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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Awesome Video man. From a Bravo owners perspective that was cool. Plus my fishing partner runs a similar cat. Not to often you get let down by a bravo. But it happens.
  2. Thanks ch312! I will be spending a few hours working on the pelt tonight. To make things even better. My neighbour introduced me to a group of local coyote hunters this weekend. I guess these guys are the real deal. I am very excited to learn from them. Maybe take this to the next level. The one hunter in te group that I talke to has shot 7 coyotes in my neighbourhood this winter. It hasn't come close to putting a dent in the local population.
  3. Thanks ch312! I will be spending a few hours working on the pelt tonight. To make things even better. My neighbour introduced me to a group of local coyote hunters this weekend. I guess these guys are the real deal. I am very excited to learn from them. Maybe take this to the next level. The one hunter in te group that I talke to has shot 7 coyotes in my neighbourhood this winter. It hasn't come close to putting a dent in the local population.
  4. Thanks for the comments everyone. It sure was great to take that old broken down gun, and make it usable again.
  5. Good to see you guys out there! Nice pics as usual!
  6. It has been a very busy winter in my home. There hasn't been much time to get out hunting for coyotes. But I promised my neighbor that I would try to take a few coyotes off his property this winter. It's a mixed feeling for me, because I love dogs. I serve on a K9 SAR unit, and own a dog. But after seeing what the cyclical pattern of the Coyotes are doing to the local area. I thought I would help out my neighbor. We where set up and calling for about 20 minutes. These coyotes ignored our calls and where heading for the barn. I was able to stop the coyote quartering toward me slightly, at a distance of 175 yards. The .222 was resting on my home made bi-pod. This was the first shot I have ever taken on a coyote. The gun snapped, and the coyote dropped instantly. A clean, healthy coyote. I am meeting with a good friend,and local trapper tomorrow. He's going to give me a lesson on how to process a coyote.
  7. GOT ONE!!!!!!!!!!! Pics to come soon. 175 yards. One shot, dropped like a pile of bricks!!!
  8. Many nights we woke up the neighbours while camping at 3-Rock. 20 people around the fire, drunk, and screaming this song. The neighbours being Little Go Home...
  9. The definition of Beginners luck! That's awesome. Got any pics of the fly?
  10. I know nothing about building rods. Does having them near fresh lemon tree's help somehow?
  11. That's great man! Sounds like right in the groove. Now it gets really easy!
  12. Sinker, My neighbor put a few pails out every year. Boils is over flames, in an old stainless sink. I took a quick look at his set up last year. But this year, I am going to take a real good look, and try to learn a few things. if he has any really cool things going on, I'll send you some pictures. He is an inventor, so most of his stuff is home made. Sure would be a good tradition to start as a family thing.
  13. He spent less the 1 minute talking to us.
  14. Some nice shots so far guys! Ya, I here ya Fishindevel. The camera in the I-phone sure can use some improvements. But going from my old flip phone, It's a million times better! I still can't find a self timer in it though
  15. It's good to know they will do things like that.
  16. Pretty sure that was the ambush officer..If you will! He didn't have the tints on though. Hard to be sure without seeing his eyes. He never took his helmet off. Same size, and shape.
  17. That was them! As for the CO that stopped us, he was an older gentleman. Very polite, and friendly. So I guess the word "trick" may not be the best word to describe this. I see it as a "trick". Just like a clever speed trap, or the motorcycle cops who hide in the bushes with a radar in hand. It's "sneaky". Sure, they are just doing their jobs, and catching people who are breaking the law.. I get that. I am part of a volunteer OPP K9 Unit, and work with enforcement on a regular basis. And I know these guys where having fun setting up this little trap. They likely did it 20 times that day. And I bet you they handed out a few tickets too!
  18. 2 COs roll in to a big crowd and have a third CO hang way back. See who packs up first and leaves the area to avoid a spot check. That's playing a trick in my mind. If not, then what else would you call it?
  19. Yep. I am glad to see it. The guy who stopped us was on a newer model sled. Had a nice high quality new suite. That really is what they need. I remember several years ago, I saw a CO running Simcoe on a beat up old Tundra, with an old warn out, torn up suite. I'm guessing that guy's normal shift is up north..
  20. Thanks for the replies today everyone. But I know there's more fish porn hiding on some phone out there!!!
  21. I feel your pain! Last weekend on Gibson, I looked back to see my Auger flying thru the air, along with about $1500 worth of gear. The deep power was a blessing, and a curse. I cushioned the blow, so nothing was damaged. But I spent 5 minutes digging thru the snow looking for my stuff!
  22. I have lots of experience working with professional K9 units. There was no question, this was an MNR K9 unit.
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