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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Don't worry about extra duties and taxes from BPS the total price you see on the website will be in U.S. dollars but you won't pay extra at the door.... The only difference will be the exchange rate your credit card charges you order at the right time you could even save .00005 cents on each dollar.... Cabelas is the same btw the price they quote you includes everything. However if you look at the little extras they tack on for shipping handling taxes and duties you can easily pay for a tank of fuel to go the BPS store in Vaughn.... I bought a pair of 99 dollar breathable waders from Cabelas by the time I got them with all the extras and the dollar only worth .92 U.S it wound up being 172 bucks.... But I couldn't have driven to Michigan for that 73 bucks either LOL. Helly Hasen has a breathable suit available at LeBarons for about 160 or so and if you order from them you won't have to pay PST unless you live in Quebec so that would make the shipping darn near free.....
  2. I agree with everyone saying they should date stamp the line...... I remember when Trilene changed the packaging about 2 yrs ago. I still see some stores selling the old package with the bass on the front so at least a person knows to avoid that line. Otherwise though it is almost impossible to tell how old line is, mainly because it could be a year old before a store even gets it.
  3. Level six 169,674 IQ 91. I might have done better if I could actually see the lines between the countries..... might be time for an eye exam.
  4. I can't pick my favorite spot on account of the Asian Carp probably ruining where I would choose as my only spot before I die..... Damn that makes me sad. So I guess I would have pick my second choice a little bit of bass heaven not far from here. I would be more specific but I would be tripping over too many people from the board there on June 28, 2008 when I get done work.
  5. I AGREE!!!!! Anybody with any experience in receiving packages knows for a fact that to every delivery service's teenage employee that a fragile sticker means DROP KICK that package like you are going for a field goal from the 20 yd line to win the Stupor Bowl..... I have seen it at all the terminals and talked to employees from all three of the major shippers and I have to steel myself to order stuff online but I still do it from time to time... But I sure wouldn't order any rod worth more than 30 bucks LOL.
  6. What if you can only get squirrel this time of year? Do you have to braise it before adding the fava beans and chili?
  7. I am very seriously considering switching because Execulink just upped my price by 2 bucks a month..... Last year Acanac had a free 30 trial and I used it for about 7 days and found absolutely no difference in speed or service except that they didn't offer newsgroups. A ton of RFDer's switched and the reviews were mixed but overall satisfactory. Bascially if you know what you are doing with DSL now you will probably be laughing. If you don't have a clue about what do to with problems now switching to Acanac won't make things better. One thing I did like was that Acanac did come to the thread on RFD and answer any question anyone had..... Bell never has an answer..... no matter how many services you have with them.
  8. You have my sympathy... I just got home and found out that I have no heat in my apartment today. Apparently, Union Gas was here yesterday working on putting in a new meter and never turned the heat back on? I called the super and he came over but didn't even know the heat was off yet? It is 12 degrees C in here and falling like a stone. At least I don't have kids or a wife getting cold though..... I just hope Union Gas didn't red tag the furnace here and not tell anyone.
  9. What did that 75 dollars cover exactly? I bought a $70.00 Shakespeare Agility one year warranty on it. About six months in to that year my buddy borrowed it, broke it, would not tell me how.... he did say that if necessary he would buy me an new one. Anyhow no worries took it to the store I bought it at and left with a brand new replacement, didn't even ask to see the receipt for the rod which I still had btw..... After reading this I am glad I went with a couple of Swan Noodle Rod Company rods instead of the 300.00 G.Loomis ones I was looking at before I found the Swans.
  10. He is still at it then because it was Ted that took care of me too. I was shocked to even hear back on my email..... to get 6 new batteries was very impressive.
  11. Yeah I know about the crink in the neck alright that is why on the pier I use my bait bag as a prop so it is only about a foot off the ground. Just don't wander off, a couple of times I grabbed the handle as it was up past my knees and going over...... LOL. One tip for the long rods though is to sit back far enough so that you don't have to crane your neck which is what we all do when on a beach. Also have your holder far enough from the water so you have a fair chance to grab it should something start to pull it in.
