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Everything posted by danjang

  1. I was working out in Prince Edward county and came across a nearly complete skeleton of a buck. I figured it wasn't a carcass left behind by a hunter and it must have died of natural causes. I took the skull home and I would like to prepare it for a mount. Does anyone have any experience with this? It looked like it had been there for at least 2 years but I am no expert how long things take to decompose. I saw nothing inside the brain case other than some spiderwebs and a bit of dirt. Thanks! Here it is.
  2. It isn't illegal to have the meat. They transported it alive which is illegal.
  3. Really? Eat something else? As long as they aren't breaking any laws ANY cultural group in Canada should be able to eat what ever the hell they want.
  4. WOW... This guy has been caught twice doing this? Imagine how many times he had gotten through without being caught.
  5. I'm not sure if this is credible. But I heard it's not uncommon to raise/catch fish here and ship it over to china for processing and packaging and have it sent right back to us. Apparently it's just cheaper that way.
  6. I find it funny how this species was once at the brink of extinction/extirpation. I guess it was too much of a success story.
  7. I'm relatively new to fly fishing so maybe some other more experienced board members have used ECHO rods. The only thing I could say is that it looks fantastic and I've read nothing but good reviews. I've landed a couple of steelhead this fall and winter on the Echo ION. As for the casting, I'm a novice but I seem to cast very well (at least that's what I think lol). http://www.rajeffsports.com/
  8. ECHO rods makes very good quality rods for around that price. I have a 10 ft 7 wt rod. Looks very nice too! I got it from the states for 189 no tax free shipping.
  9. I would have crapped my pants. Did his windshield break or was that something else?
  10. Species of Fish and Snagging Catch Limit (1) Only the following species of fish (excluding endangered and threatened species) and catch limit may be taken by snagging: — Asian Carp (no live possession) - no catch limit, — Carp - no catch limit, — Buffalo - no catch limit, — Freshwater Drum - no catch limit, — Salmon (coho & chinook only) - 5 daily, of which not more than 3 may be of the same fish species, — Paddlefish - 2 per day, the maximum length limit for paddlefish taken from the Mississippi River between Illinois and Iowa is 33” eye-fork lenght (EFL) (all paddlefish greater than or equal to 33” EFL must be immediately released back to the Mississippi River). — Bowfin - no catch limit, — Gizzard shad - no catch limit, — Carpsuckers - no catch limit, — Longnose gar - no catch limit, — Shortnose gar - no catch limit, and — Suckers - no catch limit. (2) No sorting of snagged salmon and paddlefish is permitted, except for paddlefish taken from the Mississippi River between Illinois and Missouri where sorting is permitted. Every salmon 10 inches in total length or longer and paddlefish snagged must be taken into immediate possession and included in the daily catch limit. Once the daily limit of salmon or paddlefish has been reached, snagging must cease. Waters Open to Snagging and Snagging Season (1) Snagging for fish is permitted from September 15 through December 15 and from March 15 through May 15 within a 300 yard downstream limit below all locks and dams of the Illinois River, except for the area below the Peoria Lock and Dam where snagging is permitted year round. (2) Snagging for fish is permitted from September 15 through December 15 and from March 15 through May 15 within a 300 yard downstream limit below all locks and dams of the Mississippi RIver between Illinois and the Missouri, except for the Chain of Rocks low water dam at Chouteau Island – Madison County, also known as Dam 27 at the Chain of Rocks – Madison County where no snagging is permitted. Snagging is permitted from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset daily, March 1 through April 15 within a 500 yard downstream limit below locks and dams on the Mississippi River between Illinois and Iowa, except the tailwaters of Lock and Dam 12 and 13 are closed to all fishing from December 1 through March 15. (3) Snagging for fish is permitted year-round within a 100 yard limit upstream or downstream of the dam at Horseshoe Lake in Alexander County. (4) Snagging for chinook and coho salmon only is permitted from the following Lake Michigan shoreline areas from October 1 through December 31; however, no snagging is allowed at any time within 200 feet of a moored watercraft or as posted: — Lincoln Park Lagoon from the Fullerton Avenue Bridge to the southern end of the Lagoon, — Waukegan Harbor (in North Harbor basin only), — Winnetka Power Plant discharge area, — Jackson Harbor (Inner and Outer Harbors) Disposition of Snagged Salmon and Paddlefish All snagged salmon and paddlefish must be removed from the area from which they are taken and disposed of properly, in accordance with Article 5, Section 5-5 of the Fish and Aquatic Life Code. From the Illinois fishing regulations 2010. It would appear that indiscriminate snagging is legal there since it's really hard to selectively snag. I don't think what he did was illegal. As for it being ethical as a SPORT fisherman. No. But I am accustomed to different laws. Some might even find the laws here in Ontario as equally what the hell.
