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Fishing 24/7

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Everything posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. just messing with ya bunk. you never promised anything. its my DREAM to fish a body of water with such pike... very hard to find here. and if you do ... its usualy stocked by some idiot in a trout lake and therfor no more trout... well... this winter will be something man... trying to get out every week end........ like i usualy do.....
  2. i wont sleep tonight! good thing those 8 points didnt impale your skull!
  3. only real men lip pike!
  4. yeah and dont forget your promis mossebunk. getting me onto one of those beauties!
  5. great year dude! gatta love them green trouts!
  6. PURE GENIUS RIGHT THERE! thanks for the great tip man this is a must next year!
  7. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38132
  8. all hail the fish god has risen!
  9. note to self: do not hand out credit card to wife.
  10. hey msp nice pike . that last one . is that a flipping jig rigged with a swim bait?!?!? and what type of line are you using fluoro? sweet report dude. the reason why im asking is that iv been catching pike while flipping and pitching for bass this year. oversizing the lure could get me into some seriouse pike like yourself.
  11. spotted musky FTW!
  12. why is it.. that you neverget the retarted looking fish!?!?!! maybe because you the master!
  13. man you guys are ripping them right in ! congrats on the beauties! stonefly. you need to clean your lenz man she seem to be a lil durty!
  14. WHAO man theres a hog!!!
  15. i think you have it perfectly . eat the rod not the fish! congrats man !
  16. A large mouth!!!! you must be some type of master or something. they were dead off 2 months ago here couldnt get anything to hit!
  17. Not quite the love making between mss. musky and I She found out a way to avoid 40 houres of tease with everything i had to give her. she dumped me after hooking into a big branche that gave me hope. she broke my heart...... until next year that is... or maybe.... a BIG maybe ..... this week-end!
  18. whats up with all the mutant steelheads?!?!?!?!?
  19. 2009 did you miss it?!?!?! Great report !
  20. That or tubes they replicate the same thing... crayfish.There # 1 food source! Good luck Buddy! make sure to report the outting. id love to see some shots of them brown trouts!
  21. throwing your rods in the boat after an outting and pitching and flippin them around in travel..... yep. '' ABUSE'' is the right word. But you have the $$$ for those dont you!
  22. anyone driving 5 houres to fish with me deserve a place in my boat! its as simple as a PM and a plan that works. and we are on the lake catching these brutes. Now with all these brutes and spending multiple houres trolling for musky my wrist is broken! but how can i complain!
  23. and dont see any probleme fishing for small mouth in a small mouth INFESTED erea!?!?!? If your so concern about fishing dont fish at all. you enjoi fishing i enjoi fishing. we all casue ''some '' damadge some way. are you telling me you never killed a BASS??? OH.. PA LEASE!
  24. Pike and whities!
  25. dont hate the fisherman hate the SKILLZ!
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