  12. I am not sure but doesn't the criminal code already have these type of sentences as a guideline now but the judges know that CC can keep the little darlings that long due to space and budget restrictions? 1. I think your sentence for this one is too light for a couple of reasons. If you are illegally in possession of a gun/ammo because you are an angry young snot today and you get caught. If you get out in just five years, chances are you are going to be bigger (after spending your stay in the can at the spa lifting weights) Plus with 2500 calories a day assured to you in the provincial jail anyhow, you will either put on fat or muscle and the former will just make you cuter to the other guys in there.... Also you are most likely going to be a lot more educated in the criminal arts, because you really don't have anything else to do but listen to the other master criminals in there. Besides that you are only five years older which is not near long for life to have mellowed you out.... (think of Stompin Tom's Ben in the Pen here.) Lastly, certainly with our current system you will one heck of a lot madder aftering being coddled by the social engineers running CC these days who will ad nasauseum that it was not your fault that you did what what you did..... Now if you were to spend 25 yrs in a facility like I suggested you are going to be older, hopefully arthritic from all those cold nights in the bush sleeping on a wooden cot and with a bit of luck for our society more than a little crippled up from spending a lot of days digging, scraping to live. After that you might not have the energy to pursue more crimes.... 2. Not nearly severe enough. See above, bascially if you are crude enough now to use a gun in a crime 10 yrs in club fed probably won't take the edge off at all either. 3. If you are hard enough to shoot the gun during the crime you ought to be tough enogh to do the whole twenty five I suggested. 4. That is just like giving them a break because they are a bad shot or the person they shot was tough enough to survive. 5. Second time? HUH maybe we did something the first time here.... A bit tongue in cheek but I have known a few career criminals and in all seriousness none of them really ever saw time in the can as a big deterrent in Ontario..... Hell one guy I know even admitted to doing a small B and E just to get about 8 grand worth of dental work, that he couldn't have afforded any other way... I hope he was joking but I just don't know if he was or not.
  13. Just wanted to post a public thank you to the Lindy tackle company for some outstanding customer relations. Awhile back I bought three of the Thill nite bright fishing floats and really liked being able to nail some chrome in the dark with them. However I constantly ran into a major problem with the battery light stick unit not turning off no matter what I did. I had went through 6 batteries and all six whether the twist on/off or push on/off type they all just eventually stayed on no matter what I did. I wouldn't have minded too much if I could ever find them in stock at 2 or 3 bucks when I would order stuff online. (Twice they were shorted on such orders, by two different companies) Anyhow that meant I had to grab them at the only place I could find them CTC at 5.99 or 6.99 a unit and at that price having them burnt out prematurely was ticking me right off. I wrote to Lindy in the States and got a response in two days and it included a request for my home addy so they could send me out a replacment. They also admitted there had been some problems, with a couple of redesigns and they were going to send out the newest ones. Well the mailman just dropped off a box and when I opened it up there were 6 of the new improved model in there!!! I just wanted to post it here to let everyone know that Lindy is another company that seems to care about it's customer with action not just words.....
  14. Hand guns are all but banned now in Canada, and it doesn't seem to stop or even slow down the criminals who want to use them. Banning them won't make any difference either. What might though is an automatic 25 yr sentence with no parole for just having an unregistered hand gun in your possession. I am not talking about having an unregistered hand gun when committing a crime either I am saying just having one in your house is enough to get the conviction. (Sure a few people who aren't the actually owner might do time but that's too bad in opinion, if you can't control what others bring into your home you need to wake up) The registration process for hand guns in Canada should be the same as it is now with only one small difference, you must go to police station and have them get a ballistic signature from your hand gun to have on file. That way if it gets stolen or used in a crime the police know where to start looking.... so if you didn't already keep them properly locked up you might want to start. Part two of the law would be an automatic 10 yr sentence for letting your gun get stolen through negligence on your part. The only problem with such a harsh set of laws is that we as Canadians won't pay for the outcome of having thousands of new people staying at the crowbar hotel on the public dime. Just as we aren't willing to pony up the cash now to pay for the type and length of incarcerations that poll after poll say that we would like to see for violent crimes now. It is a joke that we constantly complain that laws and sentences aren't tough enough on criminals then in the next sentence we all want huge tax cuts..... Sure an over simplication but the reality is I don't know too many people who call their MP and suggest that we triple spending on jail sentences.... I wish that we had the nerve as a society to take the gun toting thugs in hand by having their mandatory 25 yr sentence be served in a wilderness prison. Set them up in remote areas where the convicts can spend their time battling the elements. Have them cut wood to keep warm in the winter, farm for food in the summer, tat mosquito netting for the bug season. Limit the caloric intake of the inmates to 1800 calories a day, unless they grow more themselves. Make it fun for them though sort of like the ultimate SURVIVOR game for the criminally inclined. In other words make it a place to avoid not somewhere better than most of us can afford now on the outside. As for drunk driving I said plenty in the other thread and found out that it seems not everyone sees that act as a true crime, yet. Public opinion for a long time has helped reduce the number of people who think that a DUI conviction is something that is OK. I guess there is still work to do on that front. I just hope that not too many more people get killed or maimed before we eradicate that attitude....
  15. I sense some sarcasm here LOL.
  16. I guess we see things different is all, I didn't think I was giving a sermon at all. I was just stating my opinion. Sorry if that rankles you.
