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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. what if they let the kid go and he hits somebody and kills them do to being under the influence of a controlled substance, most of you would begging for a linching of the officer for not having stopped him earlier, it's a loss loss for the police in you're eyes regardless, it seems fine to some of you that the kid made a mistake but not the officer, remember without the kid NONE of this would have happened, it's a tragic event in all aspects and for all involved
  2. well after 2 visits to the vet yesterday for a total of 3.5 hours, it was decided the best thing to do was remove the eye to try and figure out what the actual problem is as the vets are not sure do to the rapid rate of blindness, they measured her eye on monday with some doomahicky in which she measured a -29, with -25 considered to be high and complete blindness with a few days, the drops were hopefully supposed to help the pressure then lowering the number and try to save some vision, yesterday morning she was at -49 and hen ur that high complete blindness is within hours. so since the eye was already considered dead, or choice was to get an mri in toronto right away (emergency) or remove the eye and analyze it to see if they can figure it out that way, regardless of the results the dead eye had to come out, if it's a cancer/tumour theyl'll be able to tell as soon as they remove the eye, if not they will have to send it out to get analyzed, it may also still just be glaucoma which there are 2 types, if it's the worse one her other eye will go blind within 2 years, the experts in toronto think it is lens luxation which right now i cant really remember what happens with that, i was so bombarded with info yesterday between my vet and a conference call with 2 other vets form down south my head is spinning, my vet has never seen this happen although the "experts" have so she is under as i write getting her eye removed, hopefully all goes well, she may have to spend the night there, ($$$$$) todays procedure is already putting me back $1600, let alone the other 3 visits this week, they are just going to sew the eye shut as the procedure for a prosthetic is in the $3000 dollar range im told, which i simply cant afford been a long week for us and someone who is definately not a pet but a family member
  3. that's exactly what we were thinking (theft over 5K) but found out later that everybody they stole from is considered an indivdual and not a whole, so there's a charge for every motor, thankfully there was a couple of new four strokes in the mix, and also a very nice boat/motor package, so there will be a couple theft's over 5k, i looked over the list of charges yesterday, (dont understand the codes though) one of them has 62 charges and the other 47
  4. very cute pup, gonna be a habs fan for sure HAHAHA
  5. it has to do with the pressure it has created on the eye, which in turn has been painful for the dog, the drops we are giving her are to try and relieve the pressure, was told if it doesnt help removal would be the route to go is what i was told just the sight of anybodys hand going near her to pet her and she flinches and dives for the ground as if you were going to strike her, she also shakes pretty much all day long, i also have to open her eyelids to put the drops in and she cries the whole time, so she's obviously in pain
  6. a lamprey?
  7. thanks for the concern guys, she seems a little better today opening here eye a little every now and then, has a decent appetite and even played ball a little this afternoon, but still spends the majority of her time sleeping, it really isnt pretty to look at her when she opens her eye, the whole thing has a light blue/grey tinge to it and the other is dark brown we have an appt. at the vet. tomorrow afternoon for a follow up
  8. update, went to the court date in october, spent 4.5 hours in a hallway only to have the case postponed do to one of the guys was already in jail after being arrested 2 days before and tooronto police didn't want to send him to sudbury until they had dealt with him, not sure what he did but has been in prison ever since, date had been remanded for today for a preliminary trial, they were both there today (one all cuffed up of course) and sure enough 4 hours later the defense waived their right to a prelim. hearing and decided to go straight to trial, so now we have to wait approx. 6 months for it, talked to a veteran opp officer and said this was the first such case he's ever seen where a " boat / motor theft ring" as he called it was caught in the act with so much evidence, said it was an example of a perfect case and all involved were excited about it will update again when something actually happens
  9. it's not for the dog....
