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Everything posted by RuNnYoOzE

  1. I want a goat now thanks alot!!! what are the REGS for owning a goat in the city?
  2. He's OFC mascot?
  3. PAINTNET click link to download http://www.filehippo.com/download_paint.ne...4e19ecbf44a86f/
  4. NO silly a program to re-size THEM LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. ok whats so special about this goat is it recovering from something? abandoned as a baby! ITs cute but what does it do (fish hunt?) A birthday? are you baking it a weatgrass cake? oh Ive seen it all now! A birthday wish for a goat!
  6. hey man hope we can hook up again soon...I'd like to try out some more places and make a day out of it!

  7. Had a pike hit a jig once ...what a moment...Up in Cambellford (trent waterway)
  8. sounds like an avenue to meet some interesting people...charters in my vocabulary sound expensive...Do OFC'ers get a poverty discount? haha I have NEVER fished from a boat and want so bad to experience atleast once!
  9. HI guys Id love to come grab a spot fishing for cats!
  10. Frontiers of the unknown!
  11. yes in my opinion if the whole internet blew up Id still be fishing@ even hang out in Fishing forums to find fishing friends who like myself LOVE fishing! ........so did I mention I love fishing lol.
  12. yes Eset is a good 1
  13. hey there Great Site! If it ain't fish related I say Death to it lol

  15. http://www.niagaraoutdoorshow.com/ Woot Im so there $5 bucks to enter and loads of clearance stuff.....got to post in the "hook up" space!
  16. where is the Niagra outdoors show? OOH man Im so there!
  17. http://sites.mercurymarine.com/portal/page...;_schema=PORTAL I was browsing through some PDF manuals ^^ theres the link..Im not sure what model the motor was but try that! Im sure you can do it yourself!
  18. what about the heavier line for fly fishing! a birdie told me you need a heavier line ......just throwing my 2 cents to the wind boys always with the drama to follow , quick someone get me a tissue !
  19. http://www.lakeofthewoodsmn.com/ stay in Canada Dubai ..Switzerland......come on now risk a flight to another country.....passport hassles and weird smelling places with people staring like your an alien from outter space....go up North ..fresh air wildlife ..making love under the stars....Dominican rebublic! oh for sure too many risks! and Don't forget Lake of the woods has diverse species of fish!!!!!
  20. sorry man I did what every other dude on this board does " search" outfitters and such that will definately tell you what to expect to catch in their river! as outiftters they say " ooh lets go fishing and not tell their clients what to expect to catch well! I say do a search for a outfitter or I can just post links to some Either way ....have fun kayaking and YES look for a bait shop near the area your fishing "yellowpages.ca " will help you ! Good luck and happy fishing!
  21. hey Pure great cats! I have caught the smaller Cats but how are the big 1's are they lunkers like suckers or do they fight like mad! just curious!
  22. We dipped some Roe in the GULP@ no results the wind was something ferocious off lake Ontario blowing all sort of crap into a trib we were fishing!
  23. great story there. Where about is Perth .......I can't wait to go fish for walleye but I think I'll stick to the Trenton area!
  24. I agree totally this has minnows and leeches in it. (tub) and it leaks BAD going to transfer it to a tupperware toodaddle thingy! I want to hit Rice lake for Walleye! Can't wait
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