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Everything posted by TerryC

  1. Awesome, simply Awesome. I am new to the OFC so it took me a couple of minutes to figure out where I had seen that Char photo before. Great year and a cover shot. Wicked!! Best photos I have ever seen off a polaroid. LOL Clarence
  2. The first Muskie, that's where the addiction starts. Stay away from tackle shops for a few weeks or you'll end up spending a couple thousand on new muskie gear. Congrats, nice fish. That one will keep you dreaming all winter. Clarence
  3. Awesome Job, My wife and kids think I'm nuts cause I can't stop howling!!! Well Done. Clarence
  4. Stoney Creek/ Hamilton 35 years. Oss Kee Wee Wee.
  5. Cold or not, still a nice little Trout, way to go. Clarence
  6. We can never have to many people from Hamilton. Welcome. Clarence
  7. Awesome Fish, no offense to the steelhead guys (Myself included) but it's nice to see that not all fish caught this time of year are chrome. That 7'0 is beautiful. Congrats. Clarence
  8. So Very True. That's just awesome.
  9. I was driving into work listening to the cerimonies on 1010 CFRB feeling sort of lousy that I had no way to stop for a moment of silence as I drove. Then I thought what the heck I'll just pull of to the shoulder and put on the flashers. So I did right on the 403, apparently I was not the only person with the same thought because within about a minute 4 or 5 other cars pulled in behind me. We waited about 2 minutes and the slowly pulled back on the highway. It warmed my heart to realize that alot of other poor buggers on their way to work were having the same feelings as me. Proudly Canadian.
  10. How is the run up there, is it worth a trip this weekend. I'm sure the water must be pretty low and clear. Clarence
  11. Awesome fish, at least your creeks out east have a little water in them. It's really screwed up down south.
  12. Awesome Fish and beautiful pic of sunrise.
  13. There iz Knuthinn rong wid HaMiLtOn Wadder.
  14. It's now 12:30 and the rain is not nearly as hard as the weather man said, So I will be red eyed and fishing by 07:00am. Hopefully the kids will feel like a nap in the afternoon.
  15. I sure wish I had your problems.
  16. Thanks for the input, I will check out the links that were posted.
  17. Beautiful Eye, get that trolling in before the water turns hard.
  18. Can anyone tell me about a Skamania Trout, I remember reading alot of old fishing mags back inth 80's that reffered to them as wild fighting fish. Is this a just a seperate strain of steelhead, perhaps a stocked fish. How can you identify these trout i.e markings, forked tail. Just curious. P.S If they are different I would love someone to post a picture. Thanks
  19. I spent 6 hours at the whirlpool yesterday and caught nothin, so one late in the day is better then my none all day. Nice Fish.
  20. Thats impressive, you would need a CHAINSAW to fillet that baby.
  21. I learned a valuable lesson today regarding float reels, I fished the whirlpool in Niagara for about 5 hours today, with a spinning reel. I was fishing some really good drifts and was taking note of the other anglers around me. I watched about 15 steelies caught today and every fish caught was of of a float reel set up. I fished the exact same baits Roe and small worms and caught nothing. Eventually I broke down the rod and spent about an hour watching the float reel guys and it was quite evident that their drifts were way more natural looking. I also will be asking Santa for a new float set up. Good luck with the new equipment.
  22. I don't think they are all wild fish above the dam, we catch a few erie steelheads around Caledonia and even as far up as Brantford. There is however an ever growing population of resident trout, as you stated. There is know mistaking the two once you have seen them.
  23. Fantastic shots, looks like a blast. Maybe someday.
  24. All these nice fish are giving me the itch, Just need a little rain down the southern side of the lake.
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