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Everything posted by NAW

  1. NAW

    New Boat

    Sweat ride man.!
  2. I got mine at an OFC G2G this past winter in Nip. I won a little derby we had, and got first dibs at the "price box"!
  3. That's good stuff Simon. Some great pics of the boys too. Looks like they had a fun time. You make a lot of people feel envious on this board, including myself!
  4. Screw the bumper stickers. I have a nice 42" long OFC measuring sticker on the inside of my boat. Used it about 7 times this weekend. Thanks TJ!! Those things are the cats pajamas
  5. 100%. I go almost every weekend. I love duck hunting. You and I should convince Sinker to show us a few spots! Have a little OFC ducking hunting G2G!
  6. That's the Swamp Donkey.. My duck hunting boat. Looks even more sexy with the duck blind mounted on her.
  7. I was a little worried the first time she did it a few years back. I hadn't given her a proper lesson in operating the boat yet. It happens all the time now. She still doesn't have her operators card though, so she doesn't go far from the camp, and usually only runs the electric motor.
  8. That looks like a perfect place to spend a weekend. Thanks for sharing! Some tasty looking shore lunch there
  9. A little ski-poo on the carpet eh!! You'll have to get out the steam cleaner
  10. Problem solved then. I wasn't sure about the legalities transporting fish across the border. I didn't want to tell him he could, then have his fish confiscated. That makes things much easier! Thanks everyone for the quick replies!
  11. My boss asked me an odd question yesterday. I didn't know the answer, so I thought I would throw it out here and see what you guys think. One of our distributors from the USA is coming up to go trout fishing with his son for a week this summer. I believe they are heading to the Algonquin area. They want to keep some of the fish they catch, but they can't bring it back over the border. They are wondering if there's a place they can drop the fish off to be smoked, then packaged, and mail to them? They specifically asked that it get packaged in dry ice.. Does anyone knows of a place that would do that somewhere between the Niagra Falls border crossing and Algonquin park? Is that even legal? I've never herd of someone wanting to do this before, seems like a lot of work for a few smoked trout...
  12. I knew you'd recognize that spot If you're talking about the pine I think you are, then no. It's gone, but there's a bunch more down in the same area. We really need to get out one day for a fish up there!
  13. I'm glad you finally caught some fish in Ontario. I'm sure there will be many many more to come. Thanks for sharing!
  14. There's the kicker. My grandma lied about her age to by the property almost 70 years ago. It was something ridiculous like 17 cents a sq ft. I think she ended paying around $700 for 300 feet of water front.. They had it appraised about 10 years ago, and it was $600,000. I'd hate to know what it's worth now. I have a messed up family dynamic, and no one person can afford to give them fair market value for it. I'm just going to enjoy my time with them as much as i can while I still can. When the cottage is gone, I'll have to go play Rummikub in scarborough.. Arrrrgghh... My campsite will always be there, even after they sell the cottage
  15. For sure.. This weekend was great for that. It's been about 15 years since I play Rummikib, and had a fresh meal of fish with my grandparents. We even shot the old pellet gun a few times. Very nostalgic.
  16. The problem is, my grandparents are going to need some serious care in the coming years (nursing home, or long term care facility...). If they sell the cottage for what it's worth, then they'll be set for the rest of their lives. If they give it to a family member, they'll be living in poor conditions, and we don't want that.
  17. I headed up to my stompin grounds to go camping for the weekend. My family has had a cottage on this lake for almost 70 years. But my wife and I prefer to camp, rather then stay at the cottage. I don't want to get into my family situation to much, but to sum it up.... my grandma has alzheimers, and we aren't sure how long they will be able to keep the cottage. This might be our last year on the lake. We where camping about a 5 minute boat ride from the family cottage, so a few times a day we would go over and hang out with grandma and grandpa. Usually timing our visit with the color of the rain clouds. We had a really nice game of Rummikub during the down poor on Sat... I had to teach them how to play it again, cuz they both forgot!! While we where playing Rummikub, my grandma had mentioned that she hasn't eaten a fish from the lake in over 15 years, and she would really like to taste one again. So this morning when I woke up, I fished hard. My goal was to catch a good clean eating size pike. It was raining in the morning, so I was late getting out. Right off the start, I hit a 20" OOS bass. About an hour later, a small hammar handle.. I was in my 3rd spot for the morning, and was about to move to my 4th. One more cast right!.. 28" pike, perfectly clean, great eating size. It hammared the lure too, and was hooked really bad in the gills. I fried it up at the cottage in my home made breading mixture, and we all had a nice peace. All in all. The weather wasn't great, and the fishing could have been better. But I had a great stress free weekend hanging out with my wife, and grandparents. The total count was 7 pike, and 2 OOS SMB. All the Pike we caught in about 10', with either mepps commet spinner, mepps cyclopse, or a Rapala rattletrap crank. Here are a few other pictures from our campsite. The first one is of my wife, who snuck out in the boat to do a little fishing on her own.
  18. To tell you the truth, I havn't really investigated it. I've been doing short trips, and I havn't noticed the bearings heating up yet. I live about 2 minutes from the boat launch. After this weekend, I'm going to tear it apart and have a look.
  19. I have princess auto bearings and seals on my trailer. Maybe it's how I installed them, but the seals are shot, and it's only been 1 year. I pumped up the bearing buddies with grease at the start of the year, and rusty water puked out the other end. I'm glad you asked this question, cuz I was going to ask the same thing.
  20. I've done this a bunch of times. But the roads I park on are usually gravel roads, surounded by crown land.. People park on the road down from my cottage all the time, and i've never seen anyone get ticketed. I think it all depends on what road your parking one.
  21. Why are you putting Thia's on a pedestal. What makes them better then everyone else. This joke offends me.. Mods.. please remove!
  22. All done here for now.. My new rain water bin is full now!!
  23. Thats crazy. Things happen so fast eh!
  24. Just got back with 3 packs of 832 (10lb and 30lb), and a new Abu spinning combo.. They are 50% off, but I didn't see it in the flyer..
  25. There's a few places to rent Pontoons on Little. I'm pretty sure there's guys who rent pontoons on Simcoe too. You just have to be very carefull about the weather.
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