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Everything posted by ctranter

  1. Great advice, thanks guys. There was an under armor pair that fit my face well and had a really comfortable nose piece. The employee claimed that every polarized lense will do basically the same thing, but I have doubts because my 200$ Oakleys do squat with water glare. I'll look into some of the above suggestions.
  2. Hey everyone, I've always fished with decent quality sunglasses (usually oakleys), but a friend of mine informed me that there are much more specific lenses for fishing, and glare reduction on water. I've been snoopin around tackle warehouse and BPS.com and found a huge selection, which makes it hard to choose. Can anyone recommend a pair in the 80-150$ range?
  3. Stumbled across this TED conference video and found it fascinating. Maybe some of you have heard of this before, but I hadn't. This site basically ensures anonymity for people who supply leaked documents or other classified information. Everything on the site is available to the general population... Do a search for articles related to Canada for some interesting reads. There are hundreds of leaked documents from the war in the Middle East. Interview with the editor-in-chief, Julian Assange: TED Conference Interview about WikiLeaks Like it or not, this just shows how easy it is for information to be leaked through the internet. This site streamlines that information into a single, user friendly site. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, the public now has access to many "covered up" reports from governments all over the world. On the other, wrong-doers have access to leaked plane blueprints and other sensitive security related documents.
  4. WOW, that thing is a friggen beast.
  5. Awesome report, always nice to see some chinooks get caught in Gbay for a change
  6. Judging by obesity rates in America, Old Mil certainly contributes to growth as well!
  7. They don't have Topps in Buffalo, only Tapps
  8. First, let me say that I have absolute respect for all law enforcers. Personally the OPP helped my family find a missing family member who had been missing in the forest. They were 100% caring and compassionate, and incredibly sensitive - How else do you inform families of lost lives? Then theres the flip side. When I meet a Toronto Police Officer who actually treats me like a human being (having only encountered them in traffic stops), I'll let you know. The last ticket I got was 15 over in a 50 zone (...understandable), but the officer threatened to book me on DUI charges, apparently he smelled weed. Let's be clear - I have never smoked weed in my car, and any "smell" he thought he smelled was completely fabricated. The cop pulled an obvious scare tactic, and was extremely condescending to me (I just wanted to get my ticket). The cop continued to threaten my Gf in the passenger seat, claiming she was just as criminally responsible as I was, we would both lose our licences ect... (we laughed when he said this). I see the same little rat in the same section of the Allen Expressway on many nice summer days (no precipitaiton means traffic cops actually work? hehe I kid) and everytime I drive by him I go -5 km/h of whatever the limit is and flip him a serious bird.
  9. As a kid I had a bad phobia of snapping turtles. My bro and I would be in the water all the time when we were young at the cottage. Since our cottage has no other people on the lake, the wildlife is pretty curious of humans (especially 50 year old snappers that are the dominate consumer in the lake), so the snappers would often come pretty close and investigate the commosion. To add to the problem, our dock is built on a crib that is like a 5-star beach resort, for a snapping turtle. One particular turtle was HUGE, had to be ~ a meter long without extending its neck, we called him "Grampa Turtle" .
  10. 24 bottles are $38.50. http://www.thebeerstore.ca/Beers/pricelist.asp?str=&id=0651&brandname=CANADIAN
  11. That's not what I was saying at all. I was saying that the problem is tolerance on behalf of the OPP with people pushing 130 regularity and not being pulled over. This.
  12. Which was exactly my point. I don't go those speeds unless pressured, and even then feel uncomfortable. The problem is tolerance along that corridor by the OPP.
  13. Haha that was great John, reminds me of my Grandpa
  14. I see this happen all the time. There are sections of the QEW between Grimsby and St Catherines where people regularly push speeds of 130-140. Last week when I was coming home from school I got tailgated in the middle lane at 130. Also, exactly like hammercarp said, Ive seen people rip up before the skyway, often weaving between lanes. I have also been driving over the skyway in a minivan weighted with an entire family and almost been blown off course with a hard gust of wind. I tend to be against police speedtraps, mostly because its only a cash grab in my part of Toronto, but I would be in favor of more police presence on the QE for sure.