  11. He mentioned Mississippi river. It's probably legal there too. As for the lake Michigan snagging, it would appear that you have to take the fish home. I don't see anything wrong with taking fish using that method if you are going to take it home if it's legal. Clearly that law was not designed for sport fishermen. Only for those who want to bring home some meat to their family.
  12. Or maybe people don't take pictures of every fish they catch?
  13. I'll be going up to Blue Mountain for a snowboard/ski trip with a few friends. I was wondering if it was possible to pier fish either the Bighead or Beaver river during this time of year. I have never been to either river. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  14. Very true guys, forgot to mention to switch up baits first lol.
  15. Torco and Cuzza have it right on once you have the gear. Fish the crap out of a single river and get to know it. Once you know it, you'll be less frustrated with snags and you can have a planned route to get in and around the river. This will save you loads of time. POLARIZED SUNGLASSES! Eastern tribs are generally shallow and run clear a lot of the time. This will allow you to see fish and more importantly how your bait is reacting in the water. Steelhead can be very hard to see depending on the water conditions so when the water is greenish/dirty, just drift every chance you get. It is also good for eye protection. One more thing when fishing for steelhead. I used to drift the same pool over and over and over. I know there are fish there but they aren't biting (assuming your drifts are going fine). Move on! Steelhead are easy to catch when they want to feed. If not, you'll be just wasting your time. Sure you might catch one eventually, but you could have had more looking for active fish.
  16. Iodine is one of those things that are put in food products because our normal diet doesn't have enough of it. We need it for our thyroid glands to work properly. Otherwise we'd all have goiters! Everything is poisonous if you have enough of it.
  17. I guess I had to fish that river early in the day! Went there Tuesday and got skunked for the first time in a year :/. Nice fish!
  18. Siglon F 10 pound Main and drennan/maxima flouro leads in 8,6,4. 4 for clear conditions 6 for all round 8 for salmon/dirty water
  19. Awesome!
  20. !!! I gotta get me one of those! In my two trips to the SOO I've caught nothing but pinks. :/
  21. Where's the damn report on stillfishing?! You owe us that much.
  22. It's not about effectiveness at all. He probably wanted to set up an easy chair and relax with the rest of his friends and enjoy a nice fall day. Hardware chucking, float fishing, fly fishing etc doesn't offer that. The sitting that is . A lots of good tangents were discussed here. Good thread .
  23. It's not the 1 foot off the bottom that flosses exactly, it's the line leading to the sinker that can make it seem like you have a fish when they bump into it. The natural reaction is to set the hook which in turn snags the fish. Just keep the rod tip high to minimize this.
  24. I respectfully disagree Twocoda. This would eliminate all the eastern tribs effectively killing the sport fishery there. Hell, there's only a handful of areas in the credit that's over 5 feet in depth. Also, people who would even abide by this would have to carry around a pole at least 5 feet long to check to see if they can fish it. Salmon also do bite in rivers. I'm new to fishing so I can't really explain why but some days it is just ON to a point where almost every single drift was taken.
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