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Fishing 24/7

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Everything posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. yeah dude im fron hull quebec. we have so much untouched lakes up here. its crazy. this lake is one of my fav. NO SKUNK lake !
  2. HAHAH Iv never seen stepanie BLUSH! like that befor. GCD. youv got good eyes. stephanie lost over 75 lbs in a year! she loves your replies. keep them commin. she tell me you should work out them muscles!
  3. Ryan , stephanie. aka ... (THE WIFE) and I finaly got out for some pike today. we got to the lake early! the legend goes that this is a morning lake so @ 7:45 am we were set. BANG tip-up goes DOWN! set the hook. Small mouth bass! look to my left. Nothern pike. Sneaky stephanie. keeps her yaper shut and pulls out this SAAWEET HOG! HER PB!..... for the moment......... Congrats GURLY! Then the pike bite slows down... but we keep warm with the samll mouth. they bite all day all the time. ryan with a awesome bass caught with a sedish pimple! av. 2 lbs bass. ryan,s got the honey whole this one is almost a 4 lbs foot ball. 12 pm come fast and now the pike need to feed again. me and ryan are jigging but sneaky stephanie pulls out another trick up her sleeve. she runs to a far tip-up thats in 25 FOW. and lands an ABSOLUTE BRUTE... A PIG..... A HOG....a HUGE PIKE! What a beautifull.............................................................GURL..... .........FISH! our excitement gets cut off short. ANOTHER tip-up goes down.. ryan runs to it this time. He lands his first pike thru the ice this year and hes a happy CAMPER! a couple of action shots! What an absolute awesome day i had out with the wife and family. got some vitamin D . i justed book a day with a SHRINK i need mental help after seeing that BRUTE of a pike. Congrats STEPH! BONUS!
  4. something whrng with that lake... 4 + smallies and 10 + pikes year round... ALL HAIL QUEBEC!
  5. bowfin!!!!! gj mikethebowfin master
  6. DID YOU KNOW! that i just wasted my time watching this. and that when im out fishing i dont care about statistics?!?!?!?!?!?!
  7. nothing like getting out and thinking about nothing but FISH!
  8. note to self: book a Bull trip!
  9. my princecraft! that day caught a 5.7 large mout bass. in the back ground (whitespinnerbait)'s boat. that day he caught nothing !
  10. i knew some guys would not like it.... but after this one. HUNDREDS more where released ... im all C&R! just wanted to show how i was stupid.... if oyu can aply this. i was new exited... and with 0 education about fishing. ill say like the other. If this pike saved 10 pikes life....... theres common sense. 4 years old. maybe you had a dad that teached you how to fish?!?! i had to learn the hard way. by killing them first... with mishandling ! then comming on boards like this one and asking question . live and learn.
  11. stephanie : that ugly barbotte makes you look good!
  12. well hard to say after dropping it on his head he wasnt all there if oyu know what i mean. youv seen worse.... or done worse :) i know back in the days people would catch a big pike. bring it home to show there dad and chuck it in the garbage after exposing it 12 houres in the summer sun.
  13. why would i post this you ask. to show the evolution of anglers. this was 5-6 year back and now i would never do such things to a fish. the wasnt his gill sticking out it was his jaw bone. when i first dug it out of my computer i was laughing and got traumatized at the same time... hate it or love it. thats just the way the angling life is. note: i would never eat a pike form that baie......... this is from the ottawa river HELLO!
  14. name 5 more please for the sake of education
  15. **** ADMINS DO NOT REMOVE THIS VIDEO PLEASE***** When i started to fish i wasnt Educated in the Fishing Handling Section... I dont care who you are. we all made mistakes when angling. its like anything and everything we have to learn by our mistakes. Experimented anglers showed me ALOT and i leaned ALOT with time in a boat. These are typical errors made by new anglers. In this video i just seem to make them all at once! dont hate me for this. on the flip side learn , laugh, and enjoi this SICK video 5-6 years back i cant remmember when it was. Me and stephanie had just started to fish.
  16. HOLY MOLY! great plaques jaques! did you hit the ice yet dude?!?! im not having any luck yet... 31 mile lake is not forzen yet and mcbay is mc dead. what about lake lemay anyting there?!?!?
  17. even tho i dont know how too play... that thing just looks SAAAWEETTT!
  18. peacock bass on surface lures!
  19. a MAJOR change for me i bought a 7.6 flipping stick and learnt to flip.... few nickels later and MANY 4 LBs bass on the flip. whatg i dont understand is how a lake that holds 1000 of pike... DIE OFF to NOTHING! CMON man its a pike it suposed to hit anything that shines in there face. also learnt to fish the deep this year wich i never did befor.
  20. i went out on 2.5 inches of ice once,... no snow on top... glair ice... THEN the sun came out! the rest is history! only thing i can say is that i had to switch shorts when i came back home! CRACK A LACKLING!
  21. with a 10 '' auger you have more chance of landing a fish when they get to the ice. meanning they wont bump there head on the edges. but on the other hand if your carefull and take your time while fighting the fish an 8 '' hole if perfect. we have a 9'' i think.... i used to make 6 '' hole. losing alot on the 6 '' 9 inch more % of landing them.
  22. got off today boss phoned me this mornning cancelled he job . was supposed to go 2 houres in the back woods... last year we got stuck in the first storm like this one. lesson lived.. lesson learnt. now i can go in the garage and play with my ice fishing stuff.!
  23. with this years new lake....... Small Mouth Beast! I have to agree with spinnerbaitking... and others. best fighters in the world! Lbs/lbs
  24. quite your job anf start selling BOY!!!
  25. tehy dont exist!
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