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Everything posted by danjang

  1. It was definitely a native species. An American Brook Lamprey. Make sure you ID positively before you kill anything! Harvesting an Atlantic thinking it's a rainbow is just as bad as killing a native lamprey thinking it's a sea lamprey!
  2. Hard to say whether or not it's an atlantic for sure due to the quality of the pic but the caudal and adipose fin checks out. Since it was on the credit, I'd say send it to [email protected] with time, place and the pic.
  3. Looks like a brown trout. Edit! Red spots! Definitely a brown trout!
  4. So why not close the river entirely until the Atlantic population become large enough... The credit does have a warm water fishery. It's one of the things that makes it a great river. Fly fishing and float fishing for bass IMO is a perfectly legit method. Pacific salmon can also enter the river REALLY early. I've caught a chinny as early as mid august.
  5. I photograph the Atlantics I catch to send in to CRAA. Although I know my fish, it's tough for CRAA to determine numbers if everyone said they caught an Atlantic without hard proof. They can get an idea of size, sex and if it had one, tag numbers.
  6. The Lake Ontario strain of Atlantic salmon is extinct. I believe the MNR had set the limits for Atlantics in order to help the reintroduction.
  7. This adds to my point. These goals won't happen overnight. If we scrap the atlantic salmon program because we don't see the results now, they will NEVER return to Lake Ontario. Should we just scrap all restoration programs because it costs too much? Think about how much money goes to organisms that don't really have an economic value like the red side dace where they essentially built a highway around/over it's habitat. I know this is a fishing forum and this train of thought may not appeal to some people but there is a great deal of value to this program. As a big bonus this program will create a fishery too.
  8. I know that this is a fishing forum and people's concerns here are that of the sport. But I'd like to bring up a point that doesn't get a lot of attention. The Atlantic Salmon was a Lake Ontario native, a part of our natural heritage. I know that the original strain of fish is officially extinct, but the species still exists elsewhere. Now we as a species have done a lot to degrade the environment and this is an opportunity to correct it. Reintroduction of a lot of animals from all over the world are underway. Species that are almost identical can in fact differ enough genetically to be considered a distinct population (Cryptic species). Even though these cryptic species have gone extinct and genetic diversity has been lost, we still attempt to reintroduce them to their native habitats. What my point is, if we give up trying to fix what we have broken what is the future going to entail for our children's children? Should we even try to save/restore our natural heritage or just let it be and end up having a bunch of non-indigenous species conquering our water because some fishermen are disgruntled over what kinds of fish they can catch?
  9. The longer it spins would mean that it has very little friction which in turn would mean that it would have very little start up inertia. This allows for the float to drift down without resistance leading to a more natural presentation. Or something along those lines .
  10. I am not very educated on how the global economy works but what would be the solution to this and what is the eventual goal of this movement? In my opinion based on what I've seen, it would appear that some of the protesters are expecting hand outs of some sort. The main difference (IMO) between here and the US is that our healthcare system is socialized. Medical expenses is the US is discriminating against the poor and even the middle class. What issues do we have here? If everyone were to live above the poverty line (whatever this is defined as) wouldn't supply and demand increase living costs due to wage increases and other processes anyways and start the whole "flawed" system all over again? I believe this is called inflation. So again what is the solution?
  11. Chinook
  12. Yup definitely a chinook salmon. It is edible but as ccmt said, I wouldn't eat it.
  13. Stone flies!
  14. Assuming that you are targeting migrating trout, you can use flies, spinners,worms and salmon roe bags. The only problem is that you will encounter crowds of salmon fisherpeople as the trout are usually found in the lower stretches of the rivers right now. Any of the salmon rivers should hold browns and maybe even a few bows.
  15. I've seen a small 3-4 inch goldfish swimming along several steelhead in the spring. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought it was some loose flagging tape. Hybrid steelhead/goldfish anyone!?
  16. I got snag arm after I yanked my lure free from a snag! Into another snag
  17. Just went over the regs for Lakers at killbear and d_paluch is correct. Were the boundaries changed in anyway over the last few years? I recall checking and double checking and asking locals. It was a 0 Limit not an all year fish sanc.
  18. I did it with a canoe! All I did was cast as far as I could with the wind to get an idea of how much line I had and just let the wind drift me towards where it landed. That should be enough time for the spoon to get to depth then start jigging! I caught 5 doing this in about 3 hours.
  19. Go out into the bay clearing the shallow water off the cliff jumping rocks. Just jig large spoons around 50-75 ft? You'll catch Lakers.
  20. I was wondering if anyone had fished the Mattawishkwia River in Hearst. I am going on an away job there for a few days and would love to know what I should bring as space is limited. Knowing what I can catch there would be awesome as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated .
  21. All time fave would be Tightlines for their steelheading selection. I always stock up there. For everything else, Lebaron. What really dictates where I go is which direction I go from the city. Bass pro (400) _____ Lebaron (404) Lebaron _____ TORONTO!! _____ Tightlines
  22. I've been to QUBS for a course 2 years ago without a rod! Definitely not making the same mistake this summer!
  23. I will be going to the Port Dover Simcoe area and was wondering what I can target in the Lynn River. Do trout run this river? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  24. I've surveyed a lot of land and this is the first I've come across a deer skeleton or even antlers. I was going nuts when I stumbled across this! Thanks for the info. Does anything need to be done to the antlers? Also, where can I find the actually wooden mount for the skulls. Is there anywhere in Torontoish area I can find one? I'll definitely post the completed project! It won't be for a while though. Going to wait for better weather to do the cooking. Don't think the fam would appreciate me boiling that thing in the house lol.
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