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Everything posted by tightline

  1. Done....great cause Doc...happy to help
  2. So were looking to book are walleye opener trip and I was considering Musky's place...I tried the search engine on here but it is far too random...Has anyone ever been? Looks like a great deal 2 bedroom cottage and 2 boats for 115 for the weekend...lol...sold!!! If any one has been or has some other recommendations I would appreciate some help...spent 5 hours yesterday searching the web for the perfect trip before turning to you guys We have a 4 man crew so 1 cottage 2 boats and reasonable rates are a must Thanks all
  3. I was just in Dunnville yesterday and hooked my biggest cat ever...got it to shore and my buddy thought he could lip it...as it turns out nope...he wrapped my line around his hand(fool) , fish flipped, 20lb braid broke, and hes gone. There starting to run in there now, still a little slow. Fishmaster hooked us up with the cutbait and a new pole, both at a great price. The video stops about 1 second before my line breaks..I forgot to put a card in and was only using internal memory on my camera...my buddy says it was Gods will
  4. Hey Moosemerch just wanted to say good luck out there this year..Team 7 FTW!!!

  5. Hey Fishingnut I just saw were on the same team so I thought I should add you...Seems were in the same neck of the woods, if your ever in Guelph and want to hit the lake PM me, or I have a 14 foot'r with a 28hp and trailer ready to roll anytime anywhere...Tightlines man good luck out there!!