  10. saw it on the news last night, too bad, the rep said that the weather was to bad to drive to the soo, and here i would have thought they'd be in the financial positon to be a flying band lol
  11. i have a 7 yr. old jack russell terrier, always the liveliest of dogs, and best companion i've ever had, went in for her yearly check up almost a month ago and was given a given a full bill of health, saturday morning the dog was pretty lethargic, didn't want to play, barely went outside and didn't want to open her left eye, by sunday she was very sensitive when we touch her head,and a lot of liquid goo was coming out, we were constantly wiping her, so this morning i brought her to the vet and was told she has severe glaucoma in the eye and is completely blind in it, i am now putting drops in her eye for a few days ($78 for a tiny bottle)) and then were back in to see if if the drops relieved the pressure and the pain, if not we'll have to see an opthomoligist in midland for likely removal of the eye. it's sad to see the ball of energy she always has been turn into a very lazy, shaking pup, hopefully she gets better soon thanks for listening
  12. very nice, good job, fifteen-2, fifteen-4, and the rest don't score was bored at the hut one day last season and drew a fish on my table and punched holes around the perimeter to make a cribbage board, i'll post a pick this winter
  13. if anyone knows where emma lake is (i think buster does) a small lake just west of whitewater, i have a student who was sledding out there on the friday, he said they punched holes all over the lake and the thinnest was 7",
  14. little bit off topic, but as an outdoors lover, this sort of job never would have appealed to me, i would think all of the times i look forward to throughout the year you'd have to work, (openers for certain fish species.....long weekends...... hunting openers..................weekends) i as well as most enthusiasts look forward to these times in the year, and it is then that i usually see CO's in the field, ps, i think everyone should make 65k a year
  15. i'm sure the quantity of time you're giving it will produce for you a quality deer, stay positive and good luck, i look forward to reading all about it
  16. got a quick glimpse of the games at work, looked promising, leafs losing 2-0 and habs winning 2-0, watched sportcenter when i got home and it all got turned upside down
  17. pickeral, and in a close second would be walleye
  18. whitewater is barely anything more than a swamp, 15' is considered a deep hole, i was hoping to have the hut out on vermillion between boxing day and new years, but i'm doubtful with the late start we've had, but if we can keep the steady cold nights we've been having lately i just might make it.
  19. just wondering those of you with both stores at you're disposal which you prefer? i have a fairly good sized project coming up (should be starting today but....), i'm a stickler for savings and do my homework before dolling out the cash, my local hardware store would cost me $912 in materials, home depot $759, i'd rather support the local but money talks, and i rather pick out my own materials (lumber) we have a lowes opening here aparently this week or next, (next door to home depot) which should mean competitve prices,in you're experinces who's better to deal with, cant decide if i should go ahead and buy my stuff today and get a head start or wait to see what lowes has to offer thx ps. got a couple inches of snow here yesterday but dont see the ice coming anytime soon
  20. very well said fishnwire, stand strong
  21. that is wicked, good job, and u got sponsors to boot...lol
  22. A man was driving when he saw the flash of a traffic camera. He figured that his picture had been taken for exceeding the limit, even though he knew that he was not speeding... Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. Now he began to think that this was quite funny, so he drove even slower as he passed the area again, but the traffic camera again flashed. He tried a fourth time with the same result. He did this a fifth time and was now laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled past, This time at a snail's pace... Two weeks later, he got five tickets in the mail for driving without a seat belt.. You can't fix stupid.
  23. got an email the other day, wish i would of kept it. was a picture of a sign in front of a bar that said" Free beer during all leafs playoff games"
  24. we hunt near grundy PP, not far from the pickeral river/smith bay
  25. well my hunting season has pretty much come to an end, started off the season with a few days partridge hunting just south of timmins, numbers were good but not great, managed to get a few feeds for the freezer, next came moose season in the same area, were only 4ppl. so...... no tags for us, (they only gave 38 in the entire unit) we did have a great time a seen plenty of moose, but no calves, one evening i came within stones throwing distance from 3 cows for 25 minutes, tried to take photos and videos but they didnt turn out too well in the low light, it was bitterly cold out there a few days, we had 2, minus 14 mornings and some snow as well, the morning we left for home we had 8" of fresh stuff to pack in. THat followed by a couple of crazy, long weeks at work. Then came deer season, as usuall i worked the first week so a coworker could do his hunt, then we switched for the second week. I went in bright and early after my shift sunday night. Got to camp and the 3 guys who had been there the previous week had only seen 1 deer. Hopefully i would bring them luck. By the time we left early friday morning we managed to see 4 more deer. Very slow compared to last year. Almost 2 weeks of hunting and we saw 5 deer and only got one shot, we also seen 6 moose(Last year we seen a bunch and 5 of us got 5 deer.) We attributed the slow hunting to all the water in the area, which is not normal. The deer seemed to be going around us to avoid the all the water. On wednesday morning i decided to take a walk in an old trail about 1 km from camp, as i got to the end, now 4.5kms from camp i put up 3 deer, all i seen was the tails of 2 taking off one way(no shot), and heard another weezing the other way, decided to track the 2 as they seemd to be heading towards the road, about 10mins into stealth mode i caught up to them again but only to see the nightmarish white flashes agian (no shot). One hour and thirty-five minutes later i caught up to them again, this time one of them standing broadside to me about 80 yds away in some hardwoods. Could only see parts of it between the trees but I took one well placed shot. I let the lead fly and it dropped like a bag of bricks, got him at the base of the neck,and in my peripherals saw the other bounce away. Turns out it dropped about 100' from the road, (thank goodness) alot better than the couple of km's from where i first seen them. I got our only deer of the season, a small spike, so small i had to use my antlerless tag on it. Oh well it's better than nothing. Butchered it this morning and had some ribs for lunch, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tasty, can't wait for next year also tracked this bunny for a litle while one morning, it was being chased by a wolverine, 3 years in a row i see a wolverine in our area (wmu 47)
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