Maybe you can inform us on how walking in to a meeting with the legal amount of fish to show just what the true magnitude of the imposed 300 fish limit is, and how in fact is this deceitful. I commend you Mike Brown and Ron for having the courage to do this. I can't speak for everyone, but I KNOW I can speak for real fishermen and fisherwomen that the day I come home with 300 fish for the freezer Armageddon must be very close behind. Is your argument Mayor the fact that there is now a limit where there previously was not one your not selling enough bait anymore??? Or are you simply so hung up on your American dollars you will continue to bash and slander the people trying to keep a great fishery for you, me, and our families, great? Still to this date in all 12 pages of this report there is not one post urging any of us to come and fish your backyard, to take any initiative to promote your ice fishing season, or the cottages who are providing these services...
Looks to me like your flailing, and now for me atleast its too late...I will never contribute to your cottage services, bait, boat rental or any other service you may provide strictly on principal alone... There are far too many magnificent lakes and outfitters in this great province to support. Why would I waste my money on such a small group who's whole argument is based on greed. I take 4-5 trips a year to numerous locations, accounting for thousands of dollars out of my pocket book alone, not to mention that of my friends and colleagues that I can assure you will not be coming to your community! If you are the Mayor may the good Lord help the people of your town sir.....