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Everything posted by Lunatic

  1. cool thanks ill look into land o lakes area.although last times i was in that area there were lots of traffic and water skiers ,tubers ect.
  2. also looking at the temagami area,anyone have any experience in that area?
  3. anytime i drive thru haliburton i always see a string of barbed wire or a plain wire strung thru a forest that is private property. all it takes is one person who rides trails accidently cross an invisible line and they get hurt or killed for it. sad thing is i see it all the time in many areas up there
  4. lol i guess i should say within 5 or 6 hours of hamilton.
  5. Its that time of year where i harass as many people possible for cottage resort suggestions! i usually get great feed back here so here we go.. looking for a place with great fishing,isnt too busy or too expensive. this year id like to stick around the bancroft,muskoka,haliburton areas but i wont rule out further north but i would like to stay south of timmins and not much further than sudbury area . pike and bass are my targets,musky would be nice as well. its just going to be my wife and i and we only catch and release. any help would be awesome here or inbox. thanks again!
  6. seems like a very very stupid place to do this no?
  7. same.wasnt impressed last year either,as a matter of fact last years was stressful,and the line at the reel counter was a joke! but the motorguide foot control bow mount trolling motor has me interested.
  8. i have a shimano crucial frog rod i think is good for long throws. MH extra fast tip. its got lots of backbone with a whippy tip.my favourite rod ive ever owned so far.
  9. no report? no pics? no witnesses? deny everything. he wants to screw you? screw him back.
  10. the spilt between the cork for some is a comfort thing,but also makes the rod more sensitive imo , you can feel more hits. you do get what you pay for but that doesnt mean you need 300.00 rods either. my wife bought a berkley lightning rod last summer for 50.00 i think. its a nice rod. i have a sahara on a st.croix mojo rod that i have to re-tighten every 10 casts or so.
  11. lol real dirty bringing him in to the store and offer him something larger and better for the same price.
  12. Look at the accident rating on whatever car you buy, thats what they really look at.
  13. my townhouse is electric heat and my bill is 550.00. and i am always making sure everything like laundry ect gets done on off peak hours. this cold snap is just brutal.
  14. this was an awesome post. id really like to get a 2 stroke, yamaha and suzuki are the 2 im aiming for. ill have to search for a 2 stroke
  15. my 90 johnson is an electrical mystery and i do have a working (roughly) 56 evinrude sportwin 10. this is a shame about the 2 strokes because i do take the motor on and off for when i go to places that do not allow gas motors.
  16. aint that the truth! sore arm
  17. hm,good to know.i dont see many dealers selling 2 strokes these days.thought i read somewhere they are going to stop making them?
  18. thanks guys
  19. So im hoping to spring for a new 15 or 20 hp outboard tiller for my boat. im just tired of throwing money at my '90 johnson. ive had my heart set on yamaha for some time.over the years ive had to rent boats and 3 that really stood out for me were yamaha's. they started quick,ran smooth and were quiet. but after digging around google and youtube ive seen a lot of people having issues with newer 4 stroke yamahas some were throwing thousands of dollars at mechanics and dealers to never have the problem solved. of course no motor is perfect and all have their issues,but im starting to get cold feet on the yammies. just looking for opinions on motors,im sure many of you have owned quite a few over the years, thanks.
  20. ah ok, thanks.
  21. anyone know how the water levels are right now? is it good for boating and fishing? tried to call them but no answer. looking for a good place for pike/bass not too far from cambridge thats not a river.
  22. id like to order from there but i havent the slightest clue what duty charges would be on top of other taxes and shipping..
  23. awesome, as usual great advice from everyone. thanks.
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