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Everything posted by jordan

  1. JOEY i know i passed atleast i hope i did i did not study because i was ice fishin. and as soon as got my exams done i went out fishin. Durin my exams i had ice fishin on my mind but i am a smart kid so i know i had passed. jordan
  2. Thanks guys Fins there is ice huts out there now i was out yesturday and seen some, and i was out of the rondeau bay estates. And cctcanada i should have been studyin but there was good ice so lol i went fishin. jordan
  3. NIce report. W2G. Nice fish jordan
  4. Just thought i would post this i caught this pike last sunday. On rondeau bay. Sorry for the delay i have been real busy with my exams but iam done now ya. Mind my hat haha. jordan
  5. SWEET.... What a great site 4 sure. jordan
  6. W2G CC, Nice steelies. Always look forward to hearing your steelhead reports. jordan
  7. Welcome aboard. W2G on the brown trout. jordan
  8. Nice steelies.W2G It is always nice to learn from some one who can teach u alot. jordan
  9. Nice trout.W2G. jordan
  10. Welcome aboard. And Nice steelie. W2G jordan
  11. Nice fish Bro W2G jordan
  12. Nice steelies W2G jordan
  13. Man that is funny. Ya i would love to see a nice 15lb hen in the middle of a casino lol. W2G on the fish guys. jordan
  14. Welcome aboard Mark. This is the best board out there for fishing nfromation and fishing reports. jordan
  15. Nice hen i bet she tasted good!!!!! And u have lots of roe. W2G jordan
  16. Nice bow man W2G. jordan
  17. Man the 3rd pic in is a sweet lookin bow nice spots on his back. But all the fish look nice. W2G Nice browny to jordan
  18. welcome aboard. jordan
  19. Nice pics. that is a adventure kool. W2G jordan
  20. Nice bows Big. W2G. And welcome aboard. jordan
  21. I fish 4 rainbows mainly but if ican get out 4 other fish 2 i will maily rainbows though in small creeks as well as big rivers. jordan
  22. Quick chat anyone in i will be there. jordan Ice Ice Baby
  23. Nice trout. W2G jordan
  24. Ya i had some problems earlier but everything seems to be good now but then again i have dial up so it for ever to load up everything. jordan
  25. Very nice pics, Those r some nice trout, Fresh. W2G u have had a pretty good fall by the looks of those pics. jordan
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