  17. People who are chronically late are only doing it out of disrespect to everyone else who makes the effort to show up on time. Also by being constantly late they are showing that they are important enough to control any situation. So what you have to ask yourself on behalf of the company is this individual more important than every other employee including the management? If not follow the proper steps and begin termination proceedings as per the companies and more importantly the Ministry guidelines. It sounds like you will probably have a wrongful termination fight on your hands but that might be worth it just to show the other employees that they are being REWARDED for showing up on TIME. Everytime that guy is late it really is a slap in the face to the others you have who are there doing their job at the proper hour. I once had an employee who was late all the time. He wouldn't switch shifts to afternoons either because his boyfriend wanted him home to cook supper..... Anyway upper management bought him an alarm clock as a gift, that didn't work. So what did management do? They rolled back the start time opened the dining room later to accomodate this individual. I protested that to no avail as I asked why don't we just fire him?. The answer was that because his boyfriend was wealthy and could probably hire a better lawyer than the company afford they just had to hope that eventually he would quit.... (also they were terrified that it would become a human's right case on account of him being gay" So after they rolled back the start time he just started coming 15 minutes later than that..... Eventually when he asked for a raise and I recommended only .25¢ per hour his boyfriend made him quit because we obviously didn't value him as an employee. So there are ways to make a trouble maker leave and not have the company be exposed to any liability.
  18. Welcome to the board. If you could be a bit more specific about exactly what type of rod stand you saw we could probably help you better. The kind I have seen used are available commercially. I got mine at Natural Sports in Kitchener it was 26.00 bucks. It is about 36" tall with an 8" spike bent into an L shape welded on so the 6" part of the L faces down parallel to the main shart about 10" up. On an angle at the top it has a piece of tube steel that the rod handle fits into..... I took the one I bought to an old family friend he welded me up 5 out of some scrap he had lying around, in about 2 hrs. So it is quite easy to make your own if you have the welding equipment. I did find out when he made them that the steel tube was just standard 1 1/2" tail pipe about 5" long. I find the ones he made much studier for some reason too. Having a bigger kick out than the 2 or so inches that the one I bought came with helps a lot on a beach in high winds too. Note to self STOP giving them away I just checked my storage area to get the measurements and I have given 4 of them away, already. LOL
  19. I am far from perfect, I'll be the first to admit. That said, I don't think having the opinion I do that driving while under the influence of either alcohol or drugs is dangerous, stupid and idiotic is really that harsh at all. I bet any poll taken anywhere on the subject would pretty much match my sentiments. Maybe you feel different that's your right and more power to you.
  20. Hey, lets all be honest the one CRIME that is totally preventable is DUI..... I have told family members and friends the exact same thing. I have no sympathy for it because I make my living on the roads and I start my route about the time the bars let out some mornings. So I do resent people who could put my life at risk over the price of a cab.
  21. On a lighter note. If you know someone who is not someone's "child" please enlighten us...... I didn't know we had human clones running around ;o) Everyone is someone's child, that is something we tend to forget that no matter how old someone is On a more serious note I just can't imagine anyone being stupid enough to get an impaired charge in the last 25 yrs.... HELLO it is just plain idiotic no other word for it, to drive around drunk. I know some of us are old enough on here to remember what it was kind of looked at with a wink and a bit of finger wagging but those days went out with the 12.50 pack of 24 at the in and out store...
  22. Dollar Giant has them in the Chateau brand and yes they are for checking your money and work great for that too. They even come with second set of the coin batteries for a buck and a key ring.... Probably the best deal I have seen in a long time for fishing LOL. I bought 3 of them and haven't used up one set of batteries and I deal with a lot of cash so I use it all the time to check if a bill feels funny.
  23. I think too many people on here have phones for reasons other than THEIR convenience. I just don't call anyone long distance to "chat".... If I wanna get in touch I email, snail mail or how about just wait to see em whatever. It cracks me up how people can't live without 6 or 7 features on their phone lines. I live alone if I am on the phone it is only because I really value who I am talking too so call waiting is just that. You the other caller wait till I am off the phone to call me back. Call display? Who cares I haven't picked up a phone that rings until I hear the person's voice on my answering machine in over 10 yrs. Anyone who should be calling me knows this so if they really want to talk to me they know to speak up after the tone otherwise the call really wasn't that important. Doing things that way I don't get arrested for telling telemarketers what I think should be done to them ;o) I'll give you a hint it involved a legally sanctioned hunting season.... If you can't a hold of me at home and DARE to call my cell you get told that this better be a life or death situation because by calling me on my cell there is a good chance you are giving me brain cancer so it better be IMPORTANT... I don't get very many calls though I must say being ugly and having no friends has it advantages at times. I got a laugh the other day at work the phone is ringing and ringing any my boss looks at me and goes aren't you going to answer that. I snort and tell him point blank you KNOW I don't answer my phone at home I be damned if I will bother answering yours here for what I make an hour. I am a delivery driver not a desk jockey..... didn't fire me either so I guess fishing is still going to be a part time pursuit this winter....
  24. It is a slippery slope isn't it. I was under the impression you could use perch on the Great Lakes but I think the regs for 2005/2006 meant minnows? I haven't read the new regs yet as everytime I go to get them the fishing store or beer store is out.....
  25. So it isn't cheaper than 25.00 bucks a month all in for just the phone part? So where is the deal I keep hearing about? I don't use any services because they are useless to me. I don't make more than 5.00 dollars worth of long distance calls in an entire year.... I want to switch but the cheapest I have found out there for VOIP is 8 for a dry DSL line PLUS 32 or 35 a month.... NOT A DEAL for what I need.
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