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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Jigging rythem... Like shake it Wobble it Rip jig Etc...
  2. Well the girlfriend got off early today... So I got to go fishing tonight... Well me and a buddy fished for about an hour before we marked our first fish.. Wich refused our offerings... And so did the next 5 marks... We tried everything... Again... I decided to use my go to lure... And work on the cadence... Finally get I bite... Swing and a miss... Got my minnow... Rebaited and dropped... Bang got him that time... A nice 18-20 incher... Soon after my partner got SMOKED on his lindy darter... I guess they do work...lol I get cracked again... Feels huge... I'd gain 3-4 feet and she would take it right back... Work her up 20 feet and POP... Hook pulled.... I was devastated.... As I rebait I watched the beast swim back down... I dropped my bait back down... And before the fish made it to the bottom it saw my lure again... That's right... It hit again!!!!! After I just lost it seconds before... This time I got it up to the hole... OMG... Beast... I wasn't sure if it would fit through the 6 inch hole... We got her through the hole barely... She went 31x18 wich is 12lbs on the calculator... My new PB We later iced 2 more 18-20 inchers... What a great night
  3. awesome... im halfway through the video really neat
  4. superdad... well done sir... any chance of you letting us know where we can launch?? PMs welcome... please....
  5. first ones always free for a buddy... and i love when someone offers to buy breakfast or lunch or beers in exchange for gas.... really rounds out the day nicely...
  6. i cant get over how many people fully finance their friends hobby... this thread is at the point where people arent reading ALL the previous posts... your just getting bits and pieces... i said fishing has paid for itself this year and im still getting pooped on for fishing on a tight budget... as far as finding a job... i lost my job the week my son was born and decided to make the best of the situation and use my parental leave/EI... im getting more on EI then most of the jobs would have paid me... so i do have income... however i went from a high paying job to EI so extra money is tighter... but bills are being payed... wedding is being paid for... theres food on my table... fiance has a good job... im not using people to pay for my addiction... but i dont think its right i should foot the bill for 2-3 of my friends to fish all year in my boat...
  7. Thanks for the well wishes... Like I said... This situation has nothing to do with guiding... As far as that goes... I'm not looking to make a living off of guiding... I'm looking to help cover my fishing costs and meet some cool people... And so far everyone that has been in my boat has stayed in touch in one way or another... And I covered my fishing cost last year... So I'm really happy so far...
  8. Sweet... Early spring means longer carp season before walleye opens...
  9. Collateral... If you borrow money from the bank and list your boat as collateral... Then you don't pay them back... They take your boat... Well said...
  10. Well I told him my decision... He's perfectly fine with it... And he apologized for stiffing me... He even offered me to keep more then the 50 I want out of this... So I guess I did the right think cause we are starting to make plans to go fishing again...
  11. That's fair... But as far as my wallet is concerned... Fishing paid for itself this year... Guiding covered my expenses... So IMO... I think it was ok that I went fishing...
  12. Thanks everyone for the advice... I think in the end my decision may save the friendship... And we both get what we want out of the rod... And from now on expectations for money will be made clear when I make the phone call to find a fishing partner for the day...
  13. Not really I sold him the rod... He paid... Then he owed me money... So I did a repo on it... I think we can put this one to rest
  14. Well I'm not sure what this has to do with guiding... It has to do with being taken advantage of... This is what im gunna do ... I know he wants to sell the combo... He was gunna sell it for about 100 So I'm gunna forget about the gas money all summer and fall I was leaniant on... But not the 4 days of ice fishing he flat out stiffed me for... I'm gunna sell the rod...150 Take my cut... 50 and tell him he can pick up his 100 and his other gear still at my house... I think in the end it's a lesson for both of us and we both get the cash we want in the end... I really think this is a best of both worlds solution...
  15. But with me... I'm broke... I don't have a job... I need the gas money so I can afford my next day of fishing... Also 9/10 times on the water it's with my truck and my boat...the other days are in my brothers boat... And we don't count gas cause I take him and he takes me... Also... I put in about 100 days of fishing last year... At 20-40$ a day that's 2000-4000 in gas at the end of the year... So people stiffing me really adds up If I get stiffed 1/3 times out...It's a grand at the end of the year That's a grand off my debt... Or a grand in my kids education fund...
  16. Well I look at it this way I sold him the rod this summer Then he owed me money So I repoed the rod...
  17. 8.5 foot st.croix premier x-heavy Shimano corvalus cvl 400-right Spilled with 100lb power pro ...
  18. The deal breaker was that he went ice fishing 4 days straight... I paid gas and bait all 4 days... He said he'd have my money the last night of the four days... Then he dodged me for a month... The biggest reason I'm keeping the combo is because he wants to sell it to buy a vexilar... Not pay me back!!!
  19. In province 3 year was printed on my new card... That really sucks... I hate bulky wallets...
  20. Well... Had a buddy going through tough times this year... So I kinda took it easier on him with gas money for fishing... Then this fall... I was pretty much getting nothing... Then 4 trips on ice with literally nothing... This is a buddy I took out at least once a week... Got his pb walleye and musky this year... I know he was in a tight place with money cause he wasn't working... But he lives at home with his parents... I'm not working...I have a house... And a baby... And truck payments... So he ended up leaving a musky combo at my house this fall... And after avoiding my calls for a month trying to get my money... He calls looking to come get the musky combo... I said no dice... I'm selling it to pay for all the gas from this year... And he gets mad like I'm the bad guy... And worst of all I kept reading posts on Facebook about him buying his girlfriend flowers and getting drunk... It's annoying when someone can't/won't pay gas money but buys beer and flowers... Anyways... I think what I did was called for... Do you? By the way... From now on its gunna be cash up front for gas money... And the guest is paying for more then half from now on...
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