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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Is that metal just nailed right to the plywood? What thickness ply wood did you use? I don't like things that are just nailed to plywood. They come free after time. Looks great though!




    Not nailed. Screwed down every 16" with expensive metal roofing screws. :D

    Supposed to be able to withstand very high winds. Much more than traditional shingles.

    It's also got a 50 year warranty. :good::good:

  2. Yep, you need to play around with your transducer mounting.


    My Garmin's still pick up bottom at 40 MPH although they lose side and down imaging at those speeds.

    Haven't had time to play around with the mounting since I installed them earlier this year.

    Hope to get the side and down imaging to mark @ speed. :)





  3. I don't bass fish but when I'm hitting the rivers for trouts and sammins I have a shoulder pack I wear.

    When in the drift boat I have a bag similar to this. http://www.cabelas.com/product/fishing/tackle-storage/tackle-bags%7C/pc/104793480/c/104777280/sc/104619780/cabelas-tackle-utility-bag-with-boxes/1651574.uts


    Would probably do what you need.


    Personally I would go with some kind of waist pack and travel very light or get one of the backpack tackle systems.

  4. Didn't go to the cabin this weekend as there was an issue with my screw order for my roof.

    Decided to stay at home and work on the cribbing for the section of dock that is connected to the shore. These will protect the lake side posts and the dock from ice damage in the spring.

    I was lucky there was no damage this spring as I ran out of time last fall and didn't get them done.

    These should be pretty solid once I fill them up with granite.




  5. You won't get me up higher than the 3rd rung of a ladder now. Nothing to climb a hoop ladder to the top of a gas bleeder 10 stories from death, at night during a thunder storm. Nuts then or really needed the money, both maybe. Just be safe is what I'm saying and I know you work both smart and safe.


    Someone is going to say you need to cut down those trees for the view. As someone that lives smack dab on Erie those trees can save you a lot of heating bills when those winds are whipping off the lake at 40 knots or more. Trees have a tendency to stave off erosion too.


    A bunch of those trees are coming down eventually.

    Ones close to the cabin.

    Gotta clear a defensible space in case of wild fire. ;)

  6. Lookin' good Dave, lookin' good. Now be safe up there, 911 isn't exactly a few minutes away, a few hours maybe? Don't do what the guy that tied off to the bumper of his car when he was roofing. Then his wife decided to go shopping and dragged him a few miles down the road. Maybe a urban legend but I believe it.


    Minions aren't very good workers, far too easily distracted.


    North side was the scary one.

    South side is much nicer. ;)

    PS. Got a harness and 3 anchor points on the roof. ;)

  7. After last weeks unscheduled trip to Edmonton I finally got out to the cabin for 4 days this week.

    I picked up a few things for the cabin while I was down South though.

    It will do dual duty as a pump for filling my water tank for the cabin and running fire abatement sprinkler system and fire hose duties.

    Wild fires are always a concern here in the summer. Although this year it seems like BC is the province on fire.

    Picked up my gas water pump and a bunch of associated goodies.


    Need a way to get the water too the cabin so I got a couple hundred feet or 2" poly pipe.


    Spent my time up on the roof layin' tin!!!!

    Too dang hot though and I went through several gallons of water and a case of Coke Zero pretty quickly.

    Spent a lot of time running the generator so I could sit in front of my fan to cool down.

    Finished up the North roof.





    Started work on the South roof and got about 3/4 of the porch roof done before I ran out of screws.

    It was too hot to work today anyway and I left the lake at 9:30AM to find me some AC to sit in.




    Temps are supposed to be good next weekend and I hope to get a bunch more roofing done.

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