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Everything posted by bassmaster4

  1. wow congrats on all of that, good luck tomorow
  2. for the third time....MONSTERRRRRR
  3. belwood has got some decent pike below the dam and in the lake there are walleyes being caught below the dam as well
  4. pike i liek how aggressive they are even though i havent really caught a big one
  5. apparently a funnel cloud blew threw some parts of stoney creek/ hamilton cool pics btw
  6. This is kind of off topic but ADC said about taking ur car so i was fishing a while back and there were two men fishing and a conservation officer or whoever does the license checking checked for a license and i heard the guy say he was visiting from Europe but the guy took their car anyway. Do u need like a temporary license or soemthing if there is such thing if your visiting?
  7. great pic thats an awsome looking fish
  8. well said x rap and sens blow alfie is a disgrace to the game hopefully ducks will take the cup tonight
  9. awesome report wtg that steak looks good lol
  10. great report that lure sure took a beating wtg
  11. Went piking on the grand with my dad yesterday. Got there at about 7:20 and started to fish. We were shore fishing with a medium minnow under a bobber. The spot we were at did not produce for 3 hours so we decided to move on to another spot. This spot had rather fast moving water and did not look very promising. But it beat the alternative, the spot we were at previously that had many snags by the way. We fished there for about an hour and seen some guy catch a nice walleye about 5 pounds. He then caught 3 pike and left. We saw he was using no bobber just bottom fishing with a minnow so we tried it. On my first cast i hooked into a decent pike 19", took the hook out and back he went. About a half hour later my rod almost flew in i picked it up in time and set the hook on a 18" we took this one home for the pan. 18 incher No more than a minute later i hooked into another one. This one had a lot of energy it peeled some drag and jumped out of the water a couple of times which i have never seen a pike do. My dad landed her for me and threw her back in. An hour passed and nothing even nudged our bait but just as i was reeling in i felt some weight on my line and set it just in case i got a few head shakes and he broke off. 10 minutes after that my dad gets one this one turned out to be the biggest at 20.5 inches we also took this one home. 20.5 incher My dad recasted his line and hooked into a pike i began to reel my line in so i could land it for him and i got one on it was a double header. My dad ended up losing his but i landed mine a 17" pike. She went back in as well. We were on our last minnow and i had another hit it got off and i was done. My dads rod began to shake and he set the hook this one was a small 15 incher and he went back in. What seemed like it was going to be a rather bad day turned out to be one of our best this season so far. We got home and fried the pike in some bread crumbs. I'm going to head back in a couple of weeks and give it a try once again. Thanks for reading.
  12. i was out today and had a rather succesful day get out there and catch some fish i got a report coming along later tonight or tomorow
  13. nice fish, i dont think carp are very good eating fish lots of bones i think
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