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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. OH the cursed thing... What demon from the depths of hell created the?!! Your pup's expression is like: You got a kibble in your pocket doncha?! cheers HD
  2. SHWEETNESS!! Gotta love them big water chromers. Called your work last night and started rambling before I was told you were off for the night.. I'll give ya a ding at home lata brah. cheers HD
  4. Mullet is probably loaded right now DMASSE.. Just waiting for a good plunder!!
  5. What did I do?!
  6. That about sums it up Bryan! Seeeeeeee..
  7. That's wonderful GB. Then you'd know that brook lamprey feed on diatoms and protozoans... By the by, a parasite isn't necessarily a sucker.
  8. Give a hoot? Read a book.
  9. Whatever. That ain't no brook lamprey.
  10. Blimey!! You look lovely holding them mounstas.. cheers HD
  11. Totally gnarly mang!! eeewwwwuuuuttt!! cheers HD
  12. I don't think any of those lamprey are parasitic, and are only found in areas where substrate(they burry themselves in it) and water quality permit.. so no need to worry about finding one of them stuck to a steelie.. I'm also pretty sure that lake trout populations were more affected by habitat degredation and over-fishing.. but hey, that's just my .02..
  13. He should know that you know that he knows... I took him there!!
  14. highdrifter


    White wine huh? Took ya for more of a Red wine kinda dude.. Excellent taste though. Thanks budday!!
  15. highdrifter


    OOH Exotique!! Do ya just eye ball the ingredients or do the amounts have to be exact? thanks budday
  16. highdrifter


    Noice one brotha! and that looked like a tasty little treat.. Gonna havta give er a gander. Them bay leaves up in the corner??! cheers HD
  17. Hey Mike was that you and Telly I saw out on Saturday?! That's a hawg dude!
  18. Another slay fest budday! I got bupkis today.. When you going to Michigan?! Nicely done me ladies!
  19. HAAH Another great extended lunch man date!! Well done boyz.. Grant looks like he's about to bust a dookie.. And that's some sweet pike bootie! cheers HD
  20. This the one? link.. coaster I think that's a drop back.. The forks have some suitable habitat for a fish like that. I've been told browns do well up river too. And isn't the term coaster particular to a lake Superior strain? I dunno.. I houve trouble picturing a brook trout finning around in the port!! Oh and they mentioned 3.2lbs for 18in.. this one's just under 21in, and it was just over 3lbs. Back on track.. I remember being told that Atlantic parr have less water quality requirements than chinnie parr, and that their survival rate is higher. Is this correct?!
  21. NOICE!
  22. Oh heck no. That's a whole other matter. Our native salmonids include atlantic salmon and lake trout.. And that opens up a new topic all together.. Fisherman and conservationist like to use the term wild, because some of the salmonids that were introduced reproduce naturaly. To me, that doesn't mean wild.. The fish maybe a wild animal per say, but if they're a genetic strain that hasn't evolved in the lake through millenia, they're not wild!!
  23. Duuude.. Take me with you!! I can be like Sunny to your Sher, without the holding hands and googly eyes.. yyeeewwuuuuutt!! HD
  24. It's all in the shape bud.. Forget the spots.. Id say the first fish is brown... The second, judging by the shape of it's head, looks to be a salar. The third one is a brown. Again, the shape is a give-away. Tony, I've just spoken to a pretty reliable source.. That fish you're holding, it's an atlantic. I owe you an apology. I'm the rube.
  25. Now it all makes sense... BAHAAH!!
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