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Everything posted by rocheleauc

  1. Thanks for sharing/nice fish! I've been hearing nothing, but great things about nanofil. Definitely going to try it out soon.
  2. Very good report! Looks like you had an amazing season. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Also nice fish, thanks for sharing
  4. nice fish!
  5. very nice bows and ho's, thanks for sharing
  6. nice fish
  7. very nice dude, good fish for your first steelhead
  8. nice bows and ho Very nice for your first outing, nice pictures too. Good job!
  9. rocheleauc


    x2, just cut up the skein in small pieces, tie it up, and freeze what ever you're not going to use.
  10. real life river monsters. Good stuff! thanks for sharing
  11. Nice fish/pics.
  12. nice fish and great pictures. Thanks for sharing
  13. great watch. Thanks for sharing
  14. Now that I think of it, that's happened to me a few times recently
  15. wow thats awesome and sounds like an amazing time. thanks for sharing
  16. Awesome man thanks for sharing. Looks like it was a great year
  17. yeah it definitely has
  18. nice dude, all beauties
  19. I shared this on another board, but I thought I'll post it here too: I Went out this morning for about 3 hours by myself. Went 10 for 11 and missed a ton of other hooksets, it was wild. Fresh steel is amazing, every fish hooked went berserk. Between me and 3 others fishing the same pool, there had to be 40+ fish landed in that time period. I had 3 double headers with another gentleman fishing near me. The bite died down around 1030 and I took off. Anyone else do exceptionally well this morning? Also got a chance to break in the new set up after getting skunked yesterday
  20. It happens. You'll get em next time
  21. x2 small flies, single eggs, beads -from what i've seen/experienced, when the fish are spooked, they will usually take smaller things presented to them
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