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Everything posted by ckrb2007

  1. I just bought one in September. It's pretty much like buying a used car (minus the e-test. LOL) The plate stays with the seller. He has to do the normal bill of sale and sign over the ownership to you. You just take all the appropriate paperwork to the MTO, pay for a new plate and taxes. Pretty painless I thought. Colin
  2. What species are you wanting to target?
  3. I have the "ice machine" version of the x67c.....so it comes with the ice-ducer. Colin
  4. Good job guys! Looks like a fun day had by all...........minus the meat-head who didn't mark his hut hole. That could've been a lot worse. Glad you guys came out ok after that "launching". Colin
  5. The first one was clipped and the second was not.
  6. Awesome job!! Snow machines and quads definitely make you catch more fish!! heehee
  7. Nice looking set-up!! I keep telling my wife that the set-up helps catch more fish!!
  8. We hit the lake a little later then the previous day......needed some sleep...plus after the dismal outtings the past few weekends, other then my fish yesterday, I wasn't in any real hurry to get out. Randy and I set-up near the same spot as yesterday and hoped for the best. ATV travel was good up until we got out further then the "pack"....then the slush beds really slowed us down. It was slow for quite a while, only marking the odd fish and getting just enough chasers to keep us interested. I landed a nice laker around 12lbs while waiting..... then, at around 11:30'ish, the screen lit up with fish.......4ft thick on bottom. Game on. Non stop chasers and hook-ups for over an hour. We limited out on whiteys and landed another 3 lakers and probably lost another 8 fish on the way up. I sure felt nice to get into some fish. It's been WAY to long. The Williams and tube brought home the fish today. It was a great day out on the ice for sure. I think I found another spot to add to my GPS! Ryan (Troutuy) and Dan......always nice to see you guys out there. The first laker of the day......another chunky one. This guy put up quite the fight. The x67 looked like this for an hour and a half. Randy with his 2. Me with my 2. Drove out to one spot and never moved all day.
  9. It was a clipped fish...I'm just doing some research as we speak to try to figure out when it was stocked.
  10. It fell victim to the white tube. It was hanging onto 1 hook of the stinger I attached.
  11. Very cool zoom effect!
  12. It says 19.3. It was a tough but great day to be out. Not toooooo cold out and no wind always helps.
  13. After a tough couple days at work Randy an I were stoked to get out this morning to try our luck on the "Lady". Randy met me at my house and we loaded up and headed to BBP. We launched off of the end of BBP Rd at around 7:45am and set up at our first spot at around 8:10am. Travel via ATV was ok......deep snow and many slush beds slowed us down but never really caused any problems. We marked fish all day and had lots of chasers during the day but never really found any fish that were willing to commit. We probably moved 6 times during the day. Randy lost one laker at the hole.......his swivel bent apart!! Arrghh. I think we lost 2 or 3 others on the way up and we were getting a little discouraged. We made one final move later in the day which turned our to be a good one for me as I landed my PB laker within about 15 mins of setting up. Randy got the assist on it by doing a text-book landing. The laker went 19.3lbs on my scale. Although it didn't have the length, the girth made up for it. It was a real porker. ......and of course it was safely released to swim and spawn for many more years to come. ...and the battle begins. ...the porker. I took this one for Todd so he could see I wasn't telling stories! LOL I'll be out tomorrow looking for more! Colin
  14. no kidding!! It was acually nice out that day!
  15. As many of you know, there was a large train de-railment up in Severn Falls this week. As "luck" would have it, the accident wiped out one of our fibre optic huts so myself along with 3 others co-workers got the call to head up there and splice together a by-pass cable to get several high priority customers back up and running. I have to say, I've never seen such carnage. It was bizarre seeing rail cars twisted and torn open like sardine cans. Anyways, here are a few pics from the day. Our crew rolling up on site. Our hut took a beating. Carnage. More Carnage. Randy and I setting up our work area. Me splicing. A grain car....took them all day to vaccuum the grain out. One of the many massive machines laying tracks.
  16. No.....I'm a fibre splicer for Allstream. We have fibre optics along the rail and they wiped out one of our huts. Should be interesting.
  17. I'll be up there tomorrow working........if all goes well I'll post a few pics when I get back.
  18. I have a 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser and couldn't be happier with it. I tow my friends boats, my ATV all around and it's awesome. Another plus is it fits my fish trap guide in the back. It does have the selectable 2wd or 4wd option....along with the locking diff and A-TRAC which basically transfers power to the wheels that aren't spinning. It has the 4 litre V6, 245hp engine which is more then enough power. I've taken in back lake fishing/camping and last year the family drove to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and PEI......a 6000km trip with no problems. Cheers, Colin
  19. Don't skimp with your ice fishing reels. I use Shimano Saharas for my ice rods. I tried the HT accu-cast and did not like the drag at all. Although I do use them on first ice for perch. When fighting scrappy lakers you really need a smooth drag.
  20. Congrats on the new purchase. My dad has the 164ss with the 115 merc. Princecrafts are awesome boats!
  21. I feel your pain bud. I'm sure someone watched my hand auger fall off my sled this past weekend and grab it up and not say word to me as I walked out on the ice. You're right...friggin low life slugs!
  22. Thanks for the info!! 115 pics for $2.85.
  23. Yeah it is amazing that nobody yelled at me since there were lots of guys getting on the ice shortly after me....and there's only really one "ice road" out to the fishing grounds. I hope I get it back as well since it was a father's day gift from years gone by. Fingers crossed.
  24. Well I guess it's my fault for not checking as we walked out. We walked back in once we noticed but didn't find it either so we drove to my buddies place and grabbed his. There were lots of guys coming out at the same time as us so I'm crossing my fingers that someone on one of the fishing boards finds it.............by the way Bill, this is Colin...the guy who bought your suit. LOL
  25. Hi all, I know this may be a shot in the dark but I lost my hand auger this morning while walking out at Innisfil Beach around 8-8:30am. It fell out of my sled and didn't realize until it was too late. It's the folding 8" off-set style. If you found it please email me... [email protected] Thanks, Colin
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