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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. I've heard about some great carp fishing opertunities... Fishin Canada did a carp show on the toronto islands... Huge ones... If your gunna try carp...don't bother till around may
  2. i could hear him right where his posts reads..."a musky is a musky"...lol
  3. mmmm... the black and white cookie.... a perfect balance of harmony on a cookie...
  4. So as long as they are in season accidental PBS are cool? Cause my pb smallie is 7.5 pounds... In season... It choked down a 8-10 inch minnow while I was musky fishing...and I'm counting it no matter what anyone says...lol...it was a tank Actually... My pb musky was caught while walleye fishing... I was testing a 100lb floro worm harness cause we were getting bit off so often by musky... First spot we tried it I went fish for fish with my bro using a regular 10lb harness... Then pop... 53.5 incher... In season...
  5. i didnt have to go to court when i got dinged for fishing walleye out of season (thought one bridge was a border but it was another... ) $250 each... no fish in possession... but WE CHOSE to go see the justice of the peace and explain what happened and he cut the fine in half...
  6. 66 days till walleye opener... 108 days till musky opener...locally anyways... Lots of time for carping...
  7. cool show... that open water trolling is where its at... i wish i could wet my lines and drive all day... river musky fishing is a lot more run and gun... hey Bob... what kinda rods and line are you running?
  8. An early spring will make up for the late spring last year... Last year I was getting walleye with eggs in em till June.... Never caught walleye with eggs in the spring before... And maybe the weeds will get nice and thick again...
  9. i had a client cast his heart out to get his pb... his rod...his lure...his technique... all i did is put him in an area with some fish and controlled the boat so he could cast.... id say he really earned it...
  10. Yup... You bass guys think it's bad... Try buying bulldogs for 15-20 bucks a peice only to have a dirty little pike rip the tail off on the first cast...
  11. First of all... You are NOT allowede 2 rods in a boat on the st.lawrence river in Ontario... I'm 100% sure of this... Second... Jeff and Paul both take their boats and tie up to a shoreline... So it's more for comfort or accessing spots unavailable by foot... I've tried carping out of my boat... I figured I could fish areas where nobody else could... I only tried 2 times... With little success... I'm still hopeful that I can figure it out... One problem like mentioned above is your boat moving around... Solution... After setting your front anchor like normal... Drop a second anchor of the back of the boat to prevent swinging... Second... Carp fishing usually means a ton of gear... So if you have a small boat... You must pack lighter then normal... Only bring what you really need... Third... Boat damage... The one day I did decent... I beached my boat into marsh/brush to keep it stable... So if you have a nice boat...it'll get scratched... Fourth... Carp slime... If you have carpet in your boat youll want to protect it from the carp slime with a tarp or something... Or water release... My mindset is if you can bait a spot with bait that has vitamins, fats, proteins, etc on a regular basis... You can draw carp to you and keep them coming back several times a day to eat... So I establish 2-3 locations I plan to fish during a certain time if year and I put bait in at least once a week... This gives my 2-3 locations to choose from depending on conditions... Great question Roy...
  12. Not all of us... Bob This Canuck says "go USA!!!!!"
  13. You shouldn't get a ticket... AS FAR AS I KNOW... if you don't change your lure, location, or technique they can nail you... The idea is your supposed to avoid out of season fish by any means necasary... So if you can only catch walleye on rapala x raps... But doing so you get a whak of bass in the process...your supposed to change lures or you location to leave the bass alone to spawn... But if you using a topwater frog and say your walleye fishing... Good luck
  14. Break my current musky PB of 53.5 inches... Get a 40lb carp... Get a walleye over 30 inches on softwater... Go to quinte at least 2 times this fall... Meet more great people...
  15. its that time of year... ice gets soft and sags... be carefull...
  16. im with you skip.... there are lots of people from where we grew up that are bilingual... and not everything translates well... and i agree with your train of thought regarding how spelling shouldnt reflect what you can do... if i cant spell... does that mean im gunna suck at catching fish...?lol no.... but it seems that every thread i start now there is always someone that always find something in there to criticize me as a guide... it doesnt make any sense...people arent perfect... that doesnt mean they cant do their jobs right... mike... you expect your friends to pay their way...OMG... you must be a bad guide.... mike... you ice fish near open water...you must be a bad guide... mike... you dont charge enough money.... you must be a bad guide... mike... quit doing reports... no other guides do reports..."quit pumping the tires"...you must be a bad guide... what else...? if i say i dont like brussel sprouts... i must be a bad guide... there are a lot of people on this site that will do a lot to help people along in life...there are some that have helped me and still are....and for that i am gratefull... but it seems that there are just as many if not more people on this site that are looking to bash and slam anybody that has opinions or maybe doesnt know as much as them about something... i find it hard to believe there are as many (ACTIVE) members on this site as there are... its no wonder most are lurkers...
  17. I guess it depends on the lure... I'm pretty sure he can't cast a small floating rapala that far... I can cast over 100 yds with my carp rod...
  18. No clue... Curious about that myself...
  19. I am unemployed and EI runs out very soon and I donated a guided day of walleye or musky... There's gotta be some working folks that wanna guided day of fishing the st.lawrence river for musky or walleye... And the bids on loyds spring walleye in quinte are crazy low for a 4 person trip...
  20. Agreed... The bids are still very low for what's being offered...
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