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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. LOL Holy cow, how could you guys put the masses at risk by going to a concert with over 20,000 with this scare going on. Did you guys cough with your mouth to your arm. Sounds silly dont it. Yup, Id love to of seen the concert and would of went if I had the chance. My favorite Metallica song we played in the dressing room before rolling some heads for our Army Broomball games. Opps wrong song This is it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOFRrTGpmR4 My Favorite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq9iCBUxeJE
  2. I suppose nobody ever lined up in school and got vaccinated for small pox, nothing new, except small pox was truly allot worse than the severest flus. Before anybody jumps me, Like I said to the young feller, dont worry, dont panic, you ll be ok.
  3. Baloney, watch American news, then watch ours. You think that there is an Ebola epidemic in Ontario. Just Calm down, before you frighten the masses. As far as issues kids have now a days. Ask any older folk and they will tell you that they are soft and gullable to anything on TV, Video Games and the internet.
  4. Dont Panic young feller, youll live, boy times have changed, talk about paranoia, 300 missing from school, 4 with swine flu? Betya no one dies. Any Bets. Gad, all we had to skip school was a teachers strike.
  5. Do you think this could be the same WHACKO. Yea I think Ill get rid of my pet. Heard about this guy today on the radio. People are getting more gullible every day http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/envi...icle6891362.ece
  6. My old man did, inadvertently I would say. I was about eight years old and we had a huge snow fall and I was bugging him about buying me a snow shovel. I guess I pestered enough that he told me to look at the fishing stuff in the catalogue. Anyways he inherited an old trailer on Lake Champlain VT where I would live for eight summers. That Spring he gave me a stick, hook, nut and a leaf for bait. So I went to Peanuts dock ( Our American neighbor) and dangled that thing in front of a couple of rock bass for two days. I guess Peanuts felt sorry for me and gave me a worm for bait which in no time, I caught my first two fish. Yup, put them in a pail and waited for Dad to come back from work a few days later to show him. Yupper, WHAT A SMELL. Peanuts, who was probably in his late 60s would be a person that I would always remember and be grateful to this day. A Prince of a Man.
  7. How about Smoky the Bear scratching his head looking perplexed, staring at a camp fire in the middle of a Bear Trap.
  8. Is that normal? LOL
  9. Yea, Mike, Awesome Art, The Animal pictures are especially incredible
  10. Yea, I used to drive my Wife nuts, Yelling FISH ON whenever watching the show.
  11. Roy your right the first time, I believe Beans is talking about ROD AND REEL STREAMSIDE with Don Meisner who did Local shows. Bill Saif was THE ROD AND REEL. I never liked the guy, he would make fun of his Canadian Guides, especially the French and Native guides. For all its worth, a buddy of mine said his dad seen him jigging Salmon out of the Black River in order to do a show.
  12. FYI http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...&storeID=75
  13. neat little gadget, that must be the Worlds smallest GPS that I hear advertised on the Radio in Prince Albert. I wonder if it gives a distance to your destination?
  14. I used to have one that said I TRIPPED TERRY FOX IN TORONTO I should of been fishing
  15. Thanks, my computer wont stop smoking and there is a grinding noise in the tower. Yikes my fingers are aching thinking about all the typing. WOW, I got to say, YOU are the first person that Ive seen post a Gar, and a big one. The pictures are crystal clear. Thanks for taking me there. KUDUS man
  16. I used to watch this show all the time when I lived in Eastern Ontario and Montreal. this guy fishes in small boats, doesn't look like a Shimano Cadet, and doesn't go on and on and on (Charlie Wray type) about his sponsored equipment. Best of all, he fished some of the waters I could get to. St Lawrence, Lake Champlain, Ottawa River, Lake Memphremagog to mention a few. I couldn't find the Streamside episodes but here is the Host. Some interesting links. Oh yea, very educational and he doesnt use million dollar Equipment.
  17. Same here MJL but Ill nix on buying fishing videos. Did you ever watch Rod and Reel Streamside? That was my favorite of all time. Im sure Roy must of seen it, on Watertown NY PBS
  18. Before I vote, is there anything other than a picture I can go on???? I wont vote for Carry Price as an all star just because he is a HAB
  19. You forgot the most important. Your always right dear.
  20. Jacko, I AGREE IOO%. Never leave home without your map and compass. Whats important to me is, My GRID to check to see where I am on a map. LAND MARK, to use to get to or future use. Now whats really important to me, DISTANCE TO as I walk and the distance to my destination gets less, I'm going in the right direction instead of following an Arrow. This way I can enjoy or make mental notes of my surroundings
  21. Jacko, I AGREE IOO%. Never leave home without your map and compass.
  22. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewabugarciapreview08.html http://www.cabelas.com/p-0053391122850a.shtml http://www.cabelas.com/p-0053391122850a.shtml http://www.catfish1.com/forums/archive/ind...hp/t-14257.html For the Money I would certainly check it out, especially as a starter or cheaper beater upper.
  23. Congrads, where did it take place, restaurant, Boat?
  24. My ETREX Drives me nuts because of the process I have to go through. My suggestion is this, Find a GPS that has a Button for instant Landmarks (MARK) Instant Grid (NAV) Waypoint to (GOTO) here an example. My Magellan I hit MARK My Position is instantly put in as a Landmark that is in numerical order, my Etrex I have to go through half a dozen pages and then serials. My Magellan default screen is showing what I want that is what I set up. So Ive set it up for a Grid, Bearing, Distance to. My Etrex, again I have to go through about a dozen pages and its default screen is a dumb looking map. Bottom line, if you want to play and waste time, get a GPS that just has a Power, Menu, Arrow Buttons. Here's what I mean as an example You will notice the Magellan has your Info Buttons right there in the front. Just Press once it is set up to YOUR SETTING Now the Garmin Etrex has its buttons on the side, a pain also. Its buttons are a MENU, ARROWS, POWER, ENTER. Now find you MARK, GRID SCREEN, GOTO, MAPS, ARROWS, DIRECTIONS. Yup its like going through the yellow pages vice a google to get your info. On a night Patrol I literally got peeved and tossed it as it was such a pain to deal with. Im not saying what brand to buy, just a difference as I have both models. THE ONLY THING I LIKE ABOUT THE ETREX, is it has a longer Battery life. My Magellan, I tape extra Batteries to it. Yea, Both are cheap
  25. So I guess my Ambassader C3 is garbage because I bought it at CT, my Cherrywood, Fenwick, Uglystick, Lightning rod, Abu Garcia Cardinal all on sale. Man I wish I was smarter.
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