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Everything posted by alphaalpha

  1. very nice fish! congrats on the good finish in the tourney!
  2. Great read, thanks for the awesome post. looks like you had fantastic weather as well, can't complain when things work out that well even if you only caught a few.
  3. they had thier teams and couldn't make them work there. southern ontario could easily support another team.
  4. very nice fish! my soon to be father-in-law wanted to learn how to fly fish so we have been out a couple times this spring experimenting. it's so hard not to just grab my float rod though. if you are ever fishing in the east end tribs i would love to come out and meet up with you to pick up a few pointers
  5. i love my redwings but if this happens i may have to cheer for both teams. when they play eachother it will be bitter-sweet but still great to watch!
  6. nice fish, sounds like you had a great time!
  7. http://alpha2x.mybrute.com
  8. congrats man! i also landed my first one earlier this spring, after about a dozen outings in the fall with only one on which broke my line as well unfortunately i was solo and couldn't get any good pics (not that i will be forgetting it anytime soon). i did however get a couple more my second time out and got some pics yours are awesome, keep up the good work!
  9. lol with my poor cleaning skills you probably can't tell a perch fillet from a pickeral fillet hehe j/k i typically only keep a few meals worth frozen anyways. i really need to get a chest freezer
  10. good to know. guess i can let more avoid my freezer when it is already full, thanks again!
  11. great info, thanks a bunch. am curious about point #6: "If the fish is hooked deeply, cut the line and leave the hook in." what are the chances that the fish will survive a hook that has been set deep inside him? many years ago i was told that fish that have hooks left in them can corrode them out, but i was under the impression that that was an old wives tale... obviously it has a better chance of surviving if you don't rip the fish inside out to retrieve your hook but will it most likely die anyways? typically i would just keep a fish that i can't easily/harmlessly remove my hook from...
  12. I haven't done alot of pike fishing but the stuff i have done is from my canoe. i pretty much always bring them in the boat to remove the hook otherwise they thrash waayy too much and all those teeth can be quite intimidating when they are going. If on shore i could see it being quite difficult to unhook without pulling them on if you are by yourself with no one to hold it.... also i'm sure i'm not the only one but before i started reading these boards i have never heard of not setting them on the ground. i have been fishing for years with my family and other than people that are more in the fishing communities family customs are what prevails. i'm not saying it's right i'm just saying please try to educate people in more productive manner than simply slamming them when they post thier first couple pictures. AA. PS all that being said i do agree he should have gave props in his original post and not claim that he did so well due to his experience, definately came across as arrogant (my 2 cents).
  13. You are right, it's always more fun getting newbies on to some fish. Great work!
  14. very nice fish, good work! i have only been out a couple times this season and like you said quite crowded but haven't seen or heard of any problems, keep up the good work all!
  15. very nice! i hope your friends are gonna help you clean all those
  16. thanks for the awesome report, was a fun read. grats on some nice fish!
  17. nice fish! gotta love going someplace for the first time and getting into to that much action.
  18. very nice fish, congrats!
  19. very nice fish and pics, well done!
  20. congrats on your PB!!!
  21. can't wait to try this out, thanks very much for the info!
  22. nice work! nothing better than beautiful weather and fish a bitin'
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