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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. Yeah best alarm clock ever I bet...
  2. I am not sure, but I have a suspicion that if called 5 different CO's we would get 5 different answers, because it absolutely is NOT nor has ever been in the regulations as to which is right. That anyone has been to show when it has come up. All it says is you can not party fish... LOL I have heard people say they have been told what Terry says is absolutely correct by a CO saying you best put that fish back or I am going to start writing.... Then I have seen shoving matches that almost became fist fights because other people have said it is the person's fish who sets the hook's fish, because it is their rod in the eyes of the law... They also have had to release a fish on their child's line or pay a fine for being over their limit. The interesting thing is the people who agreed with Terry said it happened on Simcoe on the ice, and the people willing to punch it out said the opposite happened when they were ice fishing at Longpoint on Erie. Me I just kept quiet and wished I had some popcorn, and wondered to myself why don't CO's ever get together and decide how exactly they are going to do things?
  3. This will be the first year in a long long time where I haven't got a fishing trip planned in the wee small hours of change day. We always used to have to decide are we meeting up at 3AM new time or old time... The strange thing was the fish were always on old time no matter what the clock says. ie I had gotten the first bite of the group at almost exactly, 9AM for 3 weeks straight before the change last year. After the change I had to wait until the clock said 10AM for the first hit, but to the fish it was 9AM still.
  4. No wonder my taxes are so high... ROFL
  5. Well it couldn't have been chrome time with fishable water before 2pm then if you didn't see cars there... You don't see much fishing in the harbour because the mine manager HATES recreational anglers with a passion. He has done everything he can to stop any kind of fishing on the north side, since the tornado hit. I have heard the city council pinned his ears back a bit and certain areas are open again under certain conditions. However, I can't say that is true because, I haven't had the time to go up and check it out. Also none of my perch catching buddies have called and said the feed is on, so it hasn't been high on my list of priorities yet. LOL
  6. Definitely could be.
  7. True it isn't, my job either but a couple of times I have insisted on showing them the mistake because they are making ME out to be the idiot... LOL Which is probably right now that I think about it, because I could have just taken the free stuff and left, instead of spending MY time properly training the staff for the store owner.
  8. LOL yeah I have been there a couple times.... I love when they say... "THE SYSTEM SAYS X.xx so that is what it is!!! Which is only true if you give the system the right information LOL.
  9. Awesome to see some people will still do the right thing even for the evil wally world empire LOL. I was at ours a while back and the cashier made a mistake giving me back an extra 20 as it had stuck together, when I paid with a 50. I told her and handed it back. She was extremely thankful because as she said at the end of her shift she would have had to cough it up out of her own pocket. So transaction mistakes aren't against companies in most cases they are against the overworked cashier, trying to crack out the customers as fast as possible... ( I know Walmart doesn't care about how fast you check out because if they did they would have more than 2 or 3 cashiers working at the 24 checkouts they have sitting there LOL)
  10. Since this is your first post and as noted you are fishing for spots, I won't go into detail... If you really are a fan of Point Farms you should be easily able to find the parking spot for walking down to the river just off the highway. If the water is fishable condition wise, it is all but guaranteed that from the last 2 weeks in Aug until a couple weeks after opener in the spring. You will see all sorts of vehicles parked in a huge area. Once you park, you will notice there are well worn paths down to the river. Pick your spot and have fun. The same applies all along the road down to the harbour, it isn't a secret that is too hard to figure out. On favourable weather days, typically you will have 20 to 50 people all walking in one direction in the magic hour just before dawn, all wearing waders, a few carrying multiple rods in case just one doesn't stand out, and wearing vests with multiple pockets. Follow them, because most likely they have same thought in mind you have. LOL. Once you go 10 or 20 times and talk respectfully to the regulars, have shown them you know where Tim Hortons is by bringing down a few extra cups of double double if you get there at the crack of Hank (9AM for outsiders) some of them just might show you how to get to the spots closer to highway 4, which is where the fun really begins...
  11. The reason the shootings in Ottawa seem to be getting so much attention comparatively to what happened in Quebec can probably be explained, by the fact that EVERY news corp has staff in Ottawa. As for the police officer not being named in Quebec that might be his choice or his superiors choice as he\they might be worried what some other nutbar will do to his family, if his name got out?
