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Fishing 24/7

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Everything posted by Fishing 24/7

  1. This one goes out to Mother Nature! This year the most important thing iv learn is . Be one with mother Nature and she will payback Generously. After (Whitespinnerbait) BAILS out on me. my good Ol' pal Mike phones me up. RING A DING DING!!! @ the lake at 9 am! Start the day of at a steep drop of . NOTHING!!!! And there i am shooting my mouth @elling him we are getting minimum 30 + bass 4 lbs range today.! i knew in the back of my head it was going to be a slow day .... KEEP HOPE ALIVE! I land the first! SLOW,COLD ans LIGHT.... temp +2 Co winds 20 km/h It was a hard day let me tell you! They were still taking the YUM tho! Some @ 30 FOW others at 15 FOW .. all deep tho. We get in a remote bay were the wind is calm . ( THANK MOTHER NAT.) and mike lands his first! A sweet 3 lbs bass and he lets her go . put the bait at the same place. One smallie two smallie. We finaly get to the '' nickel point'' high winds make it hard to fish . but we get around it and i land this smooth Bonze back around the corner of the point! We drift along the shore line and in The deep @ 30 Fow a Beauty hits me! Mike was going to fall asleep after 45- 60 Mins. of SLow action. we get to a '' rocky hump'' and he gets into a small frenzy. he lands two back to back Foot balls.! The release! After these, the bite DIED down to nothing. 1:30 later Nothing to prove and we are OUT A HERE! 10 bass were caught today. Froze our fingers off. nice sunny day. HIGH winds Great day to end the Smalll mouth hunt! PS: bassman187 No food was rigugitated in this outting. happy???
  2. walleye-man! welcome to a site that will always give out + comments and will anweser ANY question you ask! i lvoe seeing that nickel you got a big congrats on the fish man. hey... i didnt know you had a brown trout secret hot spot!
  3. that flat face grew a new set of teeth to survive..................... thats spectacular man! awesome report......
  4. simply awesome fish!
  5. moosebunk id love to be part of one of your great outtings. we can share the same boat anytime. you big pike lakes are calling my name.... and... whats that... i hear.... BIG smallies calling yours! we share the same passion .............fishing!
  6. you deserve the kind words.... your always giving out positive comment.... steelhead master
  7. wait a minute.............................. good thing you dont have access to that small mouth lake. it would have a crowd of a 100 people on it by now!
  8. Great photo session steelhead master! very respectable size. not that i know anything about them! i realy enjoi the close ups of the fish showing there true colors. congrats!
  9. la belle province du quebec! Hey whitespinnerbait. i think this guy is willing! now that you mention it...... it does sound like it!
  10. Hey si ta des lake en tete PM moe ! we will trade hot spots !?!??!?!?
  11. 200 acres bassasin' a small UNTOUCHED small mouth paradice. found this lake when i was talking with a gang of frammers on the noon brake at work. (constuction) the man told me he lived on a lake.... i jumped on the occasion to ask him if i could fish this lake. he told me he had a boat on his land i that i could fish there ANYTIME i wish... next day i was there..... since then i went there 15 times... its getting better and better and better! iv seen a bass ....... it had to be a seriouse 6 +.... so there in there just a matter of time and patience... that i have!!
  12. to all the positive feed back! is a passion that we abviously ALL share here!
  13. Well With all of Spinnerbaitkings's report He got me thinking .........SLOW DOWN YOU FOOL. I took his advice and started to Find the Big ones!!! Took my Work buddy with me for the ride! As we get on the lake, i tell him how we always get a fish on the first cast.... He took the first cast...... FISH ON! unbelievable. Its a Pike and the only one of the day. Then i head out on the hunt. Flip a YUM Brown Crayfish on a rocky drop of and land my first of the day! SWEET BRONZY! A LA justin hoffman style! This is Sly first small mouth outting of the year... Its never to late to learn new stuff so i teach him the techniques..... He picked up FAST! BOOM. his first! CONGRATS! The bite is slow.... is this because im working my bait to fast.... YES!!!! i slow it down a bit... SMACK he takes it. Sly takes a cast right beside my honey hole... SMACK! He lands one. Well now we have it made !! We leave this spot and hit one of my favourite part of the lake. ... i call this point '' nickel point'' Let the YUM fall on the drop and i set the hook. This one was feeding heavy! Cristal clear lake........ Switching spots to the '' nickel'' point was the best idea i had. Bass were STACKED one on top of the other. FRENZY!!! 4 bass BACK 2 BACK! had to take another shot of this one.... BEAUTY! Then i switch it up a little bit. i decide to go for pike ... so i cast a 1 Oz chartreuse spinner bait from Northam...... let the bait copter in 15 FOW Then i started to reel it in ... SLOW... i Feel a THUMP! set the hook..... dead weight..... pike ?!!?! Nope a 4.11Lbs Small Mouth Bass!! Northam # 1 Then it was SLy's turn.... He flip's the crayfish on a drop that goes from 15 - 30 FOW. Sets the hook hard and the fight is on... He lands this beauty of a FOOTBALL! This fish regurgitated a small pike ! release the beast! Great day to be out . The forecast was suposed to be rainy and 15 km/h winds.... but ended up beeing drizzle with NO wind! to mother nature . I LOVE YOU!
  14. SBK master of small mouth! are your tubes scented or something!?!?! seems like you did master the technique!
  15. great fish!! CONGRATS! i never fish tubes in fall but im having great success with YUM creyfish patern jigs. BUT!! i realy want to try THEM tubes you giving me the URG! whats the best technique for them?!?!? i know slow presentation is key but how are you working them. do you have a couple of tips you waht to share small mouth master!
  16. ALL hail the musky master
  17. jaques.............................................................AWEESOME WORK! now..... hard season is around the corner. with all the practice with your tools i think your ready to start working on mastering some ultra light ,ultra sensitive ,perfectly balanced and eye Breaking tip - ups. this year are you going to make them with reels? ill try to look on ebay to get you some quality ones for a low price.(reels) dont give up man!
  18. Best of luck!
  19. how can i get in contact with that guide! I PRAISE THE!!!!!!!!!
  20. 50$ a piece! ill take 5 for that price. WHAT A DEAL!
  21. we went 2-3 times with a BIG SKUNK fallowing us. this week end its stephanies birthday. so forget about the fish'n i was lucky to get out today. but for the next week ends until ice we are going musky fishing. we should all go. you and paul me and ryan. hit the big girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. this picture was sponsored by LEPAGE glue at all you GOOD stores!
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