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Everything posted by MSBruno

  1. Looking for the week which encompasses the civic holiday in August (Aug 6th) to head out of Toronto (max 4-6 hr drive) with the the family (8 people, ages 25 to 55). Looking for a nicer resort to fish and have some fun. I'll be bringing my 1994 16' bass-boat with 40 HP, so big water is a no-go. I'm leaning towards http://www.wolseleylodge.com/ simply because I know people who fish there, but I've heard the French fishery has been on a steady decline. Looking for a place where my in-laws won't mind spending a week and where I can fill my boat with fish. I am primarily a bass fisherman. Any other suggestions on location (Kawarthas vs french vs other location) or lodge? All the info I've found online is promotional material speaking how great their places are and not real-world experiences.
  2. sir-catch-a-lot hands down
  3. We're headed there Dec 31. Looking for a charter. Who did you book with? Would you book again?
  4. set 4 brakes on and 2 off with your curado. set the spool tension a little stiffer and as you get better, loosen it up. I get guests on my boat to pitch with curado's setup this way and they don't even need thumb the reel.
  5. UPDATE: Marina has informed me that Sierra parts in the USA will be replacing lower unit free of charge with new parts and used/painted casing.
  6. The marina is sending parts down to the supplier in the USA, Sierra, in hopes that they will replace them free of charge.
  7. All, Looking for some advice. I locked up my lower unit on my 1994 40HP 2-stroke Johnson outboard by putting it in the reverse before comming to a complete stop in the forward direction (5km/h coating forward) last September. Paid for it to be fully rebuilt with new parts. This week, I was accelerating towards the marina after a few hours of fishing and I grenaded the lower unit, golf-ball sized hole in the lower unit casing, oil slick behind the boat. The marina who'd replaced the lower unit last September, looked at the lower unit and said it was probably a faulty part which would all be covered under warranty. Just received a call from the marina and they informed me that the clutch dog was behind the gears and the clutch dog was the issue and thi only happens from the same issue I expereinced last fall, but putting it in reverse while going forward. Since last fall, I've onl had 10 outings and have always been very cautious of this older outboard, therefore not putting it in reverse at all other than pulling it out of the marina, being very aware of the propeller bein absolutely stopped. The marina says that the lower unit is now not covered under warranty as it was not a faulty part and is now quoting on rebuilding the lower unit again. The marina has always been good to me and is the same marina where i have my slip. They had the outboard rebuild at another, professional marina who specializes in Johnsons. My Marina is stuck between helping me out and the other marina who rebuilt the engine and now won't warranty their parts/work becasue of the clutch dog position behind the gears. Opinions? Thanks in advance, Mark
  8. North-West Corner of Hwy 400 and Hwy 7 Besdie Home Depot & The Brick
  9. It's alive! Thanks everyone. Bad Ground + Faulty Kill Switch Watch out fish tomorrow, rain and lightning stay away.
  10. I cut the kill switch out and nothing Any other ideas?
  11. thx everyone. I'll try it tomorrow Mark
  12. I just tested the kill switch: The landyard clips on and depressed the button on the kill switch. I have continuity with the lanyard on AND off. Should it break continuity with the lanyard off, like a reverse switch? should I just cut the wires and see if it fires up? will that give me the best result?
  13. Kill switch is connected The only fuse I see under the cowel is fine. The fuses under the dash are fine too
  14. I don't have spark. I have the spark plugs outside the block, grounded to the block and I don't get spark when I crank. I have fuel, it shoots out the spark plug hole when I crank
  15. Hi All, Trying to start my '94 2-stroke 40 Johnson and I'm not getting any spark. It crank's but it won't fire up. The spark plugs are new. Kill tether is on. I feel like it's something simple, but I can't wrap my head around it. Any ideas?
  16. I just upgraded to HDS5's and Radioworld has the best prices and the best service. Lauwren used to work for Lowrance and now works at Radioworld and has first hand install and tech support experience like no other. Upgraded to 4.0 software last night, it was very easy.
  17. TD meloche monnex for us. They were the cheapest 3 years ago when we shopped around. Took advantage of their group rate for York Uni and U of T alumni.
  18. straight braid, wire or heavy mono?
  19. interesting, thanks. Going to run it through some strength tests soon.
  20. the hotmaps were far inferior in detail compared to the fish'n chip, gold and platinum for trent severn north of couch
  21. I see many people with plano boxes filled with thier soft plastics: tubes, senkos, beaver-baits, etc none of them have ever complained about them "melting" Am I missing something here?
  22. PEI is fair game. Thanks for all the info. More info please! RV Campgorund reccomendations are highly welcome.
  23. Looks like we're going to do the Toronto round trip to the Martimes for the last 2 weeks in August this summer. It'll be my wife and I along with another couple who has family in Cheticamp which we'll be there for 3-4 days. The rest of the trip is wide open right now, so I'm looking for ideas of where to go. I've ben on the local tourism boards, but looking for some first hand knowledge. I have clearance to look for fishing oppourtunities at RV parks, so any RV parks that have great fishing are a must! Has anyone done this and willing to share? We've had reccommended to us: Bay of Fundy Cabot Trail Peggy's Cove Thanks in advance, Mark
  24. EPIC quote!
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