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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Part time means flexible manpower.... Lower grade benifits.... No layoffs.... They just reduce hours forcing some to quit or find second jobs... So to the public the companies save face.... Lots of part time is good for employers but bad for morale...
  2. My mom has one... Been great to her... No major issues... Never been stuck... Fair amount of room in them for a small SUV... As stated above if your a big person (I'm 6'4" 275lbs...) it's not roomy by any means... But I can get in and out find and sit fairly comfortably...
  3. What I always wondered about are genetics.... Do big fish produce big fish? I'm a big fella... Chances are my kids are gunna be fair sized individuals... Is it the same with fish??? Cause if it is then even if half the eggs are useles... The other half are priceless....
  4. I think everyone is entitled to a "wall hanger"... 1... As long as it's legal.... But to eat a trophy like that is such a waste.... That fish could make someone's dreams come true... I don't keep any walleye over 5 lbs (3lb average here) for eating... Boat rule... But that's just me... I know guys that'll eat 10 pounders without even thinking about it... More meat for their limit... Lol... Old school thinking I guess....
  5. For me it's in my personality... Numbers get in my head... I have a walleye database I built cause of this... Usually I fish to the nearest 5... If I'm at 8 fish usually won't stop till I hit 10... If we get 11 I gotta shoot for 15... When I'm with my son I don't really care... It's a boat ride and any fish are a bonus...
  6. Most walleye over 7lbs around here get rounded to 10.... I'm always hearing about 10 pounders being caught... But when asked if they actually weighed them they say no...
  7. When it's the fish your hunting your entire life and you see it.... You'll get the feeling... I dropped a giant walleye fishing locally and I got butterflies
  8. Agreed.... It's even worse if you a larger then average person... The picture above if I didn't know better id estimate the weight 10 pounds or less.... But it's nearly double that....
  9. Electric wheelchair place... $65 Local lighting and electrical store... $35-SOLD
  10. Thanks everyone... Gunna check some stores today....
  11. Hello... Glad your out of the lurker closet... Lol
  12. Wow... Like stated above defensive driving teaches to turn towards the ditch/snowbank in this case... And I've done just that... But I had more time to process my situation.... This happened really fast.... Hard to believe that there's people that don't know to look both ways... It's beaten into our heads our entire life...
  13. I'm looking for a store that most cities have....Closest Lebaron is 1 hour.... Can tire has em for $40... I just thought that's a lot... they're online for $20...
  14. I was wondering if anyone knows of a big chain (walmart... Can tire... Home Depot...etc...) that generally sells 12v batteries for a portable sonar pack... Or Another store I should try... I know this has been brought up before... I just can't find the thread....
  15. He caught 3 fish that day... Average weight... 13lbs... Lmao.... I wish....
  16. From what I've read they're considered a junk fish by some... Invasive... Lol No slot and no daily limit if I read it right....
  17. After asking around we have had 2 deaths in this area that resulted from drinking and speeding on sleds... Maybe a scare tactic from the authorities... Post a made up story to get everyone to slow down... Kinda interesting that the first sled to find it was a copper... And somehow he ducked it.. Who knows...
  18. https://nwsportsmanmag.com/editors-blog/how-john-grubenhoff-caught-a-20-plus-pound-columbia-river-walleye/ Time for a road trip
  19. Scary stuff... Literally a couple miles from our boathouses.... Glad nobody was hurt cause I probably would have known them... I know smuggling this winter has been booming due to the amount of ice for sleds to cross the river.... Maybe connected... Who knows...
  20. That's rediculous.... There are events (won't name them) in my area that have fish fries for 20+ people... Everyone is on the property where the fish is being cleaned, cooked and served...
  21. Interesting that the other driver decides to drive up to him.... Hopefully everyone was ok
  22. Here I thought this was about biodegradable baits.... Lol
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