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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. I had a bait shop tell me to watch out when I on Lake Erie because I had went to pick up 10 dozen by myself for a party of 3..... She said the week before a few people got nailed for having over 120 per person, because they had brought salted and then managed to catch some minnows... Don't know if it really happened but she told me to be sure and divide up the minnows when I got back to the other people I was fishing with. I don't doubt it happened because later that day I was talking to a guy who was there that same day and he got nailed for having two rods in the water. He had a HUGE cluster doink on his one rod so he took that out of the water and cast out with his spare. He retied and when he was done he set it on the pier no bait on the hooks the leader and pickerel rig were long enough so that the sinker was bobbing in the water. Less than 30 seconds later that same CO walked over and charged him remember no bait had been put on the hooks. He said he would be happy to pay the fine if the CO would charge the guy who had 5 rods in the water because he was fishing with his 4 kids who were over 200 yards away swimming.... The CO refused to charge the other man because he wasn't able to speak the person's native language well enough to explain to the man that his children needed to be with the rods not just within a 1/4 mile.... I believe this story because 3 people collaborated it...
  2. Good rant but can you explain to me just exactly how VOIP is cheaper than Bell per month. I spend exactly and I do mean EXACTLY $24.73 per month including all the features, long distance I use and taxes. If you have a way to beat that and get me a DSL line for 5MB high speed for only 17.41 per month on top of the 24.73 to use the VOIP including the line then I am all ears.... but only if there is no cable company involved LOL.
  3. On lake erie when the perch are running I have seen folks have to go get more bait after a couple of hours.... Them perch travel in schools and are pretty smart at taking bait off a hook especially if there is a 25KM an hour wind making your rod dance all the time too. I watched my dad lose 35 minnnows one morning and not get a fish. OK I lost 20 myself but that is besides the point LOL. What I don't like is that you can only have 120 minnows included salted. That makes NO sense to me either but what do I know. I am not one of the squirrels working for the MNR deciding our fate. Another new reg that defies logic is the ban on crayfish transportation. If the place where I wanted to use them had them naturally to catch, there wouldn't be any bass there to bother with.... because the BASS LOVE em so they would have eaten them all geez. This ain't rocket science. If you get caught with the american ones or releasing live ones you should get 500 lashes with a cat of nine tails minimum. But to ban the frog first and now crayfish, along with restricting the importation of leeches from any other juristiction is going to make the bass population explode around here anyways.
  4. Lew I appreciate the imput I never saw anything that remotely interested me at BPS the last time I looked so I definitely will have to check this one out. As for spending the 280 no worries on that part but we are shore fishermen and don't have a boat to keep comfortable in.... Besides like I said getting my dad to take 3 or 4 hours away to head out fishing is like pulling teeth sometimes, so anything that will help him decide to tag along when it is raining out would be worth it.
  5. I understand that you get what you pay for and here is where I am coming from. I can get a summer weight Gore Tex suit from Cabelas for about 300.00 delivered that I can't try on unless I drive 6 hours to their store in Michigan which would take the price to over 400 with gas and meals and the like, Oh wait since I work 7 days a week I would have to lose a days pay too..... That really leaves mail order, and if I have a problem with it for any reason but most likely it not fitting well then I have to ship it back which would leave me out about 30 bucks and I still don't have a suit, or I could just sell it for what I can get for on ebay probably losing more money... I will assume that since it is Cabelas it would be of decent quality so that part doesn't concern me. Now on the other hand I can take my dad to LeBarons in Mississauga in the afternoon after I and he finish work on or near his birthday, spend that part of the day with him, buy him the suit in a size that works best because he can try it on. Take him for supper, get him a Pflueger President 6725 or 30 for his perching rod I just gave him at Christmas to go with the rain suit all for about 225 including gas and the meal. If I do that at least I will know the suit fits, plus I get some quality time with him to boot..... I don't want to do that if the suit is crap and doesn't breath so it will be uncomfortable on a clamy day in the rain. Considering that my dad at the young age of 73 insists on still working 7 days a week like I do most weeks. Just getting him out in nice weather to fish is a challenge, rainy weather it has been alll but impossible because he hates being clamy under a rain suit. So giving how SWO suffers drought conditions lately when it gets warm out, I am assuming if he wears the thing maybe 10 times in 2 yrs that would be great with me. So paying for something that a deep sea fisherman would need to go crabbing in Alaska doesn't make too much sense either..... Anyway you said the suit you have now is your favourite but didn't mention the brand or model. Perhaps I would look at one from them if you could enlighten me as to the type.
