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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. I have to disagree with you there. I have seen many times when using a marshmallow in a chartruesse sac with a worm will catch fish while everyone else is standing around with their "rod" in their hands. And for all the haters out there YES the fish were swallowing the baits as the hook ended up so far down their throats it was almost easier to pull it out from the butthole. I will agree I have NEVER seen a marshmallow by itself catch a fish without lining it though and never a rainbow or steelhead.
  2. If you want the bread to be lighter and you don't want to mess with the recipe except for adding just a bit more yeast. You can usually accomplish this by mixing the dough letting it double in an oiled bowl and then knock it down TWICE instead of just once and then shape it and let it raise then into the hot oven with lots of steam. If you want to play with the recipe what you can try is blending flours. Start with 95% strong baker's flour, cut with 5% all purpose. Also try using a wild yeast brand instead of a cultured commercial brand.
  3. I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas in the fishing department at all..... I was greedy in my hopes though. I dared to dream it would be possible to get out Christmas morning fishing for steel, without freezing rain and high winds. Oh well maybe next year.
  4. WOW I just can't believe everyone on here having an opinion based solely on their political leaning. The facts are very simple with respect to the HST. The push to have it is coming from Ottawa not Queens Park in Ontario. Harper and Flarherty want it and have told Dalton do it if you EVER want to see your fair share of funds from Ottawa...... When Dalton went and stood up for Ontario and begged to get a fair shake he was told if you want it you have to implement the HST. So would you as Premiere continue to accept the status quo where Ontario with only 35% of the population gets hit with 50% of the costs of federal programs? Or would you take the massive injection of funds that Harper has promised you if you implement the HST? Also to whoever said that Dalton is bribing us taxpayers really proved they have absolutely no grasp of the situation. The "bribe" money you are talking about is coming from Harper!!!!!! At least Dalton has promised to pass some it back to us, so the cheque will say it was from Dalton and he will take the blame politically but it was Harper that is giving him the money to do it.
  5. Fine was too low and they should go back to taking the vehicle and the tackle. So much of this stuff keeps going on because poachers know nothing really drastic will happen to them. So what the guy loses a month's pay big deal....
  6. I haven't heard of weekend coverage but there are a few companies that offer antique car insurance that is very very cheap, you just can't use the car as a daily driver for work. Anything else is fine.... If your truck is 25 yrs old you could look into that LOL.
  7. I haven't bought one yet but I do agree with TRYING it on before purchasing. However that doesn't mean you have to buy it where you try it on. If you can find a better deal by ordering it online for the same model you tried on that is the route I would go. Whereas different companies have different sizing once you pick a model and size from any company they should all be consistent. I do the same thing with boots go to a store pick out what I want, then check out the best deal once I know they are what I want and will fit.... I look at it this way every ten bucks I save on gear in one more trip in gas money to the tribs.
  8. I agree with the lots of fish and short trip part. Another thing you could do is take her fishing where a lot of women fish. I spent a lot of time on the pier in Pt Bruce this summer and if it wasn't pouring rain there it was always a lot of female anglers there some days more women than men. Also it tended to be more a social gathering this year as the fishing wasn't all that great. Everyone for the most part gets along well and they do a lot of joking around. Maybe seeing lots of other women fishing and having someone to talk to would work at getting her interested long term.
  9. Is that a boat or an aeroooo plane? Either way I bet it takes off.
  10. Any accurate scale is going to cost some money period. As for weighing fish for bragging rights I just don't get it? Unless you are going for record I could care less how big someones catch is. Fishing tournaments I don't think should be allowed in Ontario, too harmful on fish populations in my opinion. But since they are legal I can understand the urgency on getting it right because money is involved. The only time I weigh fish is after the perch are fileted and going in the freezer and I only do that so I know how much to defrost for the next family fish fry LOL.
  11. This here site really puts the comedy bit Walmart by Rodney Carrington in perspective.... Google it if you don't believe me.
  12. So you think you are having a rotten day, and are feeling down? See how fortunate you are compared to the folks who post here. http://www.fmylife.com/
  13. Same as above for how to rig it. For hooks I use Gamakatsu red octopus 10's for salmon and when using worms. For trout I use the 12's. Since I have gotten older and my arms are too short for me to see hook's eye I pre-tie them onto 4ft fluoro leaders at home then use a piece of pipe insulation cut to the size of my vest pocket to wrap them around. It works great and having the extra length on the leader that I can cut off for the water conditions means I can re-tie quick. I also used to rig up different shot patterns on leaders but found I didn't like using two swivels to make changing them just as fast....
  14. I bought a canopy chair for sleeping/fishing with off the pier at night for perch down on Lake Erie. It worked better than a regular chair because it keep the rain/dew off me. If it was cold which it was lots of times this summer I would go catch a couple of hours in the car.... I kept thinking damn I should get a van or small SUV and do the mattress thing so to me it is an idea that makes a lot of sense. I can't count the number of times I have gotten up at 12:30AM driven for an hour or more only to find someone else sitting where I was going to fish between 2AM and 3AM. So being there sleeping lightly and running for the spot as soon as you hear a car makes a lot of sense LOL....
