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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Malting Co bay is not gonna be your cup o tea then..
  2. Yeah I still hang with him and Payton.. He usually barricades himself in his room for the winter and doesn't peak his nose out the door until the robins are chirpin.. you outta give him a hauler dude!
  3. AHHH okay.. The beaver man I know woudn't dare!! I've fiddled with mono and dacron, but braid does the trick. It's all I use to secure my loops. Less bulk, lower profile.
  4. A re-gift??! He'd sure as heck better stay nameless!! Another interesting tid bit. You don't need a tool to make the knot.. or a slender tube.. I tie the coils over a loop, put the tag end through the loop and pull at the loop itself, bringing the tag through the coils, thus fastening the knot. Good to know if you're out in the field and say you wanna connect a leader to a fly line..
  5. Choronzey Mike... CHO-RON-ZEY. Let's git it straight!! Louis, I lost a beautie fish on Saturday... Bright, long and leen.. You guys are doing something right!! See yas at the tourney.
  6. All good tid bits here. You're pretty much set! If you'll be using mono for your quick strike rigs, i'd go with 80lbs. Anything heavier is just too thick. Seagar is a good name. You could also use the mono for leader material. If you happen to fish clearer water, you'll have an edge. Especially if it's fluro. It's also a little more boyant, provided there's not too much hardware, so your lure will sit better in the water. It's all about confidence really. If your bait performs well, you'll concentrate more on your retrieve, and you'll know exactly how your bait looks to the fish.. It sure gives me a big booster. I tie my own fluro leaders. Instead of sleaves (crimps) to hold the loops together, I'll tie a nail knot with 50lb braid.. The less hardware on the leader, the more natural your HJ 13 firetiger is gonna look. check it. It's beauty is in it's simplicity!! One descent swivel.. And a good snap.. The nail knot is a little difficult to master, but they've always held fast for me. I take plyers to the tag ends and really pull. The coils get so tight they actually dig in to the mono a bit. good piking dude! cheers HD
  7. Inspiring report brah! You're little one is absolutely precious. And all the best with your new baby thats soon to arrive. You da mang!! cheers HD
  8. It's a sad day when Choronzey finds his way into an Atlantic Salmon report... I think OFC and I need a break.. NOICE FISH!!!
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY!! I foresee lots of gobble gobble this weekend..
  10. Stellar day guys! Mike, I hope you still got plenty of love to go around!! swweeeeeett HD
  11. OOOOOHH BABY!! I'm briming with anticipation.. Here's my favourite from last year... moking trout!! cheers HD
  12. HAHAHAH!! Service with a smile... I went to the Nissan service station last night with a deffective sensor valve on the Rogue (again), and (again) was treated like a common peddler off the street.. How many homes you got Wayne? This your Penetang residence?! Heck just pm your address sos I can google earth it!! cheers HD
  13. Oh yeah.. thats some sweet troutin!! And a vintage swan stick.. I'm getting flashbacks!! All work and no fish make homer.. something something.. I'm crossing my fingers that I can join you soon. Thanks brotha
  14. American Idol makes on average 7 million per episode, they're actually the highest grossing TV show this year.. They get 25.6 million viewers on average per episode... That's just insane! Not that I watch it of course..
  15. SWEEEEEETT!! Thanks for sharing. cheers HD
  16. You can get sorted out at Canadian Tire, but best worry about that when you get here!!
  17. Ah yeah you gotta get that outta the way first... Good luck, I'll hunt you down with some cold frosties when the time comes.
  18. This fish was taken on a williams whitefish, ripping her through the cabbage. But we'll fish jerk baits, inline spinners and spinner baits, some plastic as well. Boilies are a staple for carps pretty much anywhere.. I've seen folk use em at the Islands. Lotsa panfish at there too if the pike aren't on the feed. cheers
  19. Hey Ben you're in my neck of the woods. I've actually got a place overlooking the Armoury. We mostly fish pike and bass in the area, but there's a plethora of carp and some panfish to be had also. We should link up.. trade some tips and techniques. I'd love to try fishing esox a la UK. A teaser.. Opener's just around the corner! yyyeeeeeeehhh cheers HD
  20. That shoulda been the release shot. brutal. HD
  21. Right ON. You're getting eyes through the ice, were drifting for steelies in the rivahs.. xept we can't really keep anything we catch, cause well... old blinky and all.. We could all use more walleye in our diets. Well done!! cheers HD
  22. What?? You're not the president?! Oh wait.. Your name is just your handle. Now I get!! Silvio, I'm actually in the market for a sage float rod blank.. Is there a blank in particular you would recommend? Anyone know where I could acquire one also?! I've decided that spinning for steel sucks!! Enough generalizing, time to specialize. cheers HD
  23. Ah the full Monty.. Well done Brah! PHAT CHROME.. By the way, I'm being extra good around the house.. Mounday is looking better and better!! yyyeeeeehh HD
  24. That was awesome Bly. Respect. cheers!! HD
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