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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. Thanks for the offer how many brown bottles do we need
  2. Don't need a new BBQ... Got a Green Egg on the back porch that is also a smoker.. Just in case you might not have heard of it..
  3. That part is no problem.. 2nd part is She will do it
  4. Vince you know what she is like.. Spa deal out.. spend money on Deck the can fish.. Don't want to waste she will tell me
  5. I tried that a while ago Wayne.. was suppose to do it last fall but forgot :sleeping_02:No she said it is time to get her done and then I can go Fishing.. got to start taking measurements so I can get the wood ordered.. Got to keep her happy or
  6. Solo I have a Juniper plant that is coming out in a week or so if you want it
  7. Boy am I in Trouble now. Wife decided seeing as how I have put off building a new front porch on the house. NOW is the time to do it... Told her I will start in 2 weeks.. I know she will want it done before we start going to the trailer in June and before I can get into some fishing.. What to do??????
  8. All the best to you all Wayne.. You know that I truly mean that.. If you need to talk you can get a hold of me for sure my friend. I'm all ears.. so to speak..
  9. Vince, I've been looking for a few for a while now... Yellow With black dots and Orange with black dots.. very little luck
  10. I see you got a pic of my good side Dax
  11. I am happy everything went well Cliff. Sorry I could not make it up yesterday But I will soon as things are good.
  12. Stop Teasing me Cliff.. If I win tomorrow night you could be in TROUBLE
  13. Cliff, Diane is the person I have to thank for the up bringing of the kids.. I was on the road so much and she was the one that was at home and also running our other business while I was out there making a living for the family. She's the Boss...Don't tell her I said that
  14. Paul you hit the nail right on the head.. I have been on this board so long... can't remember when I joined, Met & fished with a lot of great people I now call my FRIENDS. We are all family here to help out when we can. Big Cliff said it best. We laugh together, we cry together, fall down and there will be many hands to help you back up. Need anything, just ask, if we can make it happen, it will be done. Hurt just one of us and you'll think you just steped on a hornets nest! I am proud to be a member of this community, some might think of it as a fishing board but we are so much more, fishing is just a common bond. I my self can't think of a better site to call HONEY I'M HOME
  15. Dam Cliff if you are going to do it on Friday I won't be able to make it got Family coming over for Easter dinner because my Daughter has to work all weekend at the Nursing home she works at so she can be with the one's that don't have family that visit Man I hope that never happens to me
  16. Bernie, I know Jo's personally and will pass on the thanks when I see him in 2 weeks.. Yes he is a fine guy when it comes to helping.. Met him Years ago when I was doing tournaments against him and he was also a supporter of the Kids fishing Derby that I used to do at our trailer park. Have been friends with him ever since.
  17. I open up the page and this is what I am met with..Such sadness indeed. My Condolences to John's Family May you rest in Peace John..
  18. Hope I did not miss the raising of the docks Cliff
  19. Bruce it was great to see you again as well as Vince.. Little fresh air was good with out worry for now. I hope it is all over as we discussed. Looking forward to trying those new harnesses I got from you also Bruce and Thanks. Will be in touch with you for that Lead I promised you
  20. If ever got to win that I would never use it, Fantastic work and I would only cherish and display it .Way to excellent for use...
  21. Dan I am so sorry to hear of your loss.. My Deepest Condolences to you and your family.. That picture of your father speaks for it's self.. Cherish that picture because he will always be there And always remind your soon of who his Grandfather was and how he misses his Grandson.
  22. I'm sorry to hear about you diabetes Rick.. Just like others have said.. You are tough and you will also beat this,.. Take good care of your self my friend.. Was wondering where you were now we all know
  23. Hey Dan they bring them in our park all the time with out restrictions as long as it is not a new trailer.. Got to get together thue the summer you are so close to do some fishing..
  24. Hi we have been at this park for about 15 yrs now.. got new owners about 4 yrs ago.. pretty reasonable rate for the year that includes leaving it setup all year.. check out there site www.castlevacationparks.com Then look for Willow Lake Park.. it is between Brantford & Simcoe in a town called Scotland of Hwy 24 it is about 1hr 15min for you with no traffic.. fishing not to far away as well as at the park.. beach area and play area for the kids.. check it out it might be what you are looking for and if you need more info PM me
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