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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Put in a chin up bar Pete. Man, I've been burning for 2 weeks straight..
  2. That's the firs thing I thought when I saw that picture!
  3. That's great Pete!!! Man, I keep opening this thread hoping to see some before and after pics.. But I guess you are a little ways from the "after" shot.
  4. Not that it matters to Anyone... But Orr Lake is still locked up...
  5. Need some company? Walters for me open May 18, I'm guessing it's the same for you. It will be nice to have a May 24 camping weekend when I can actually have a shore lunch!! In all seriousness though Chad.. I am in the process of planning a may 24 camping trip to target walleye and pike. We really should get together. You too Joey!!
  6. For those who have not yet made it out on the soft water this season... What fish are you going to target first this season? I am really geared up for walleye and pike. But have to wait a while before the season opens up. As soon as I can launch my boat at the honey hole, I am going to try from some spring Crappie. Gunna be a few weeks yet..
  7. Hey sinker. I told you I was going to take some pictures of my neighbors rig. I finally made it over this weekend. I have to admit, i didn't read this entire thread. Sorry if something like this has been posted already. This is what he boils in. Then does the finishing on his stove indoors. Fire in side the barrel. 15'(ish) smoke stack.
  8. x2. Small spoon with a small jig head stinger about 6" down.
  9. Don't do it man.. If you can hold off on buying new cloths until you have reached your target weight and leveled off), that is a much more cost effective solution. Trust me. My clothes stopped fitting me halfway through my weight loss. So I bought new clothes. Then I lost another 20 lbs, and all the NEW clothes that I bought didn't fit me, and I had to buy ever MORE new clothes.. And I HATE wasting money on clothes. Money is much better spent on fishing gear!!!
  10. Nice shots man. Those bass are hogs! But more importantly, is that ean early ice whittie from Simcoe? Not to many of those hoisted this year. I fished that exact spot many times this year and was skunked on them....
  11. First time i've hear this. Love it.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw09KiA9cXc
  12. People really do lose their minds in situations like this. I was talking about this to my Mom yesterday She was doing the long drive from T.O to Pickle Lake about 30 years ago. The guy driving ahead of her fell asleep and drove off the road. Smashed hard into a rock cut. The guy popped out of the car instantaneously (she thinks he was thrown from the vehicle) and made his was up to the road where my Mom was standing. She asked if the guy was OK. He said "Yes, everything is fine, I am Ok".. Then he fell over dead. Something my Mom has never told me about before.. Me and my sister where asleep in the car.
  13. Thanks for the comments and stories to far guys. I took my friend out for lunch today, and we had a bit of a talk. Now that he has had time to look back on the situation. He is happy that he did not stop. Seeing his friend in the car like (had he have stopped) is not how he would want to remember her. And with no first aid training, or having dealt with situations like this before, he would feels he would have been more of a hindrance. In his case, he made the right move.
  14. That is sounds advice Ryan. Things most people would not think about.
  15. I was really hoping you would chime in Lew. Thanks very much for your opinion.
  16. This can go either way I guess. I personally am trained to deal with situations like this, which is why I would have stopped. And in NO way do I put any blame on my friend. He is not trained to handle situations like this. Can't blame the guy who told him to keep driving either.. Just a crappy situation. I'm more just wondering what you all would do( or have done) in situations like this.
  17. One of my friends was driving to work yesterday, when he came upon a very fresh car accident. EMS was not on scene yet. A few vehicles had pulled over and begun to asses the scene. There was two severely damaged vehicles on the road and in the ditch. My buddy stopped and asked if they needed any help. As he did not know the severity of the car crash. The person he spoke to said, everything is OK. EMS are on their way. You don't need to stick around. Taking this person's advice, he drove off, and continued on to work. He later found out that everything was NOT OK. There was a severely injured girl in the car in the ditch. And it turns out it was the sister of his good friend. She did not survive the accident. When I herd this story, it made me sick to my stomach. I guess what I am trying to say is.. If you come up to a bad accident like this, don't take someones word that "everything is OK". Who is this person to say everything is OK? What training does he have? You really don't know until you personally get out and asses the scene on your own. What would you have done in this situation?? I would have stopped and got out and had a look for myself. Even if EMS is only minutes away. By the sound of it, this poor girl still would not have made it. But at least she would have had a familiar face/voice near her during her final minutes. Sorry for the downer story. I just felt I should get it out there, and off my chest.. It was really bothering me, and I feel very bad for my friend.
  18. Welcome aboards man! I look forward to some more reports from you.
  19. Great recap chad! I'll be getting in touch with you in the next few months. Trying to plan another bays weekend camping trip this summer.
  20. I am watching a fly fishing show right now. And they are using a fly called the "Cats A$$ Mudder". I want to see someone tie one of those.. Edit... Auto spell check... Exchange "meow" for the alternate term for Donkey....
  21. This video is crazy. The cold, lonely and homosexual North Americans hurdle together to keep warm... what the hell?
  22. NAW


    I don't normally try for them on open water. But team 1 needs a white fish. So I might have a stab at them This spring.
  23. NAW


    Simcoe white fish have been killing me this year too, as you already know...
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