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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Dude, come down here when the mayflies are hatching in Caledonia and York. They'll shut down bridges because they become slipperier than ice, and your wipers only do so much against bug guts. The smell is the worst part of it.


    Been through the big shad fly hatches North of TO over the years.

  2. Good thing about PB is that you can download each one of your libraries in zip format. I'm switching everything over to Imgur.


    Yup, I'm working on downloading all mine and will be deleting my account when done.

    I've been linking from my FB albums mostly in the last few years anyway.

    My High Rez High Quality images go on Flickr.

  3. Been a long week for me.

    On Tuesday evening after work my best friend slipped while playing and hurt his back badly.

    When he fell he landed on his left hip and twisted his back. He was instantly in a lot of pain and unable to use his left leg.

    I took him to the vet and had the doc check him out. He gave Sahtu a sedative, pain killers and an anti-inflammatory. He also took x-rays of his back and hips. There was nothing broken but my poor pup now had paralysis of his left leg and partial paralysis of the right.

    The doc told me if there was no improvement by morning to bring him in first thing.


    The next morning after little sleep I found Sahtu in the same condition so I went to see the vet as instructed.

    I had two options to put him down or take him to see a surgeon in Edmonton 1,500 kilometers South.

    No brainer!!!! Called work told them I wouldn't be in, loaded up the Honda and pointed her South!!!!

    Got out of town here @ 9:30AM.

    At 5:00PM I stopped for a break and let the pooch out (first time the whole trip) and his left leg was actually starting to work and he even put a little weight on it. This was the first time in 24 hours I had some hope.

    Stopped again at 11:00PM and he was putting more weight on it and was getting around better. I now had hope he wouldn't need to go under the knife.

    Pulled into the vets @ 2:00AM. He was looked at by the doc on duty then and she said the surgeon would check him over in the AM. So the pooch and I went and got some shuteye in the car (wanted him with me and not in the vets overnight).

    Took him into the clinic @ 7AM and dropped him off to be looked after.

    They did a CT scan on his back and the good news was there was no neurological damage and that he wouldn't need surgery. Got some meds and instructions for care and was told he should be fine.

    Off we went on the 1,500 km trip back North.

    Got home at 10AM Saturday morning.

    He's even better today. He's able to go up and down the stairs and is a little more stable although still weak in the back end.

    That should improve with time. :)

    Vet visit in Yellowknife: $425

    Unplanned trip to Edmonton: $750

    Vet bill in Edmonton: $2,100

    Having your best buddy back: Priceless!!!!



    That Bracket is the base for the downriggers. My plan was to install some sort of backing plate underneath the top of the gunnel. Haven't decided what material and exactly how to configure it. I have a friend who is able to make me an aluminum base plate that should work.


    I will upload some more picture, I was having an issue with it earlier. Hopefully these pictures will give a better impression of my set up.


    I didn't realize that there is a limit to how many photos -- can't add additional.



    Get a 1/4" thick aluminium plate to back it from the underside.

    Make sure it is a good piece longer than the mount to help spread the load.

    Shouls work fine.

  5. Got some roofing on this weekend. Took a lot longer than I thought it would. My back is killing me this year and I could only work on the steep roof for 15 minutes at a time before having to take a break. :(

    Was hoping to have the North facing roof finished by now. But I only got it 1/2 done.

    Vacation starts after work on Thursday and I'll be at the cabin for 10 days straight. Hope to have the roof done and a bunch of siding on by the time it's over.


    Crappy pic from the lake. Need to get one in the AM when the sun's in the right spot.


  6. Drifter, I agree with all that you have posted, but have definately seen more than one trailer that lights would not operate correctly when truck wasn't connected to ball. YMMV


    And the reason is a bad/missing ground connection (the white wire). ;)

  7. ​Definitely an issue on your vehicle.

    Check the ground wire (White) for a good connection.

    Check the plug to make sure it's in good shape and not corroded.

    Check all connections and make sure they are not corroded.


    Lastly check the output of the converter to see if it's functional.

    Have had one or two in the past do strange things and replacing it fixed the issues.



    FYI, the trailer does not need to be connected to the ball for it to ground.

    That is what the white wire is for.


    Best practice when wiring up a trailer is to run your ground to the lights and not depend on grounding to the trailer frame.

    Good sealed connections will not corrode and give you lighting issues.

    I use the heat shrinkable butt connectors with the hot glue in them to make a water tight seal on all of my connections.

  8. My son is going to start at Brock in St. Catharines this September. The rent prices for a one bedroom or bachelor apartment are about $700-$900 month. I'm now seriously considering buying another house and just renting out one bedroom to subsidize the costs. Any thoughts? You can still buy a small home for <$300K.


    In Yellowknife a room in someone's home rents for $700-$1000 a month!!!!

    Don't ask how much an apartment is.

  9. I bought a Bird Helix 7 on sale and I am not very impressed with the quality of the unit.

    I don't like the electrical connectors. They are not very robust and the weather proofing on them is non-existent.

    My Lowrance units have always been good, but after hearing the customer service horror stories since Navico took over I decided to go with Garmin this time.

    Got the Echomap Chirp units installed on my boat now. Haven't had a lot of time on them yet but they seem to be every bit as good as everyone says. :)

    Might have to add them to your list of choices. ;)


    Forgot to mention, the quick release brackets are awesome!! :good: :good:



  10. Here is a great knot which leaves you with a smooth transition between line and leader. It is less likely to pick up weeds on the retrieve.






    All I use for braid to leader.

    Works mint and is nice and tiny. Casts great and is smooth through the guides.

    Palomar, UNI or perfection loop @ the business end depending on intended use.

  11. Got out to the cabin for the weekend.

    Didn't get a lot done but I'm ready to do the roofing now.

    Was rainy and windy on Saturday so I did some screen work along the eves to keep the skitters and birds out of the cabin.

    Got my new cabin toy assembled too.

    But mostly I slept. :)




    Sunday was nice and sunny so I got the material lift all hooked up and set up the ladder.

    Then I loaded up the boat and went to play.

    Went 2/5 and had fun playing with the new sonar units. Spent most of the time recording contours and have my bay almost 1/2 mapped now.







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