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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Some days this site is better than TV. Unless you want to take a course of rabies shots I would not advise going with the picking it up by the tail theory as mentioned above. My Grandfather who had a trap line swore that without their hind legs on the ground they can't spray but then he did say they can still whip around and infect you with one hell of a nasty bite.....
  2. I don't know about companies giving more time off. Every shop or restaurant you go by you see help wanted signs in the windows and those aren't high paying jobs to begin with. I don't think many of the people in the service industries could either afford to take the time nor could the employers afford to give it. I know so many small business owners who are thinking about packing it in and closing up because they just can't get staff now. I know a lot of people will say that is because they don't pay enough, but if you are just hanging on how do you pay more. First of all you have to have staff to give them any time off. Lets face it with globalization causing the middle class to all but evaporate here in North America chances are it won't get any better anytime soon.
  3. Perch pattern is always a winner the more contrast of the orange with the green the better.
  4. I made mine but going to the Restore in town and finding a length of cold rolled tubing that would go over the outside of the top handle. Drilled a hole and put a long bolt with a wing nut into the top handle. I then drilled a couple of holes for the inside handle with the press in button to fit into. I screwed up though and the cold rolled was a bit too heavy so the inside handle broke when I was pulling up a big bow hen. So I then looked around for something to go inside that was a little heavier. I lucked out and found a shower curtain rod would go. So I drilled a hole for the press in button and now I have a 13ft net. Two 5ft pieces that come apart and store inside one another and the original 4 ft section with the net that I leave a foot of inside the cold rolled tubing so it won't break there hopefully.... Landed about 20 heavy fish with this setup so far.
  5. The carp will be a problem assuming that there is still any water left in the Great Lakes once the U.S of A decides that treaty ban or not they will just take bulk water exports from the lakes. If the drought situation persists throughout much of the south west what choice will they have? So, I am more worried about seeing that happen than I am about an invasive species that can most likely be killed off if necessary in the future, we would just to need to target that carp killer virus the ministry was playing with on Scrugrog earlier this year. Once the level of the Lakes drop another 5 feet or so many spawning beds of fish we now enjoy will be gone forever...
  6. I finally got over to the local CTC and picked up a Coleman Pinnacle lantern that was 89.99 regular price on summer clearance for 50% plus 2 cans of propane for 50.75 tax included pretty good deal. I think later in the week I print off another coupon and go get a bunch of glow in the dark little cleo, and other spoons. Not very often lures go for 25% off.
  7. I think your manager needs replacing.... Sure you might have been leaving him short handed for the day but what if what you had was somehow contagious? His stupidity could have caused you to pass on whatever it was to your co-workers meaning that no one would be showing up next week. I have seen this happen a few times. My favorite situation along these lines was when a maintenace worker at a hotel where I was working asked to leave at 2PM on a friday afternoon. He was having pain in his lower back. The hotel owner's wife a real piece of work ranted and raved then relented but insisted that the worker go to the doctor.... The worker did as instructed the doctor (who knew what a crank this woman was) filed a compensation claim for the worker that cost them over 5 grand and the guy was off for 5 weeks, because the doctor insisted. The worker would have been back at work on the Monday if it was up to him. That held up 2 major projects that needed to be done before the season started which cost them another 8 grand or so in lost room revenue. Moral of the story is sometimes people get sick let them be sick and keep your yap shut.
  8. Nice Fish!!! Just about the same time as last year too. Good to know!!!
  9. I don't hunt anymore but to me if you have the tag and need the meat you bag what you see. For hunters doing it more for the challenge not taking big males of any species in the animal world only makes sense from the stand point that the meat might not be as good as a younger male. Why do I say this for one reason in all of nature there is no truer saying than this. Eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap. Not something I like to hear as a male myself but if you study it, it is very true. Any male strong enough to mate in either the deer or moose population will almost certainly have the genes necessary to carry that species on. The real work is almost always done by the female in nature that is to not only produce the young but to feed and nuture it through to maturity.... That is why to me it would be best to leave most mature breeding females alone. That is my take on it anyhow.
  10. That was a good deal, however with that coupon before Christmas you could purchase gift cards..... So you could have bought 40 dollars worth of gift cards first for 30.00 with the coupon then done your deal and got it for minus $4.00 dollars. This time they have learned their lesson and you can't buy gift cards ( But still getting 25% off is great added to the fact that tomorrow a bunch of summer clearance items that AREN'T in the flyer will be on sale item will vary by store according to the radio ads.
  11. I am lucky so far. Never lost one or actually been there when one was lost. I have however, gone out onto a pier lots of times just after someone has lost theirs. Seen a lot of red faces.... My favorite story about someone losing a rod is a buddy of mine was steelheading off the beach on Lake Huron. After a couple of wobbly pops he didn't quite hoist himself out of the chair fast enough when a salmon hit his roe bag. The fish pulled his rod holder over and dragged the rod into the water. A buddy of his had just decided to stop bottom fishing and start tossing a spoon. He had on waders as well so he ran out as deep as he could and just started chucking the spoon as close as he could to where they could see the fish jumping trying to shake off the rod.... About 10 minutes he got lucky and caught the line, came back on shore handed the line over to it owner. Who started coiling the line, eventually they got the rod back reeled in the coiled line and landed the fish..... I usually leave my bail open if I go move away for more than a couple of seconds after hearing that one.
