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Everything posted by MSBruno

  1. angler-itis is pretty bad this time of the year good luck
  2. I ended up geting my boat (Hydra-Sports Z255, 15'4", 74" beam) for a killer deal. Ended up replacing carpet, hatches, bilge area cleanup, modded livewell and just putchased 2 new seats and pedestal seat off the BPS Classic Sale. Love every inch of my boat.
  3. fava beans!
  4. 7-4:30 trucks rolling in and out as its a construction site. the guard in the tower may say something.
  5. I was there last week, fully ice covered. BTW, they are closed during the week.
  6. He's probably out making us look silly, catching all the mr and mrs pike we all can't.
  7. I was going to go out today, but the winds kept me home. Maybe tomorrow.
  8. I picked up some Rapala Glide Raps ..... I'll report back with how they word. Stange of Infisherman swears by them.
  9. Yes, it's the HDS 5
  10. I picked one up. They sold through 150 in less than 90 min. I picked one up from my brother who doesn't want it. I'm going to return mine.
  11. He said once in an interview that he had 2 addicitons: Drugs and Fame.
  12. Doesn't the BPS sale start tomorrow? I saw all the product displays, but the pricing hadn't changed yet. You may have paid full price. Take them back tomorrow and get the price adjusted.
  13. M&G also make some killer, heavy duty spinner baits. I just wish more stores sold them.
  14. I love Strike King's KVD series Spinner baits. The trailer hook has landed me many fish. Red hooks, nice contructions, bleeding series ........ and their on sale at the BPS classic for like $5.75/each
  15. Since the start of this topic, I've been out twice. Seems as though 24" leader works well for me.
  16. If you use fluoro leaders for Pike, what length do you use? I'm trying to make them as long as I would like (3ft), but I can't cast as well as I'd like with a leader that long. I don't want to heavy guage fluoro leader to pass through my rod's first guide, so I'm having trouble controlling the 3ft of line out of my rod. I'm trimming it down and trying to work on the appropriate length of line that I can get a good ratio of length and catability. What length do you all use? What length do you find still gives you the invisibility of fluoro but still castable? Are the benefits of fluoro's invisibility negated after 12", 18", 24"? the longer the better? Thanks in advance!
  17. I was out today. Still lots of ice and very little places to fish. Didn't see a single fish.
  18. I went by mine and saw a rod, 3 lines, soft tackle box and a couple of older baits on sale. VERY dissapointed
  19. yup, Gerald Swindle it is!
  20. Thank you sir!
  21. Yeah, gotta take advantge of the fishing pre-March 31st.
  22. KVD, king o bass, gets threatened by a bass a good laugh
  23. I'm trying to locate the JP DeRose video on how to setuo the Shimano Curado VBS. ANyone knoe where I can find it? Thanks in advance.
  24. with temps in the 5-10 degree mark in the next week, I'm heading our for some TO pike.
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