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Everything posted by Pondo

  1. Nicely done Sir!
  2. Nice! I'm going out tomorrow. Happy New Year guys!
  3. I saw a bunch yesterday on Bronte Rd south of the QEW. Prior to this year, I had never seen them in Bronte. Kinda cool!
  4. Still, he kinda remained set in his ways and gestured his displeasure of my taking photos of him... Andy is a character for sure, certainly a genuine one of a kind. Hahaha! Ain't that the truth. What he calls 'rats' I'm happy to reel in and pose with. Great report and pics Bunk. I'm surprised he actually smiled for that one pic. LSC certainly is quite the lunge factory.
  5. Some nice hog lakers in that report. Looks like it was fun. Andy with a little crotch cover hahaha! That's not what Andy calls them. Thanks for the report and pics.
  6. Nice chrome? Did you see any other fisherpeople there or were you alone?
  7. Nice lunge!
  8. So, was it dragged to shore or on a stringer???
  9. There's some good sized bucket mouths in there and I have caught 5 between 2 and 3 pounds there. The trout can be caught closer to the waterfall where the deepest water is. Lots of dink perch in there too.
  10. Bwahahaha!
  11. Ya both gotta go back to the Rock for some spruce grouse. They literally are too easy. No fear of humans and you can even catch them bare handed if yer quick LOL!
  12. A banner year for sure Bunk but I think I said the same last year . Living vicariously through you is all good though. Well done Sir! The girls are sure growing fast!
  13. LING!
  14. The big black boat
  15. Wow! It's bigger than mine ....
  16. And he is indeed HARDCORE LOL......he will get fully dressed in waders even if its just to practice casting in the front yard I caught this candid shot with a full look of concentration. Its just hilarious and heartwarming at the same time. That's awesome!
  17. Great post. That pike is one hellofa survivor. They never cease to amaze me.
  18. I have the 4 man as well and love it. It's not really good for 4 people with all the ice gear but is perfect for 2 people and their gear.
  19. I only said that you MAY be able to park at the church. I never said "Free parking for All at the church". Permission is up to the individual to seek. I live right beside the park anyway. Was cold and wet on Saturday morning but the fish were out to play. Not in numbers but enough to keep it interisting for a couple of hours. A few bows and some browns between the lads.... My brown....
  20. You can all bash the union all you want but without them many of you would not live the life you live today. They have set guidline standards . Without them companies would be paying slave wages. There would be no safety standards. YOU would have no rights as a worker. What about WSIB? Or the Canadian Labour Code? Unions may certainly have contributed to their progress but they are now law. I think the day has come and gone for unions in this country.
  21. Pondo


    Just to tease a little more,I'm going for my first sit of the season in about 1/2 hr..... Blast a biggun' there Chuck! Best of luck.
  22. Can you say SHRINKAGE
  23. The entrance to Petro Park is now closed and locked for the season. You may be able to park at the church beside the entrance.
  24. "only difference we could figure was we were using Torpedo Divers" Wow! I've see them but never seen them used. Exactly how do they work better than other lead weights?
  25. Awesome. I gotta get my dad out again.
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