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Everything posted by alphaalpha

  1. Heh thanks for the tips all, i have had lots of encounters with black flies before but have never swollen up like this. It's not so painful today as it was yesterday but still quite swollen. Would putting on a ton of bug spray slow them down any? If not i think i will be going out with no skin exposed and just sweat it out next time... Just job! That ankle really does look painful though. Did you use the setup you got from me to get those bass? nope i was using my spinning gear, im still not that great with the baitcaster especially out of my canoe. i can only seem to get consistently good casts when im on my friends boat and can pitch it out kinda sideways and at an upward angle, so i need to be standing It's coming along though and the setup does work well, thanks again.
  2. Well i finally got out to scugog for the first time on wednesday evening. The wind was blowing like crazy when we first got there (around 6:30pm) so we went to the west side of the eastern arm of the lake. We tried throwing lots of different things into the lily pads from right tight to shore to avoid the wind. Unfortunately being that tight to shore left us vulnerable to all the horse or deer flies or whatever they were that wanted an evening snack. As you will see from the picture below i think i may be a bit allergic to their bites. We didn't get any action no matter what we threw out in the lily pads. As soon as the wind died down a bit we ventured out to the edge of the pads and threw into the taller submerged weed area. the bite started around 7:30-8pm and we landed between 10-12 fish and missed at least as much. They really weren't biting very aggressively, maybe it was the storm that passed over a few hours later (i was watching it on the radar earlier in the day). All the fish caught by me were on a berkley frog, yellow with black dots and fished VERY slowly. My buddy caught all his on a popper, also fished very slowly. All but two of the bites were very subtle and took some patience to get a good hook set. Nothing we caught was too huge but was still lots of fun as i have never fished successfully in as thick slop as we pulled some of them out of. We really had to move the canoe ASAP for some of them and lost a couple in the really thick stuff. first fish of the night a bit bigger biggest fish of the night and my stupid painfully swollen foot. It didn't seem that bad last night but when i woke up this morning it was quite tender...
  3. Glad you had a great time out! now let's see some pictures! also i have never fished crappie so i have no idea when/where they should be but sounds like your friend has it figured.
  4. nice work, looking forward to the report of it all colored in! The 6 hour stint seems like it will be a bit grueling. a friend of mine at work has had quite a bit done and he swears by popping a couple of advil extra strength liqui-gels just before. not sure if you had any work done prior but might help ya out. Great work on the bass as well!
  5. nice work, chicken looks great!
  6. awesome report, congrats on your PB!
  7. great informative thread, thanks all!
  8. That's pretty neat, i always figured the fight of catching a fish would spook the others at least for a short time....
  9. Thanks for the replies guys. I have a feeling not much will get done but I will be sure to tell my friend to make some calls and keep the MNR # loaded in his cell. I have some time off work so i won't see him for a while but i'll call him and tell me to keep me posted if he hears anything back. I will post here if he does. Thanks again, Adam.
  10. I am at work at the moment and a friend of mine told me a disturbing story. It seems there is a lake he has been fishing in for years that has been quickly ruined for fishing under the control of the conservation authority. I told him the address of this site and to come here for some guidance on who to contact to complain and hopefully prevent the situation from degrading any further. He should be adding info soon but here is a rundown of what he told me: He has been fishing this lake for quite some time and it used to be great for bass and pike. Access to the lake was previously only one parking lot with some dirt trails and whatnot for getting in. A couple years ago the conservation authority renovated the land putting in more trails, boardwalks and parking. They also added a trailer to collect fees for the use of the area. This is and apparently has always been a catch and release only lake and is posted as such. Since the renovations my friend has witnessed people on several occasions taking fish out. When he confronted the workers of the area and asked them why they don't get out of the trailer and enforce the rules, they replied that they do. My friend told them he just saw someone leaving with a fish. The guy working there told him yes he had a bass but it was dead so he just let him take it because the guy couldn't even tell what kind of fish it was and didn't really speak english anyways (this was before bass were even in season!). My friend obviously got frustrated and asked why he didn't fine the offender, to which he replied that he was instructed to give warnings only. How this is acceptable is beyond me. Such a flagrant disregard for the rules and to be let off is ridiculous to me. I would think that they only actually catch people a very small percentage of the time and should make a point of them each time they do. To be told to "only give warnings" is like saying "we don't really give a damn about the fishery just shut up and collect our money". Needless to say my friend wants to take this further and complain to and push the people running the area into giving out fines and hopefully restoring a once good fishery. He doesn't know who he should contact or how to go about it. As I said he should be adding to this soon as well, looking for any guidance anyone can give. Thanks in advance, Alphaalpha.
  11. nice report, thanks for posting. I'm hoping to get out that way in late august. i hope the bite is still on.
  12. very nice fish, great work!
  13. sounds like a great day on the water, nicely done!
  14. Great report, i could feel the excitement congrats to you both on your firsts!
  15. Great report! thanks for posting. I'm looking to get into my first tourney with a buddy of mine this year. hope we can work it out, sounds like tons of fun. Good luck with your upcoming ones, sounds like you are putting in some good time so hopefully that pays off for you!
  16. Nice one! wish i could get my wife out fishing with me...mind you she would probably school me and annoy the bejeebus out of me
  17. very nice healthy looking fish, congrats on your first!
  18. I never had much desire to eat one of those in the first place but that definately sealed the deal.
  19. Awesome 'staches! sounds like you need to brush up on your golf for next year though It's great to have annual trips like that, keep it up!
  20. sounds like a great day. nice work!
  21. "By what right do you exclude the population?!?" lmao too funny!
  22. great fish!
  23. looks like you had a nice day despite the weather. Great work!
  24. HEHE
  25. wow very nice!
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