  12. When I got out of high school I worked at a factory for the summer that had weekend continental shifts. 11PM Fri to 11AM Sat 11PM Sat to 11AM Fri Next Week 11AM Sat to 11PM Sat 11AM Sun to 11PM Sun You got 36hrs pay for working 24 hrs a week. People were almost shooting one another to try and get on that deal. You could also be a fill in for sick days during the week for other guys who worked on your machine.... The best part though according to guys who did it was you if you could find someone who would do straight nights or days to partner with you were allowed to just work days or nights. However if one of you ever missed the shift (without a doctor's note) you both got warnings, that counted as one of your 3 strikes.
  13. It looks good and it doesn't appear as if the injecting caused it to get really dark in those areas, which sometimes happens. We tried a packaged sweet cajun marinade one time and the flavour was amazing!!! The appearance wasn't good, it looked like a bunch of huge dark bruises on the injection spots, as it got really dark in those areas. Strangely though the skin didn't taste burnt, but it sure looked like it was...
  14. That one looks like it will be very hard to top!! Did you brine it or marinate it?
  15. SOA is wrapping up a lot of loose ends quickly this season.
  16. I would just watch any of the series that I haven't seen that magically have appeared on a harddrive I have. I am doing that right now. Wonders of the Monsoon. I gave up satellite last month because I got sick of paying for so many duplicates of the EXACT same programming. The give you 180 channels but only 15 different shows, at a time, you would even consider, 10 of which are reruns. Great scam for the providers though. Out of the choices listed though? It is close but Breaking Bad over Walking Dead by the brim of Heisenberg's hat at the finish line.
  17. If you get 1.3 perch for every minnow...... You would soon be sick of cleaning perch LOL.
  18. Sorry Brian I don't meant to hijack your awesomely fried turkey thread here but it is all frying in large quantities LOL the reason to partially cook it and then refry is simple to have it prepped all at once. You buy a whole frozen halibut, (that one was 50+lbs) you thaw it, and portion it. Then you batter it and fry it until it is almost cooked. You layer it on cookie sheets separated, freeze the portions. Then you take them and place them in meal sized zip locks. You are at work on Wednesday and it is your turn to cook, you get home pull out a bag of fish, fire up the fryer, make a little coleslaw, some stovetop dressing, wedge up a couple spuds.... You are eating in 40 minutes tops, instead of having rethaw previously frozen fish, batter it up and cook it. Trust me if you have a good batter recipe and know how much to cook it the first time, you would be hard pressed to tell it was done this way.... The second frying crisps it up just like fresh if you have the oil at the right temp. BTW this the same reason I always fillet, my perch, bread them with homemade fish crisp recipe, freeze them on cookies sheets and them zip lock bag em in portions. I can have a perch dinner with homemade slaw, and chips on the table in 20 minutes after walking the door from work. Also I find by having the perch frozen when I start cooking it I can get my coating super crisp without over cooking the fish, which is hard to achieve if the fish isn't frozen. I guess it is the lazy mans way of cooking LOL.
  19. It looks like you spent it well!!! Great looking fall meal.
  20. Or that the litre of chocolate on sale for .99 cents is 750ml now. Or the NEW missing 10% off the cheese blocks that have shrunk from 900g to 450g now.
  21. A buddy did 45lbs of halibut in his set up one year... I got him the halibut from one of our restaurant suppliers. He did it because at their trailer park 10 couples would each host a meal for the others. He decided to do halibut, for the meal to convince the Mrs. it was a good idea.. and he had a couple of friends help him, they would batter the fish and he fried it. He did about 25 lbs of it for the meal and the rest he just par fried and froze, then finished by refrying in a home fryer over the winter. He also did about 4 large spanish onions in rings using the recipe I put in the other thread, along with a what he called a WHACK of chips LOL. I have to say he got it perfect, as I was lucky enough to have some of the fish that he froze, beat just about any fish shop I ever ate at.
  22. It looks perfect!!!
  23. I have found for fishing at Port Bruce that the winds on this sight are usually closest to the actual conditions. http://www.usairnet.com/cgi-bin/launch/code.cgi?Submit=Go&sta=KHZY&state=OH I have been at Port Bruce and looked on the we guess theweathernetwork,ca for Port Burwell and seen it be off by 20kph lots of times. The buoy data from environment Canada is usually OK for right then but lots of times the sites forecast is wrong... I like the Ports that have cams but they are few and far between, and usually don't work for more than a year before they crap out...
  24. Especially if he is walking the dog, or mowing a lawn... Can't wait to see what he gets while doing snow removal.
  25. I don't know.... I saw what a turkey did to the front grill of a buddys full size GMC work van 3 months after he got it. I don't think he would call 280.00 bucks worth of parts from the wrecker, 1 case of beer and 4 hrs trying to remember what bolts went where FREE exactly. LOL We did learn no wobbly pops until the work is done though....
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