  6. I like everyone here work very hard for me my money, so I feel I owe it to myself to get the best deal I can on ANYTHING I buy. I don't however spend dollars to save nickels but I do try to never pay retail for anything if possible. As in if it is something that goes on sale I wait or at least I try to make sure I check at least two or three places out for their pricing.... I just hope that for the people on here who don't feel that way that I can some how come up with a product to sell them. You know something where I can charge 25% more than anyone else who sells that item and sell lots of lots of whatever it is to these people who gladly overpay for items.... I promise to give great service, and excellent coversation if wanted.... So if anyone has an idea of any product that they and hopefully lots of others would like to buy with an automatic extra 25% tacked right on top PLEASE PM with the name of it so I can source it, stock it and then sell to all those who would be interested..... OK I guess that might have been a bit too sarcastic...... but every time hunting for lower prices on stuff comes up on here I do read a lot of posts where people advocate paying the little/local guy more just because? Why again? Just cause isn't good enough when it comes to my hard earned money for those of well off enough that it does make sense to them to spend more than you need to for an item to MORE power to you ;o) But please don't bash those of us on here who like to look for and hear about deals.
  7. I am looking at purchasing my dad a breathable rain suit for the odd fishing trip. I would love to go with Gore Tex but the price vs the two to maybe five times total if that he will ever use a warmer weather rain suit ratio I am looking at less pricey options.... I know HH has a good rep for survival suits so I am wondering if anyone here has tried the compass line of rain gear and if so what is their impression of it? Is it waterproof and does it breath so you don't wind up more soaked from sweat than from the rain? Thanks
  8. Around here I don't think you could actually find the tribs as the rivers are over their banks by about 30 feet in most cases. If it doesn't precipitate too much more I am thinking, hoping for Saturday to be awesome fishing.
  9. Just go to Crappy tire and grab a bale of the fabril worm bedding food basics to get some distilled water. The worm bedding has food for them in it. You just wet it down with distilled water drain it well. Keep the worms in it in the fridge and they will last for 2 or 3 months easy.... if you notice them not doing well just add some of the worm food from frabil to the mix. I have tried lots of different methods but the frabil worm bedding is the best because the worms last forever in it. Also it isn't soil and therefore it doesn't get all over your hands and reel when you are fishing like the "dirt" from the commercial beddings when you buy worms.
  10. ch312- I wish most people who did pay for Norton didn't but the hype they put out to the people not in the know seems to convince many to use it.
  11. WRONG you can get a virus or worm without any action on your part.... If you doubt that just do a fresh install of Windows XP without SP1 or a firewall hook up ANY high speed connection. YOU WILL get the sauber worm or a variation in under 20 seconds without clicking on anything.... It was only the SP1 patch that prevented that from happening or having a firewall installed with XP.... We did some extensive testing and the longest it took for the worm to infect a machine was 15 seconds EVERYTIME. If it could happen once like it did in that case what is to stop some cretin from coming up with another worm like that one? Also if you don't run anti virus how do you know you don't have a virus.......? Don't bother replying as it is obvious you march to your own drummer.
  12. You might be surprised at how cheaply you can buy a replacement bulb and install it yourself..... I found several for under 250 with just a quick search on google.
  13. I look after about 20 machines for friends and family.... One thing I absolutely do NOT UNDER any circumstances do though is help anyone who uses norton or Mcrappy (which is more insidious in lots of way than norton) All those machines have AVG free and Zonealarm which allows me to spend my spare time fishing not stuggle with computers that are slow bloated and not working worth a crap.... This statement while a bit dated is still as true as ever. How to you convert a Pentium III to a 286? answer Install Norton......
  14. I drive a delivery route through some great hawk country. In the summer I often take a break near one particularly good hill, and watch the soaring hawks do their thing. It is just incredible how fast they can swoop on an unsuspecting bird and nab one of out a flock as well. I am very encouraged at how well the hawk population is rebounding. It was not all that long ago they were looking at extinction due the DDT residue turning their eggs shells so soft they wouldn't hatch. As a top predator it is good to see them flourishing as that shows the whole ecosystem is doing better. Almost weekly now I see hawks that are HUGE and healthy and to me that is a good sign. Recently some scientists were doing a radio show wondering where all the native small birds were since apparently their numbers are down now. All you have to do is see the number of hawks around here and it isn't too hard to figure out.... The other birds had a really good run for 15 yrs or so while the raptor population rebuilt itself, now it will be interesting to see how it all levels out.
  15. I doubt I will get the day off but if there is open water for some winter steelheading I will find a way to get enough hours off to give it a go sometime that day LOL.
  16. If you don't want your line to freeze up the guides you have to get this magic balm called Stanley's Ice Off paste. I was going to try it on New Years Eve but it didn't seem cold enough. However I made a deal with the tackle store clerk if it worked fine, if it didn't I was coming back for a refund, he still sold it to me swearing it works.... I trust him because I know he doesn't want me coming back in for that refund when the store is full on a Saturday afternoon screaming LOL.
  17. If anybody knows where you can get ice creepers that will fit over a size 13 extra wide snowmobile boot please enlighten me. I have bought two different kinds of exta large creepers so far and neither have come close to fitting.... I need something because I ain't as flexible as I used to be and falling down hurts now LOL.
