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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. First of all if it's in the Trent system you are probably going to have to get a permit before you can do anything permanent like pounding posts into the bottom. Good luck with that one, they can be hard to deal with at the best of times. I used plates (feet if you will on the bottom of my posts).


    Second concern would be ice; I lived on Sturgeon Lake for 16 years and saw ice bend 8" I-beams like they were wet pasta. Sch. 80 anchored into the bottom will not stand up to ice hitting it then you have the problem of trying to get it out to replace it.


    4' wide and you want to sit out there and have a brew? I'd go to 5 or even 6' wide. At 4' you won't have room to walk around your chair to go get a refill. Two people even trying to pass on a 4' dock can be a challenge especially after a few brew.


    As for decking material, spend the extra money and go with the plastic wood type of decking, it will save you money in the long run.


    Take those brackets back. They are designed to pinch the post against the wood, there is a better type available from dock supply stores that actually pinches the post against the bracket, it's a bit more money but a far superior system.


    If you want to PM me your address I'd be happy to come look at what you have to work with and try to give you some ideas, I've built a lot of docks in the past 16 years, made a few mistakes, learned a few lessons :whistling:



    I used these brackets for mine. http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/stationary-dock-side-leg-holder-0792631p.html#srp

    Along with these for support. http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/stationary-dock-corner-leg-holder-1-8-in-0792621p.html#srp , http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/leg-brace-set-0792622p.html#srp


    And they will sit in the middle of these that will then be filled with rocks.





  2. Whats thicker schedule 40 or schedule 80?

    I bought 8 of these things for the dock.




    Those dock corners work with 2" OD pipe.

    Schedule 40 in 2" has a wall thickness of 0.154" or a little over 1/8"

    Schedule 80 in 2" has a wall thickness of 0.218" or almost 1/4" and as such is much stronger and will stand up to ice better.

  3. How will you be driving the pipe into the river bottom?

    How deep will you be driving it into the bottom?

    I would recommend the strength of schedule 80 steel pipe 2 1/2"-3" diameter.

    Alternatively if you can get your hands on a couple of sections of used steel drill pipe that would work awesome and be relatively inexpensive.

    Not sure how easy it would be to find in Ontario but the stuff is everywhere out here. ;)


    Don't skimp because of cost of the materials or you may regret it down the line.

    I've spent good money on my dock and expect it to last longer than me. :D


    These guys are in the 905 and have used pipe. https://www.interpipe.com/en/products/secondary-grade-pipe

  4. Dave... I like your idea with Wordpress and pay about $90 a year for bunksoutdoorangle but, I don't think they have the capacity to host even half the photos and, not sure I'd have the capacity to redo all the data necessary to change 97 fishing stories.

    HMMMMM, this is my plan.







    There is no cap on the disk space we provide to deliver the content of your website. As long as you are fully compliant with our Terms of Service and utilize storage for the normal operation of your Netfirms website, you will have access to unlimited space.

    Please keep in mind that in a few cases, we have had to work with customers to reduce the number of files they are using. Typically, these file counts are in the tens of thousands, and we've been able to help our customers manage them effectively.



    We have no set limits when it comes to bandwidth — which is the amount of traffic and data that flows between your website and the rest of the internet — and our architecture was built to support more than 99.5% of our customers' bandwidth demands.

    Because we offer what is known as a shared architecture, our customers share both the hardware and the "pipes" we use to transmit data across the web, so we do monitor bandwidth to ensure optimum performance for our customers. Again, we are able to support more than 99.5% of customers with no issues at all. However, in some wonderful cases, customers become so successful that their traffic and data transfer outgrow our shared architecture. When that happens, we work with the customer to identify scalable solutions, such as our Virtual Private Servers.

  5. Hmmmm... returned from vacation only to find this dick move made by PB.


    In their fine print, any users with a paid "Plus" account should continue to have normal usage, including bandwidth for 3rd party, until Dec 31, 2018 as long as their paid account has good standing. Luckily, I thought, with a Plus 20 account, this good grace would be given. In an even finer print though, PB notes they have the right to limit any excessive bandwidth use.


    Unfortunately today, after finishing what is one rather huge arctic report, all photos are not being supported. Everything prior to now, still good.


    I think all would agree this has to be the nastiest move a web provider such as this, could ever make. Reading their new plans, I want to vomit. Truthfully, with 1000's of hours into photos and writing spread out over the years, and surely many others with even greater life spent, PB will hopefully come under enough fire that they change their tune. If they shut down... I think personally, I'd be finished online. There's not enough time in a day to get back nearly 15 years.


    So what does IMGUR allow?


    And from FB... is it only "linking" provided but with no offsite 3rd party support?



    Best thing for peeps like you Drew is get your own site.

    I have one for my Arctic fishing and another for my cabin build.

    Though I've been really lax on the fishing one and it really needs updating.

    My cabin one is just a Wordpress blog that is very easy to maintain and gets updated in the fall after I finish my yearly building. :)



    I'm hosted by https://www.netfirms.ca/

    Costs me under $100/year.


    Easy to link pics too. ;)



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