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About outllaw

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  1. we achieved 2 rods on l.erie before l.st cl. was an uphill battle but common sense prevaile..... thankfully.good luck tight lines.
  2. bush dawgs are everywhere. in windsor when i trained my labs they would hassle us .there were 6. lol. a local nuisance trapper removed 5 in short order..its funny watching folks trying to catch a yote in the mall parking lot. they thought it was a stray dog..
  3. you never want to experience.the tail wagging the dog. your heart rate will experience severe palpatations . lol.
  4. Well i have fished muskies on many lakes. home port is l st clair. caught my first skie in 1956.ran a charter service and due to age/injuries we build musky lures. the LARGESTissue is enviroment,and the great lakes as a sewer system.we daily deal with invasives..if guys will deal with the obvious then calling out styles and methods that are completly legal..yes i have fished the st lawerence,ottawa river everywhere b,bay kawarthas etc. its about enviroment and other issues..why is st clair not destroyed. michigan runs 3 rods,ont 2 rods.and yet mnr states we have a musky imbalance of too many fish.,per acre. do your home work guys.
  5. we all learn as we get life experiences. many things dont matter after we live several decades. if we are fortunate..i am sure some folks will agree.
  6. awesome. i was young and dumb once lol. now i am old and bald.
  7. sad to have long line trolling a bullcrap issue. blaming use of planer boards. obviously that statement is biased and un-educated. lets just blame using hooks and boats with motors.yes theres been issues but to construe tactics,lets just ban fishfinders also.
  8. truly a monster
  9. Dara the same fools that like dump bears lol.
  10. lol. you may be using a slingshot in the near future .
  11. awesome.yes life is more then money.your happy thats what matters.
  12. my back yard. the muskies are hungry,ornery critters.
  13. hi i am on l.st cl. been building baits for a bit. clear water naturals. algae green run frog patterns. belly colors very important..in fall we run larger baits .in off waters bright colors. .action on baits is first priority.then color..contrast is the key.
  14. kwikfish. that's a memory. built 1 mile from my house. .excellent slo troll on walleyes. actually a forgotten fish catcher.
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