  12. Woah someone wants to argue for the sake of arguing I guess. I would oblige you but I gave all that noise up years ago online.... I did especially like the part about how you jumped from my suggesting that wearing a PFD should be mandatory to my thinking that we should get into banning driving, biking and walking. Which strangely enough are all permitted but all have little laws attached to being able to do them "legally" and hopefully safely. The best though was the part about the insurance.... I agree with your logic but c'mon buddy no one I know EVER carries any kind of insurance (except life insurance) for anything because THEY think they are going to be the CAUSE of the accident that requires them having to make a claim..... Oh and since I am one of those fat slobs you are so against for causing the high cost of health care. I guess should apologize now. Oh wait I have only been to a doctor twice in the past 15 yrs.... hmmm maybe I will skip saying sorry for that. I must say though the laughter reading your posts has given me should be good enough medicine to keep me out of the docs office for at least another year or two. THANKS!!!!
  13. I guess you are right about choosing their careers.... However, I was talking about once they are IN that career they don't have a choice about what weather they get ordered out in to save some fool who in most cases should have known better..... in the first place. So forgive me if I don't find that in cases like this that someone's personal choice is more important, than the cost to try and protect them from themselves. To me your argument is flawed because your choice would be fine by me if something bad were to happen, that my tax dollars wouldn't be wasted going out and looking for you... However that isn't the reality the truth is no expense would be spared while looking for you, if something were to happen. So your decision would affect me and every other taxpayer if something did happen while you were exercising your personal freedom to not wear a PFD... I just hope for the other boaters around you that you don't also feel that NOT having boaters insurance is a personal freedom you should also be able to enjoy.
  14. It is a very sad thing that happened and my thoughts are with his family. However, my thoughts are also with the search and rescue workers and their families too. The waters might have been calm when he was found, and that was good. A lot of times though when search and rescue goes out the waters are anything but calm...... My point is simple while we all like to keep our rights and freedoms as mentioned above, next time anyone heads out in a boat please take a second to think about the people who might just have to come out in EVEN WORSE conditions to rescue you. They DON'T have a choice when the call goes out they have to answer it. Also this summer there have been lots of times while sitting on a pier fishing I have seen boat after boat going out with solo riders who are not wearing PFD's when the water was heaving 4 to 6 ft swells. That is alarming enough but what really drives me to distraction is when I see the same conditions and multiple boats going out on Erie with young kids who either don't have on PFD themselves and or neither do the adults with them. Maybe Lew was right in his thread boaters have gone crazy....
  15. I had to work for 2 hrs this morning but lucked out and got to go fishing... I finished up my route right down the street from my favourite bassing hole. I arranged my deliveries in the order to make that work out. I also had the foresight to have a dozen leeches, 24 crayfish and two fishing poles on the van. Did pretty good hit 4 buckets and 10 smallies in less than 2 hours, not too bad considering it was from 10 to noon with some of clearest water I have fished in a long time. Watching those bass come from 25 feet away to smack the bait was AWESOME. I even caught one of the buckets on a bare hook I was reeling in. Now the only trouble is I was going to get up early Sunday and drive about 40 miles to fish a river off Lake Huron, but now I might just save the fuel and go back to where I had such good luck today... Especially if looks like rain as promised in the morning.
  16. Here is what we like to do on away trips.... You can set your own amounts. We usually go 5 bucks for each category First Fish Biggest Fish Most TYPES of Fish Biggest Targeted Fish Most Targeted Fish Smallest Non Targeted Fish Fish closest to the time you are planning on stopping fishing... Usually everyone wins or ties in one of the categories, but if you run the table you can win some serious cash.
