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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Man i do that all the time iam playin with my center pin and iam always cleaning it haha lol jordan
  2. Nice try man it is high nice pics. jordan
  3. Man u have sweet days have u ever got skunked because when ever i read your reports u always have fish. Thats not a bad thing u r pro. Man u got some big fish there jordan
  4. keep at it 4 sure. It took me 2 or 3 years to land one i used to have a curse at least i thought i did but then i finally landed one. jordan
  5. Welcome aboard. Nice pics jordan
  6. Congrats on the first fish. W2G nice pics jordan
  7. The only time i get stressed is when me and some buddies hit the river we split off in to pairs and try to out fish each other, And when me the person i fish with don't catch anything and the other guys do then i get stressed. But it took me 2-3 years before i cold land a steelhead so iam used to getting skunked. lol And iam so used to catching when ever i go out so it is kinda weirde when i don't catch anything. jordan
  8. Nice fish sweet set up. jordan
  9. W2G Nice pics man now i can't wait for the ice to frezze around my place come on cold temps. jordan
  10. Nice Lakers. And some nice weather 2 W2G. jordan
  11. I have seen that before on other fish not sure if they were salmon or trout. It looks like it was dipped in oil. lol jordan
  12. Nice browns. W2G. R they frsh or r they droping back? MAn theygot some nice color. jordan
  13. Man that is alot of minnows.......... Nice pics. jordan
  14. Nice try guys. Better luck next time hopefully the fourth time will be the lucky time thanks and nice pics . jordan
  15. Never mind i can't seem to get in. jordan
  16. Iam in.......... jordan
  17. Hey Mike the pike come on in there is a couple of us on already could use some more ppl. jordan
  18. Chat right now. <Come on and join in> jordan
  19. Nice trout pics. W2G jordan
  20. Nice W2G. Nice hardware jordan
  21. Nice fish man alot of ppl got skunked today i got skunked steelheading today and my buddys got skunked as well. jordan
  22. Chat tonight iam on right now. Cone on and join in on the chat. jordan
  23. W2G on cleaning up the creek. Everytime i go to a creek i try to pick up some garbage because no one likes to see trash laying around a creek. jordan
  24. Iam in jordan
  25. Nice steelhead. W2G When do the smolts drop back out of the stream? because i had a couple attacks my spawn sac as i was reeling in my line when i was fishing a creek. jordan
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