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Everything posted by rock34

  1. Ryan, are you serious with the Cheifs?? Come on now.... They are miles away from decent at this point. Matt Cassel is not a good enough QB to lead any team that is not the Patriots to the playoffs. I give KC last in the AFC West this year with 4 wins. Unfortunetly one of those wins will come against the Broncos as usual.
  2. Broncos till I die!!
  3. Excellent report gentlmen. In case you werent aware, your trips make you the envy of every fisherman to ever exist!! I hope to make a trip like that soon, I love the trips that take an incredible amount of work to pull off (planning and physical) because the result is even that much more rewarding. Congrats on a fantastic adventure boys. Oh and Mike, cheers for the excellent report as always.
  4. Very generous offer indeed. I wish I could make it but like the posts before me, I just cant make it work....because of work! Whoever goes though I am sure wont be dissapointed. I think that part of the deal with the discount should be that there is a mandatory report posted afterwards. What do you think? I need to get my fix somehow. Fishing has been few and FAR between this summer for me.
  5. The NBA just got stupid. Think about the old days of the NBA. What makes victories so good is beating other teams with great players. Imagine if Bird, Magic and Jordan would have teamed up.....there would be no heated rivalries. Today is a sad day for basketball and a guarantee that the Raptors dont have even a small chance for at least 6+ years
  6. Gents....RIDICULOUS!! I have been waiting for this report for some time and it has impressed more then I could have imagined. Im glad you guys had a successful trip. Fishing has been way down on the priority list for me lately so I appreciate the report, it keeps me sane.
  7. Dude...that is a ridiculous report. Nicely done. I have ever only had days like that in the Queen Charlotte Islands....Lake O is so much closer!
  8. Good luck Aaron.... Sign me up as a guest anytime
  9. That is a georgous fish man. Nicely done. Especially for a new Fish Finder. Congrats
  10. Nice fish man
  11. Sickness! Thanks for sharing. I just got back from the river having lost an 18" + brown......i really needed this little pick me up Seriously though, that looks like a hell of a week!
  12. Dont say that too loud, Ted may read this.....oh ya, he doesnt know how to reply to e-mail let alone the internet Teds a good man, and certianly a machine when it comes to fly fishing knowledge and expereince. Not only is he a great fisherman but he helped turn the Grand into what it is today as a great tailwater fishery. He dropped the first bucket of Browns in that river years ago. Anyway, enough Ted hype, you get it.....I like the guy lol You know Ryan, I am a RS guy through and through and I havent been in the Fishing Fanatics since it first opened. You have convinced me to try it out though. Maybe you and I should discuss on the river next week sometime? drop me a line.
  13. nicely done. Doesnt it suck when there is nobody to take the picture with you in it?
  14. 23" 3.3lbs Looks like a hell of a trip
  15. Great report Mike. That is a lot of nice Browns man. I cant imagine the footwork you put in! Nicely done.
  16. Ridiculous! Thanks for the post man. Well put together.
  17. What a beautiful fish! Thanks for the picture.
  18. Love it man! Family is what it is all about!!
  19. My daughter is almost 5 months....I am always thinking about where her first fishing trip should be. Thanks for sharing, looks like the little guy had a great time!
  20. Nicely done, thanks for sharing. I have to find me a secret crik like that!
  21. Ive fished it a few times over many years and never caught anything. As mentioned there are pike, bass (oos), perch and Pickeral according to friends that I have that live there but they are few and far between.
  22. Dude....sick
  23. nicely done Jen. What a beauty day to be out. I was wishing that I was on the water myself. Cheers.
  24. As usual Mike it looks like you took care of business. Beauty Brown and nicley done!
  25. THis happened to me 3 weeks ago. I called and they sent me a new one but it can take up to 20 busines days. The chick on the phone told me to go buy a temporary lisence if I needed to fish before I got it. Ridiculous.....lukcy for me my wallet was found the next day
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