  15. LOL! You went there! Speaking of phallic, I don't think my 7" rod will suffice...
  16. Haha the most entertaining evidence still exists - a legion of hateful TDSB Teachers who, if happen to encounter Mike Harris in a dark alley, would surely take advantage of the scenario, if you get my drift. I'll finish my teaching certification in August, but during my practicum I was surprised to see that the effect Mike Harris had on educators is still very strong. Ill always remember this moment in time, not for greatness, but for sheer comedy. Sometime in the late 90's, when Nelson Mandela came to Canada, he spoke at the Skydome for a packet house of middle school students from Toronto. When Mike Harris stepped up to make a speech, every kid in the entire building BOOOed as loud as they could, to the point that Harris's speech was inaudible on TV. Not to downplay the legacy of a true humanitarian (Mandela obviously), but I will always remember how good it felt to give that ass my loudest disapproval.
  17. hehe, touche
  18. The bass, like the human, has a constant internal struggle between one's ID, the natural drives and desires, and the SUPEREGO, the desire for a bass to be socially accepted in bass society. In turn, the bass must negotiated these drives with the EGO. The bass also has a drive to eat his father, and mate with his mother That being said, I have found that bass have very fragile self esteems: Throw something that's flashy into their territory and they usually get pissed and attack with passive aggressive rage.
  19. Heh, I didn't choose the word "poodle", the forum software opted to change the previous word to that as a filter . Honestly, the guy has just continued to cause public outrage with a LOOOOOONG list of liberal fails... Every time I read the headlines its like we're being treated like dumb children. "MummyDaddy says you can't have this...MummyDaddy did this without you know, for your own good". Who else would I vote for? Anyone who is fiscally responsible. Will the real conservative premier please stand up? Quite frankly, give me 15 minutes and I can train my dog to be a better premier than Dalton, and he already knows "sit", and "shake"...
  20. With a bit of motivation, these maps can be downloaded, unlocked, and installed, just gotta know how. I have a Garmin Colorado handheld that I got from MEC for dirt cheap. There are much better units out there, but I have no complaints as it meets every need I have and more. The only downside is its pretty awkward to use as a primary driving device, but I rarely need directions in the car anyway. Spend the extra dollar on a good handheld, save the extra dollar by downloading maps, I have the newest TopoCanada maps and they are all I use for driving, fishing, geocaching, you name it. I just can't justify spending 200-300$ on map packs that are readily available online.
  21. The tax is an additional 13% on certain goods and services that "cause a direct adverse impact on the environment"... whatever that means. Here are a list of a few items that fall under the new tax. I wouldn't be surprised if Ontarian were in favor of this if there was some proof that this money was actually being used to develop long term energy solutions, but aside from talk of a few windmills, really there has been nothing. * Air conditioners * Lamps * Smoke alarms * Car polish * Calculators * Lighters and Matches * Electric razors * Electric toothbrushes * Travel alarm clocks * Camcorders * Lock de-icer * Batteries * Fire extinguishers * Paint in an aerosol can * Tire pressure gauges * Bath Toys * Sunblock * Toilet cleaner * Drywall putty * Lantern * Electric screw-drivers * Mouse Traps * Flashlight * Answering machines * Laundry Detergent * Propane BBQ * Swiffers http://www.thestar.com/article/833510--new-eco-fees-catching-consumers-by-surprise I can't wait to vote out that little poodle Failton McGUILTY
  22. I have fished Big Whitefish a few times. Its still pretty undeveloped for a muskoka lake, so I found the bite to be pretty good. I caught a few meaty smallies there last fall.
  23. HAHA the second guy is such an idiot...
  24. This is great news. I always carry my trusty GPS with plenty of spare batteries, but even still you can't rely on it. Many times I have been unable to find a reliable signal, and this is in cottage country. Better yet still, never split up. There is power in numbers.
  25. Mountain Equipment Co-op
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