  18. Here is what I did when I have had pinched nerve injuries and for me it worked your mileage may vary as they say. I have had two different pinched nerves over a 15 yr period. The first one was mid back meaning that I couldn't take a full breath for 14 weeks without almost passing out from the pain. The second and latest one was on the sciatic nerve on my right hip. In both cases the traditional medical establishment was of no use. They wanted to medicate me into oblivion or cut me to smithereens..... What gave me instantanious relief in both cases was a trip to the chiropractor. The relief in each case was amazing after just one visit however to fully correct the problem the first time took 4 weeks of 3 visits a week then a further 3 weeks at 2 times a week. Which was expensive enough but back then OHIP did pay some of the cost. The expense was better than what my "real" doctor wanted to do as in have a surgeon cut me open. When you are 29 having your back sliced into should be a last resort, or so I thought. Not that doctor though.... He said he wouldn't bother with a chiropractor. One morning when I couldn't even stand up I thought what have I got to lose. I went to a chiropractor, he did one adjustment I went to my buddies buck and doe that night feeling great... The second case with the sciatic I am still going to treatment for so far is has been 3 times a week for 3 weeks and now I am just going when it gets bad. Again I tried going the traditional route as to be honest just before Christmas I didn't have the money to go to a Chiropractor.... which again the real doctor advised against. After spending one weekened where I was only able to sleep for about 3 hrs between Thurs 2:00AM through till Saturday 11PM even though I was taking 10 to 15 tylenol and the prescibed anti inflammitories, I finally decided to see a Chiropractor again. At 30 bucks a visit, when I only work part time in the winter coming up with the cash is tough since OHIP doesn't pay anything towards it now but the relief is worth double that in all honesty... Also after reading what anti inflammitories do to you I was thankful to get the heck off them as fast as possible. That has been my situation with pinched nerves for what it is worth.
  19. I'm not sure how you get it weighed officially but keep in mind to get a line size record your line has to be tested too. It must break within a certain weight too. Here is a set of rules by the ofah http://www.ofah.org/GetPDF.cfm?ID=Fish/RecdFish.pdf
  20. I was joking of course and I sympathize. Hard to know how long landing a monster like that will take.
  21. While your waiting for her post it might not hurt to go look in the camera manual on how to delete pics to free up some space on the camera.... LOL
  22. A lot of good points have been made about the cons of going into the resort business. Most of them apply to any venture though. A couple of things were missed though. The labour market is all for the employee right now. Unless your group can run and look after your investment yourselves you will ultimately find yourself at the mercy of whomever you hire. Once they the workers figure that out they own you and your investment no matter who has the "title". I have worked in the "service" for 30 yrs and I can't believe what workers can and do get away with these days. My boss for my part-time job complains that the world is run by babysitters. ie if your staff's child can't attend day care for any reason you as the boss get an extra shift that day or for 4 or 5 till that kid is allowed back into daycare..... I see this happening all the time to lots of other owners of small businesses too, and some of them are so fed up they want to sell but once prospective buyers find out the facts they run for the hills. Also remember the more remote the location the more difficult it will be to get great staff. You might think that hiring good guides or a chef is important but believe me, finding even one quality dishwasher or housekeeper will be even tougher. If you don't have those two basics covered first and well it won't matter how good the guides are if the camp looks like crap. It also doesn't matter how great the food is if it is served in a dirty dinning room, on dirty plates. Customers today expect the very best and finding workers who believe that giving just that little bit extra is tougher than ever, so take that into account when you and your other investors are thinking you can just hire someone to run it for you. Will the person you hire to run things have dreams and goals equal yours for just a paycheck? Not likely....
  23. I find if you can get the lowly dew worm in the colder months they will work, right before or after dawn. Especially if no one else has them which seems to happen a lot the colder it gets as they are tough to find. Roe is dynamite too but I have seen a bank lined with people using it and only one person nailing fish non stop. That tells me the condition, type, colour used for tying, size and of course presentation can make or break the use of roe. Just like any other bait. On boxing day I was out with my father and we were using roe from a hen I got on Christmas day. A guy right next to us was using some frozen roe he had. He got 3 fish on before we had a bite. Then we had 7 fish on between dad and I. By far the most of any pair of anglers there. At first I was drifting and everyone was bottom fishing. I switched and bam it was on. Before we left I gave some of the roe I had to 4 other anglers who I know. By the time dad I packed up and walked to the car 3 of them had fish on, after being skunked all morning. I just hope the 40 plus bags of that roe I tied and froze work a 10th as good, when I get out next.....
  24. YEAH my rant worked too!!!! It came in the mail today for me TOO.... Nothing like waiting till the last minute though. I would have been ticked since I only printed off the receipt.... I figured I had lots of time. I just hope the sometimers I suffer from allows me to remember not to trust them when I reup in 2010.... LOL
  25. I paid for my 3yr renewal on the 29th of November and still haven't gotten the new one in the mail.... I have to find out what I have to do so I can go fishing on the first if it doesn't show up tomorrow. I do have a print out promising that my outdoor card will arrive in 20 days though LOL so that only makes it about 8 days too late now. only the government could be this incompetent...
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