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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Your new avitar pic is going to give someone a stroke..
  2. I guess if you are your own boss, you can't fire your self for being drunk on the job .. I might be out for a bit on one of those days. Perchin. I'll let you know closer to the date. Trying to sell my house. So I we have another open house that weekend, I will have to leave for 5 hours. Good excuse to go fishing, not that I need an exuse..
  3. Going with a few guys from high school to a small lake south of Temagami in two weeks.. 3 nights in the bush. Should be a fun time. We plan something every year in October. Always camping/fishing trips
  4. Why are those beers in a Tupperware container??
  5. Good luck! Remember, once you have the animal in the trap, toss a blanked or something over the trap, so they can't see you. Makes it a little easier.
  6. Hunting on public land close to a city = Hunting on public land, as in northern ontario crown land =
  7. I was waiting for someone to say that
  8. Poor dog. Looks like he was just looking for a place to have a dump. Love the look on this dogs face at the end of the video..
  9. My old man was volunteer up in Pickle Lake. Standing on the roof of a house with a chimney fire. With a leaky hose in -50°c...
  10. There is always going to be idiots in every sport. The idiot hunters are just more noticable cuz they make a lot of noise. I've come into my hunting spots and have had fisherman there. I have no problem waiting for them to finish casting that bay, or I'll set up in another spot and wait for them to leave..
  11. I'm sensing an OFC waterfowl G2G in the near future Brian
  12. Thanks for the replies guys! I talked to a volunteer I know who works in the area. He said they're doing a recruiting drive in January, and he'd put in a good work for me. We'll see if we get this house. I will likely give it a try.
  13. NICE!!!!! I have a canoe we could drag out there!!!
  14. I got into it when I was 8. I've been teaching in barrie for 10 years now, part time. Eveyone will tell you something different about what style to get in to. I would suggest you get him/her into a club at teached more then one style. The club I'm with in barrie does Karate, Kick Boxing, and Jujitsu. A good combination of styles. That's what you need to be successfull in self defence these days IMO.
  15. Oro. Lots of car accidents on the highways eh.
  16. I always told my self I would try to join a volunteer fire department once I moved to the country. I used to live in a small town with a volunteer department, but I move out of town when I was 18, the minimum age to join. No real volunteer opportunity in Barrie, where I've been for the past 10 years. I'm moving to country now. One of the places we are looking at is under 10 minute drive to a few different Volunteer departments, and I think a few might even be hiring. I know there's a few fire fighters on the board. Do you guys have any advice? I know "volunteer" fire fighters get financial compensation. How much money could one expect to make in a year. Not that it matters, I'm not in it for the money. Just curious. Thanks in advance for any input.
  17. Good way to spend a rainy day!
  18. That is awesome man. Great way to get the youngins into the sport. Kudos!
  19. Same thing happened to a friend, worked fine once the motor warmed up. It was a leak in a vacuum line as someone stated above. Once the motor warmed up, it was fine. Only effected it at a lower RPM.
  20. Where you trailoring the boat while plowing the ramp. Now that would have been impressive
  21. Welcome back. I remember the name, but now lets see some fall fishing reports, and see if I remember the face
  22. Nice. 9 birds out of 2 flocks. That's good shooting!
  23. Dang.. Gunna be a fun season. Does that big boy come around much on the Cam? or only the one shot?
  24. This is something that chaps my too. But I've learned to deal with it. I don't want to list an item for more the what I think it's worth, just so the price can get bartered down. I want to list it for what it's worth, and sell if for what it's worth. You have to play the buyers game when selling. My views on bargaining totally changed after reading the book "Getting to Yes". I wish they made the book mandatory in schools. It's about "Principled" bargaining.
  25. I don't know anything about bringing a gun over the boarder. I can tell you what I paid for my licenses. You need a small game hunting license for the year. I think that's about $30 (i do the three year thing, so I'm not sure what the yearly cost is). Then you need a Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seal. that's about $20. I'm sure the non-resident pricing will be a little different. Here's a few links. Might have to copy and paste. http://www.ec.gc.ca/rcom-mbhr/default.asp?lang=en&n=99FDEC59-1 http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/FW/Publication/MNR_E001275P.html
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