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Everything posted by scugpg

  1. see you there! Folks we always need more members! $20 well spent for anyone in the area who wants to help make a difference improving the local water habitats and fisheries within them. You will also have the opportunity to be working on projects with some of the most knowledgeable conservationists and fishermen in the area.
  2. Nice to know. I just have a 14ft aluminum tin boat, so I'm assuming 48'' should be plenty. Anyone with a lighter 14ft boat use a 40lb on their bow? Just wondering how well it moves it. Looking at a difference of $150 between a 40 and 55lb motor.
  3. Radioworld $599 http://radioworld.ca/product_info.php?cPat...roducts_id=3051 ...also check Angling Outfitters in Woodstock as well Jocelyn might be able to put together a 522 & chip package for you
  4. That I was wondering about as well. Can you get extension pedals for the cable steers though? I'm getting the impression that a 40 would do just fine on mine. Its probably about 375lbs boat/motor/gear.
  5. I use a schumaker "ship N shore". Works great you can get them at partsource
  6. lots of great deals on the 522 right now!
  7. wow nice cats! What does this cutbait look like on the hook? I might head out and get some suckers and try this out!
  8. Darn... I think the 54'' shaft would be way to long though , 48" is as short as they come and even then it's pretty long for my boat (I had my old 30" motorguide on there last week and it was under the water working. Thanks for letting me know though!
  9. Hi all - I'm considering a 55lb powerguide bow-mount V2 for my 14' aluminum vhull. Does anyone use one of these? Looks like it'll do everything I need, but just wondering how the owners feel about it. How does the pedal steer the motor? Is it slow or nice and responsive? Would also consider a Motorguide wireless motor so open to opinions on those as well
  10. Archie's (519) 432-0880 - 152 Emerson Avenue, London He's still there.
  11. Wow great catches! I'd like to try my luck on the Thames. Aside from sucker meat, what else do you guys have luck with? I saw a post about shrimp & garlic a while back,wondering if that would be as effective
  12. what kind of hooks do you guys use for the minnow under a float? Just a treble in the back or the mouth?
  13. LMS-522! Its a real nice unit at a great price right now. I find the Lowrance units have a much better display than humminbird.
  14. Does amber work better than grey or green for visibility into the water?
  15. Thats terrible in Port Hope...cant believe people are in denial about all that. Here in London I believe we have Ontario's largest PCB waste site...the old Westinghouse/ABB site at Huron & Clarke rd. Apparently they are going to dig it all out this year, but I wonder about all the dust etc by doing this....might have to change my route away from that spot. Pottersburg/South Thames river got alot of contamination in the 80's, and that stuff don't go away easily.
  16. I'd never take my vehicle on the ice....only thing I'd consider is an airboat!
  17. How stable are the Sportpals? I have a novacraft prospector and was wondering how it would compare to that.
  18. Ray Ban P's are what I use...in black lenses. Would getting a pair of brown polarized work better? I've been wondering what to get this year also
  19. I recently got a 522 as well, but without the ice machine. Here's the kit you can buy....for $200 http://www.lei-extras.com/store/search.asp...p;ProdNum=16-46 Honestly, get the 522, spend $40 on a battery & charger, and make a mount for the kit. Less than $50 for it all. Even if you go buy the ice ducer you'll still be way ahead of spending the extra $ on the kit.
  20. For sure. They have refurbished minn kotas with full warranty. Prices are excellent I'm picking one up soon
  21. I can't wait to check out what Angling Outfitters has for deals there. Jocelyn is great to deal with. Would one expect to find a great deal on a boat here also?
  22. That is so true! Next he'll be having shore lunches once or twice an episode
  23. I'll be sure to check it out. I liked the Garpike episode last night!
  24. haha good point....since the bet I've discovered that Gulp alive are made in the US, Lowrance in US/Mexico, Minn Kota motors and St. Croix rods are US. Not what reels are though but should be pretty easy to get lures here Actually not too hard...aside from gloves, clothing etc.
  25. Sinker I'll give that a shot if we can get out again after this warmfront coming in. Thanks guys
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