  15. You can get a stainless bar at the dollar store just like the one CTC wants 8 bucks for. It works just as good I keep one in the trunk which I use before I use a bottle of hand sanitizer I keep there too. I had to start doing that because the interior of my car gets up to about 200F when the sun is out and having fish oil on the steering wheel when that happens is damn offensive LOL.
  16. Damn straight it is OK to cry in that situation..... just don't make it a habit or people will think you are not right. If anyone says anything about the tears running down your cheeks just tell then you were slicing some onions for the shore lunch just before it happened. LOL
  17. You are correct about me not fishing Lake O or its tribs. Salmon are a put and take fish and whatever happens that is LEGAL is fine with me. I think C and R for steel head is different from other species for a couple of reasons. One, if you are river fishing for them they usually heading into spawning mode. That makes them more vulnerable and easier to harm, because they are under the stress that spawning puts on them. I don't know of too many musky fishermen who fish them during their spawning runs same goes for bass unless it is up north where they are a nuisance fish anyway so it doesn't matter as long as the ministry guidelines are being followed. What makes me really concerned about fall fishing in the rivers for steel in recent years is the fact we are finding more than a few of the female trout are fall spawners on the Huron tribs. I have seen a lot of females that had loose eggs as early as November 1st in the past two years. Also just after ice out on a couple of rivers we have seen females dropping back that have spawned when the water temperature was not close to being high enough in the spring, in the second or third week of February in some cases. So one has to assume she spawned in the fall when it was and waited out the winter up river. The other reason is I see a lot of C and R steelhead guys using new roe sacks every third cast if it doesn't get a hit it is torn off and new one is put on..... Where do they get all this roe from? I am sure most of them don't have a trout hatchery in their backyard and to buy it from a tackle shop would cost a small fortune at the rate they go through the stuff. So at some point they are havesting fish in most cases. I have seen some even milk a fish and try to release it. I told them to take the fish home as they have probably killed it anyhow, and it is the law. That gets a lot of blank stares.... I just don't get how they can act so morally superior to a meat hunter when they stand there all day and hook maybe 10 to 20 fish that even with a 10 percent mortality rate is going to mean they have killed more fish that the meat hunter who might take his limit of two home and actually use them.
  18. I fish a lot with guys who have been bottom fishing certain holes in rivers for over 20 yrs. Lately the word got out about these spots on the net. Now we constantly have C and R guys drive up from the big smoke and try to take over the whole river. It never seems to matter to them that we there bottom fishing at 3:30AM while they got in just after light.... So then it becomes a contest of who can outlast the other. If the C and R guys hang around which is only if the fishing is good they will stay all day catching and releasing as many as they can. Where as us River meat hunters are only looking for one salmon and a maxium of two bows. I always wonder who actually kills more fish in the long run? Someone who goes out 2 to 3 times a season and keeps maybe 6 fish max or someone who through the season catches well over a hundred but "releases" them?
  19. Until you lose a couple hundred dollars worth of lead core your canonballs from a sail boat who thinks that cutting across your lines is their moral obligation because you dare to use a motor to troll.... Or somebody near you sees you with a fish and then gets on the radio. Soon you are in a virtual marina 10 miles from shore. LOL
  20. You say River meat hunters like that is a bad thing.... I see far more problems with the C and R guys actually on rivers.
  21. I agree Carl did a fabulous job but if there weren't so many idiots causing cautions Carl wasn't going to catch him... I never like it when the best car/driver loses for dumb reasons and some of those guys in the back should have been parked today.
  22. I agree that things are getting out of hand but it isn't JUST because of the North American mentality in my opinion.... It is because there are a very few people from EVERYWHERE who are just plain ignorant these days. What I always find interesting is that the people who will horn seem to have went to the same school of bad manners even though you know that is impossible LOL. I mean the scenerio is the EXACT same every time it happens to me and it goes like this. Someone approaches with the gleam of a 49er hunting ore in their eyes because a fish was landed. As they wipe the drool from their lips you or the person fishing there tell them politely, "listen I know you want to fish there but there isn't room and you are going to tangle the rest of us up." They reply word for word with, "This isn't your river, pier or lake it is a free country, I have a licence I can fish anywhere I want...." yadda yadda yadda. And bam first cast they have snagged everybody 3 people over on either side of them. Then they don't even have the moral decency to be EMBARRASSED about doing it. Not much you can do about it when even after the third tangle up they are still sitting there fishing smiling just as happy as if they had a brain... However having a cigar lit to use on the person's line each time they snag you can have a calming effect or your blood pressure ;o)
  23. I am a Carl Edwards fan and happy for the win and the points gain, but I still felt bad for Ambrose.... Kyle what can you say but that he has million dollar speed but a 5¢ head, like so many talented racers before him who just had no PR skills.... They have to stop making him bottle up his intensity after a screwup though. Let him vent in public like he used to and be himself and the sport would be a heck of lot more entertaining for everyone LOL.
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