scale that down to small lakes when limits are kept by a number of people,it hurts that fishery and every species that prey on them...some places cant take the pressure of a ton of anglers,especially when keeping fish.keep in mind,that big fish,make a potential big fish.as a general,a 18-20" bass is about 18-20 years old...you take that,you forever take a good genetic strain and the same goes for every species big or small. i as well remember your posts on other boards asking for fishing locations and not everyone is "warm" to coughing that info up.i would suggest going on google maps and having a look at whatever body of water/river you intend on fishing and look for suitable access points and go from there....
  4. ive used one on everything from canoe trips on rivers,out on a boat in big water or on the ice.water clarity can be somewhat of an issue at times but a good one is definitely worth its weight in gold and will show you just that after the first time you use it..
  5. i used to have issues with finding specific colour patterns in actual senkos that i wanted in my local stores.i was forced to try different brand names and found that the only down side was the action in each varies but they still produce fish..and some even out produce senkos on waters i fish..
  6. id say 2008/2009 was my most productive..i iced more big gators,more slabs and caught consistently more big fish all year then any other.
  7. lmao,me too! and a cell phone!
  8. i grew up in brantford.this isnt the first koi caught in that section of the grand and im sure it isnt the last..and if you know brantford,theres a small lake that holds a healthy population of carp and these guys are almost as common as they are in that place...lol either way,a cool little catch!
  9. smashed these while bass fishing all summer last year.not as big as some but just my addition to the post....and to answer someones question as many of you have.im more then happy taking a few of these tasty little guys home with me...
  10. the guy in the white snow pants (me) has a 12" herring in his mouth.....i had a great day out on the ice with you,eric and carina.im glad we could get her on some fish while she was there,what a great random little spot! most of all,im glad you got your bday gator! looking forward to the next time we get out,as always! and i would have to call complete crap on the mnr tip line,atleast for the area and species we were fishing!!!! called twice,gave 2 reports and kept the dispatcher updated as requested.even left my cell number in case they had issues finding us and didnt even get a call back or a visit! like rich said,maybe we should call and report a trout or 2 being caught and kept o.o.s..i bet they would be there in minutes! its no wonder why you hear more and more about fights and people taking matters in to there own hands.if the people we pay our annual fees and donations to wont come out,then how do we protect our waters??
  11. i would agree totally! with out confidence,your bait is really nothing.i can remember when i was experimenting with baits,i finally found one i liked.when i went back to get more,they were sold out and i had to use something completely different.i lost patients,kept moving them around and even cancelled a day out because i didnt have confidence in what i had..funny thing is,after i found my go to again.i gave my sub-par choice to a buddy and they worked well for him and hes been using them since,lol...
  12. i think its funny that i keep reading the same things over and over again......this is thread number 3 about the same thing,in less then as many weeks or days even....and why werent you happy with the 12" herring? they work well too.i use frozen mackerel,sardines,ciscoes and giant creek chubs or suckers all with success.yes,the oily the better! but trust me,fish can sniff out any dead bait in there area or hunting grounds..and the bigger the profile of the bait,the more chances you have of a pike seeing it in the distance.using big dead baits,you decrease or eliminate all those pesky hammer handles,which can piss you right off by stripping your 6" baits all day!
  13. ive experimented this year with night fishing on the ice and we slammed some decent slabs,no perch and no pike at night..we set up around 4 and fish till the wee hours of the night.if you are prepared it can be a fun and enjoyable little adventure..
  14. "Seen sardines in Fortino's today. 6"+, nothing smaller." you dont want anything smaller then 6".i try to pick through all the bags until i find one with some giants in them.there packaged by weight and you might only get 4-6 in a bag..and trust me,they can be worth there weight in gold to a guy that fishes for pike! and rich.i cant wait to get out friday for your b-day and chase some more of those big girls with ya!
  15. there is a list of allowed live bait in the regs and perch is not in there.as for dead bait,especially perch.i would find an alternative just to be safe.besides,theres so many other options for dead bait you shouldnt even have to worry about using a perch.i use these tasty little morsels (sardines) as dead bait.there like $3.50 a bag and you get 8 or more of them in a bag, depending on the weight.i stumbled across them a year or 2 ago and cant head out for a day of pike fishing with out them.if thawed when you drop it down the hole,it looks like you sprayed wd40 in the water.the oil/sent trail these give off is amazing! and i have lots of pictures of gators,i and another member of this board caught over the past year or 2 using them.my profile pic was caught using them and there was a report my buddy (rich) posted a couple weeks back with a 38" gator i caught using them,so there tried tested and true! ...you can find them at most of the bigger grocery stores.zhers,real canadian super store and fortinos have them for sure..
  16. anything under 30 ft is usually good,fizzing works if you know how to do it properly.you can always practise on a fish that you intend on keeping...
  17. lmao,great year in review!
  18. congrats on some nice looking gators!
  19. "The reality is noone here knows what actually happened, likely he went down and said get off my property, the two punks probably told him to go F himself, he went back grab the shotty, loaded it with bird shot and fired around in the air and the two punks took off. Both are at fault and both should be sentanced. The difference is the two fishermen in this case started the whole incident by breaking the law in the first place so they should be dealt a stiffer sentance". your right,no one knows for sure what really happened but from growing up and fishing in the area for years.i do know that this guy has always had issues with trespassing and has had signs posted along his property for as long as i can remember.from what i was told by a very reliable source,these 2 guys have been there before,knew they were in the wrong and the property owner has called the police countless times with no results,until he decided to take matters in his own hands.both guys have not been charged with trespassing and have not faced any penalties what so ever.not even when the guy shot at them were they harmed or any serious injuries took place....im not saying he was in the right for pulling his gun out and shooting at them but i do feel his pain and frustrations that even when doing the right thing and calling the opp and posting signs,no results took place...in my opinion,the 2 guys ignorantly ignored any signs and should face some kind of penalty as well.we as anglers have a responsibility to follow any laws and respect the property of others..just because there is great fishing past a no trespassing sign,that doesnt give anyone the right or the authority to ignore those signs..you would be surprised at how far respecting someones property and just simply asking for permission will go.its people like that and those that leave there garbage every where,that give all anglers a bad name...
  20. "Nice going! Hate the BEARS toque...hate the bears...go PACKERS!" clinched there division,by in the first round,nuff said!! lol... as always,it was a blast to be out catching some fish with ya,rich!!
  21. hes not in jail..he instantly appealed his sentence and was re-released on his same bail conditions.the entire process can take another year to go through and he can either receive more time or less after the appeal......
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