  6. I actually built this same one last year for a friend...works great
  7. I'm heading down to that area in the morning anyone been and had any luck? Not looking for hot spots just looking for a place to start...we wanna catch some cats!!!!
  8. GERRIT man that songs rocks...who is that...and whats the title of the song...would love to get it
  9. one of my favorite songs to crank out when throttling down to the next spot...a must on the boat
  10. I saw this a few months back when TJ was looking for streams(video) to show one of his pals...I sent him a different link to this that had 3 cams on the wolf...was entranced soon as I started watching it, just waiting for fish to go by...Clicked on your link and within 10 seconds a rainbow went straight past the cam...then came the walleyes...this is going to become an addiction!!
  11. To date no response from them at all...I work long day shift hours but will definitely follow up on the weekend
  12. The ads don't bother me one bit, you gotta pay the bills...would I join or continue to be a member if it was a pay site...nope So say you offer it at 5 bucks a month, maybe you lose 20 percent of your followers...now is that 5 bucks gonna cover your member loss fees...So next month you have to raise it again to cover that 20% loss... guaranteed more peeps leave and so on and so on Next thing you know your sitting in a one man ice hut talking to yourself, wondering where all your buddies went
  13. bump...sorry was really hoping to get more info
  14. Here's a pic of one I caught on Nippissing at idle tymes, funny I thought it was common to catch them while ice fishing
  15. I would love to see the pics for sure...post them here or email me @ [email protected]
  16. Well thanks to a Buddy of mines Wife I have recently become the proud owner of a 14' tinny, 28 hp motor and trailer...FREE OF CHARGE :D <---that hardly touches the excitement I'm feelin...So a few questions...and know right off hand that I am very handy and creative, so there will be no stupid answers to which I will not atleast consider twice...k First...can I remove the middle seat or is that going to weaken structural integrity too much, even if I put a plywood floor down to replace it?? <---braced side to side ofcourse Second...it has a console fully across the front...I want to remove it, well half of it, now I run into a steering cable problem...running both cables for steering down the same side and just going straight across the back and returning it to the motor? Sound right? And can the console be removed like that anyway or again is it structural and has to remain?? Heres a pic...she ain't pretty, but I have a some time to work on it and she was free and now Mine...Her mane is TIPSEA...part of the condition of my buddy handing over the keys...hahahaa...and a link to me take'nr for a rip on our moon river trip http://www.youtube.com/user/just1dixie?feature=mhw5 Don't be shy guys I really need some ideas
  17. Maybe you can inform us on how walking in to a meeting with the legal amount of fish to show just what the true magnitude of the imposed 300 fish limit is, and how in fact is this deceitful. I commend you Mike Brown and Ron for having the courage to do this. I can't speak for everyone, but I KNOW I can speak for real fishermen and fisherwomen that the day I come home with 300 fish for the freezer Armageddon must be very close behind. Is your argument Mayor the fact that there is now a limit where there previously was not one your not selling enough bait anymore??? Or are you simply so hung up on your American dollars you will continue to bash and slander the people trying to keep a great fishery for you, me, and our families, great? Still to this date in all 12 pages of this report there is not one post urging any of us to come and fish your backyard, to take any initiative to promote your ice fishing season, or the cottages who are providing these services... Looks to me like your flailing, and now for me atleast its too late...I will never contribute to your cottage services, bait, boat rental or any other service you may provide strictly on principal alone... There are far too many magnificent lakes and outfitters in this great province to support. Why would I waste my money on such a small group who's whole argument is based on greed. I take 4-5 trips a year to numerous locations, accounting for thousands of dollars out of my pocket book alone, not to mention that of my friends and colleagues that I can assure you will not be coming to your community! If you are the Mayor may the good Lord help the people of your town sir.....
  18. Well I thought I would do a little undercover investigation before I too start to rant about the MAN again and heres what I found...I called the 1-877 number provided on the website and asked about the packages they offer...Not one time did fishing, hunting, snowmobiling or any such outdoor activities...aside from a corporate canoe/golf package ever come up...I told her I would like to find a place in the area to stay where I could do some fishing with accommodations and she immediately referred me to 5 local businesses in the area...and when asked if they were affiliated in any way with the Eco Lodge she assured me they were not. So after carefully reading TJ's post again I gave another call and inquired specifically about the Atv/Snowmobile package they have advertised here.. http://www.elklakeeco.com/seasonalpackages.html to which I was told that the package is outsourced to an Elk Lake Tourist Program...I was told she could not find that page on there website so I emailed her the link and was told that she had trainees walk in all of the sudden and she would be returning my call shortly after reviewing the page...I was also told she will email me with all the services they directly deal with at the lodge...which I will be making a follow up post to For the record, TJ may I post her responding emails to this link here on the forum?? I only ask because if what they are doing is in any way shape or form a breach of there contract with there community, I would not have the first clue as to what to do with it, where some folks on here may have the answers or connections to put a stop to it
  19. I tried to google search this place and came up with no info...shoot me a pm and a website, me and the boys are always lookin for a new adventure
  20. These links will tell you everything you need to know...these programs are no longer in effect... http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/gi/notice221/notice221-e.pdf http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/gi/notice221/README.html "I must have missed something then because in all my years of spending too much money in the States no one ever told me how I get a rebate on the taxes I pay on that spending (for the services I can't collect on either). Where do I submit my rebate claims?" JF I was wondering the exact same thing. I go to the states alot and have never been made aware of my ability to have some of my taxes returned. If anyone has real info on this please do tell.
  21. HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. clearly you missed this one in the Moon Crappie, me and a buddy got it last summer while night fishing in front of our campsite...took about 20-25 mins to real her in on a 7 ft MH rod...What a BLAST!!!! Wish I could go, one was definetly not enough...
  23. :w00t: :clapping: :w00t: Well said John, well said
  24. Seems to me that I only count 6 baggies there (maybe 8 not sure) so on average those bags have 15 fish each in them???...looks like the RLTA are throwing out the hail marry play...self serving group...I think so...stop an opportunity to rent out there cottages year round which in Ontario is a significant number of months..well not lately I guess, in order to save a depleting bluegill population, but put no limit on the fishery .... hmmmmmmm...maybe the Yanks don't dig the snow...but hey forget all about the 11,410,046 Ontario residence that just may want to drop a line in OUR "backyard" Am I confused or is this a no brainer??????????
  25. If any help is needed in the Wellington county region please let me know, me and plenty of friends would be happy to help
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