  17. I can sort of relate on the expense part.... I stopped fishing for about 12 years, but got started back up 3 yrs ago. I used to fish for EVERYTHING with just 2 rods and 3 old clunky reels. Now I have 12 rods 9 of them specific to just one type of fishing About 15 reels.... 2 of the rods haven't seen the outside of the packaging but I just HAD to have them, because I know the ones I bought them to replace will eventually wear out or break. Then it was 3 different sets of waders. 3 complete sets of rain gear the first for warm weather, the second for when it gets a bit more chilly and the last for the time of year when you can say if some asks wasn't it cold, YEP it was I haven't seen my nads in 3 days. Same with waterproof boots for shore fishing, nothing worse than cold or wet feet while fishing. Gloves I cheaped out there only spent about 150 bucks only to find out nothing is warmer than the 4.99 pairs of fleece ones from Walmart just carry 3 pairs for when one gets wet. If all 3 are wet I GO home.... Spent about 400 bucks on mono line alone just to find the perfect brand, for 50 bucks I will tell you what it is LOL. Braid bites HUGE so that was a total waste of well over a 100 right there playing with the 4 different brands of that crap I tried. Fluorocarbon is junk too I don't even want to add up those receipts, I don't know how one person could get 5 bad spools of 4 different brands of the stuff but I did. NEVER will I fall for that hype again LOL. It is good old 4lb clear trilene XT from now on for clear days and green for muddy water.... Minnow buckets 3 diffent types, bait traps and nets 3 different kinds and sizes. Landing nets 2 so far but not done there I still need a BIG net that comes with a 3 section 12ft handle but haven't found one of those for sale yet.... Tackle couldn't even guess at as I seem to lose it as fast as my buddies can rig up with up with it.... Biggest expense though I don't even want to think about is the money in gas at 25 bucks a trip to either of the Great Lakes I fish at from where I live minimum of twice a week for 40+ weeks a year.... YIKES On the other hand though I have had some great times fishing two or more times a week. For instance I fished for steel from September 2nd last year until June 12th this year, missing only 4 weeks when the whole lake shore was frozen. I got a chinook hen the first time out and I got a 5lb rainbow dropback the last time out. The longest I went during that time without catching chrome was 5 trips. The most important thing I learned when it comes to steelheading on Lake Huron is that, it is either you day or it isn't, no sense in letting it get to you, but you can't catch'em while sitting on the couch at home. As for other types of fishing, I already have lost count of how many bass I nailed so far since it opened well over 100 and climbing though. Perch, had a few good days catching lots, more days when the bite was off, but I did have so much fun sitting on the pier in the warmer part of the year and just chatting with the other anglers. So all in all I think I have gotten good value for my money.....
  18. For the holes make sure you pack the filler in and let it dry for a couple of days at least, then refill and let dry for another couple of days..... then sand and paint. Don't be in a hurry if you want a seamless patch. Nothing worse than thinking it was totally dry so you sand, paint and notice about a week later the filling dried more and shrunk leaving a smaller indent than the one you just thought you fixed....
  19. If you are running XP and have a cable highspeed connection go into IE tools, Internet Options, connection, lan settings and make sure that none of the three boxs is checked in there.
  20. Change the water before you leave for home with fresh from where you are fishing. Store them in the fridge until you go out again. I have some I have had in my fridge for a month now and they are still kicking, even though they have been out for 10 trips or so. PS if the missus complains just tell her they are a new kind of anchovy you are going to try on pizza when you get around to it.
  21. How did the knot fail? Did it break right at the tying point or further up. I had a bunch of fluoro that was no good.... It just snapped whenever you took it and gave it a tug. If you just pulled on the knot wouldn't break the tackle store said it was something to do with poor tinsile strenght.... I have not ever had good luck with 6lb fluoro either. I just use trilene XT now LOL
  22. Getting more is good, because some of die before you get to use them usually..... One thing though to watch out for with a generous scooper is if you are the bait fetcher for a large party be careful. One time I was the bait guy and went and bought 9 dozen so I wouldn't be over the limit of 120.... This was for a party of 3 people fishing. Anyhow after fishing all day the three of us and using a LOT of minnows. I took the rest of the minnows home to salt them... I salted 110 minnows... So if I had of been stopped on the way back to the pier in the morning with the minnows I could have been charged if the CO was a in a bad mood.
  23. I tried about 15 different kinds and type of line in the last two years. Now I exclusively use RAVEN green mainline. It is the best bang for your buck in mono line bar none. I pay 16.99 for 1200 yds. I find it better than stren, trilene, spiderwire and a lot of house brand lines I tried. It is incredibily abrasion resistant, strong and has a low stretch. Most importantly is I can ALWAYS see where my line is. The other thing I like about it is that it is made in Japan, and so obscure that I have NOT seen or heard of the Chinese making counterfeits of it yet. Which might not seem like a problem but I have purchased some of the top named lines recently that were just complete crap making me wonder if it wasn't made on the third shift and sent out the back door....
  24. Just at the titles states I am looking for peoples opinions on what type of latern to grab for the upcoming salmon and rainbow seasons. I like to arrive at my spot by 2:30 AM so I am sure to get it.... That means I sometimes have 4 to 5 hrs of darkness to contend with. I have a headlamp and will be getting a camera flash to charge the cleos and other glow baits but I like the idea of having a latern too, especially when there is a group of us fishing. I am liking the rechargable ones I see except I don't know if they will keep working for 5 hrs when it is minus 20 or colder out. Most rechargable batteries are the pits in cold weather. The fuel ones certainly will work in those temps but the have other drawbacks, such as the cost and having to carry the fuel in either cans or buying and storing a supply of the tanks. Any experience in how long a coleman rechargable will work when it is cold enough to freeze the knots off of blue spruce?
  25. Carpe Diem- If you really can't use live bait then see if any of the local bait shops there will sell you some salted or frozen minnows.... Minnows rule on Lake Erie for perch. Especially if you are taking a youngster out fishing it is very important to do all you can to enhance the experience by having them actually catch FISH.... I was using salted minnows last Sunday on a pier near by Pt Dover and having a lot more success than the people using live ones. The bite was light and with salted minnows being a bit more leathery the perch were having a harder time pulling them of the hook.
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